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Francesc Fabregas

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Everything posted by Francesc Fabregas

  1. Fair enough, but I would never have called the lyrics cliched - there's a line in there "Be my Cherie Blair, I'll be your cherie amour". That's pretty class wordplay.
  2. I can understand why they brought back Indiana Jones (money; the fact that everyone involved seemed to really enjoy making them) but there was nowhere left to go after the Last Crusade. In some ways, it might just have been the best ending to a movie I've ever seen - the search for the Holy Grail (the Holy Grail!) was complete; father and son reconciled; and a final, wonderful image of the quartet riding off into the sunset - and there's nothing that can better it. Certainly not the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It wasn't the worst film I've ever seen and it didn't detract from the original trilogy but when you've reached the top of the mountain, where can you go next?
  3. The closest they're coming to playing in Scotland anytime soon is a festival in Manchester at the start of May. Hoping to make it down for it. As for Real Lies, they're surely due a headline tour up here. More Rhythm Method:
  4. Got a feeling this band will be huge this year. Imagine the Streets meets house music meets Prefab Sprout. Rowan Martin, the boy who sings in the chorus, writes the songs. He is a genius.
  5. Hogan tweeted out a picture of him dropping the leg on the Gawker logo. Absolute scenes. CLICK
  6. I can only really echo what Neilly says. Losing the last four matches on the bounce, conceding 16 goals along the way, is pretty worrying but the defeats were probably to be expected against the league's top four sides. We've got a run of games against the teams around us, starting with Forfar Athletic at the weekend, and if we don't win on Saturday then I'll be really worried. We have a small squad and we're going to be without Ross Meechan and Jamie McCormack against the Loons, two of our better players this season, and their replacements just aren't good enough (Stuart Malcolm, I'm looking in your direction). I'd love to work out how many goals we've lost this season through individual mistakes. I don't want to get relegated, though. It hasn't happened since I've supported the team and I reckon it's the last thing the club need - our budget's going to be cut again next term and with East Stirlingshire looking for a new ground, finances will be tight and so dropping down a division with smaller-supported opposition won't do us any good. As for the manager, I think he's doing a pretty good job, all things considered. He took on a bunch of jobbers and kept them in the division last season and he's got us in mid-table, probably where I would have expected us to be at the start of the campaign. It's been frustrating because at our best we can be a really handy team but, as mentioned above, we've got a small squad to pick from and we've been let down by the same players over and over again. Bomber deserves stick for keeping Jamie Barclay and Malcolm in the team for so long when it was obvious they were killing us every week, and the more recent decision to move Meechan into the middle of the park and bring Malcolm back into central defence was just absurd, but he's probably got more things right than he has wrong. I think the general feeling amongst the support at the moment is one of frustration. The match on Saturday is massive.
  7. Big Jim was excellent for us. He hasn't played for a couple of months - he dropped out of the team to make way for Ciaran Summers - but he was one of our most consistent players and really helped out in a problem position. I haven't seen him around for a while now but I'd be happy if he was still around next season.
  8. HOT DANG, just checked the official site and Meechan's signed up for the next two years, what a coup! CLICK
  9. There's times where I wonder how better a season we might have had if we'd had a decent goalkeeper and centre-back in at the start of the campaign. I cannot think of any Stenny players who have made aberrations on such a regular basis as Jamie Barclay and Stuart Malcolm.
  10. Ross Meechan's signed on for another season. This is tremendous news, he's probably been our best player this season and someone the management were keen to keep hold of for next term. What a turnaround he's had! Hopefully Kieran Millar, Ciaran Summers, Jon Robertson and Colin McMenamin stick around for another year too. Maybe Jamie McCormack too, he's become a very decent player over the last few months.
  11. The biggest swerve will be Roman Reigns winning clean as a whistle at 'Mania and then pitching up on Raw the next night grinning and smirking. I, for one, look forward to that.
  12. Tears at the reception Roman Reigns got on Monday night. Great work from the babyface too, coming down and throwing a telly at someone. Edited to add: Didn't we already see this at the end of TLC?
  13. Temple's a very good film, but Willie Scott and Short Round stop it from being great. I like how Willie was a completely different character from Marion Ravenwood (and the gorgeous Elsa Schneider) but she was a pain in the arse. They could have made the movie without Short Round and it wouldn't have made a bit of difference. One of the things that always annoyed me about it was the banquet scene. Indiana Jones is terrified of snakes but he doesn't give a solitary fuck when "snake surprise" is being served a couple of feet away from him.
  14. Don't think the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull did any "damage" to the franchise, it was pretty crap but it didn't sully my enjoyment of Raiders of the Lost Ark or the Last Crusade. I'm keen to see what they do with this. I think one of the problems is that Indiana Jones is more of an icon than a character - you probably can't imagine him in anything other than a leather jacket and a fedora - and so to give him depth and subtlety this time around would be pretty interesting (providing Ford is cast as Jones!) I'm a huge fan of the first three films. My favourite thing about them is how they begin with something completely unconnected to the main plot. I think the Anything Goes musical number from the Temple of Doom is the best.
  15. I see Neville's knackered his ankle and won't be able to participate in WrestleMania. A goddamn shame, he's had some good matches of late. His fights with Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens were really entertaining.
  16. I'll watch it when I get in this evening but I'm a bit disappointed not to see Ambrose jostling for the main event at WrestleMania. I can understand why he doesn't deserve it - he's had two shots to win the strap and was pinned clean both times (Fastlane and then Roadblock) - but he's far and away the most exciting thing in it at the moment. After losing his way midway through 2014 (he was sensational in the immediate aftermath of the Shield's break up before turning into a real goof) he's back on top. It kinda feels like what happened at Roadblock doesn't matter, even if it was a glorified house show. Poor Roman Reigns.
  17. Another sensational performance from Big Match Phil tonight. He was absolutely broken. Steve McFadden is on another level at the minute.
  18. As I said in a previous post, I think Reigns will come out at the end of Roadblock and make the save for Ambrose, probably in the hope that he'll get some of Ambrose's pop. At this moment, though, I can't see anything other than jeers and boos for the Big Dawg.
  19. Good episode. I do like the feud between Ambrose and Triple H, it feels as though this is what we should be building to at WrestleMania. Goodness knows where Roman fits into it all. I've got a bad feeling Ambrose is going to be on the end of a massive beatdown at the end of Saturday night's PPV and his old pal will return and make the save. Hope not.
  20. Didn't watch all of Raw but it's weird to see Dean Ambrose being positioned as a contender for the strap at WrestleMania. He was the guy pinned clean at the end of Fastlane, so surely that means he no longer has a claim on the title and should just look forward to his match with Brock Lesnar?
  21. Caught the first half hour of last night's show and thought it was really good. Like I said in a previous post, I can't remember Shane-O-Mac from when I watched it as a boy and he doesn't really mean anything to me but that worked-shoot promo was good. The only thing I'm disappointed with is how they continue to mine the past rather than come up with new stuff and promote new talent.
  22. Can't help but thinking it's all a great big work. It has to be!
  23. Just read the results from last night's show and the whole thing sounds brutal. Is this what we want to see in 2016, a recycled Authority storyline from 2000? Why must everything reference the Attitude Era? I didn't really care much for Shane McMahon when I was watching the wrestling as a boy so this means nothing to me, there's nothing to get invested in. What a way for the Undertaker to go out. Let's hope there's a massive swerve somewhere down the line. The road to WrestleMania starts here!
  24. Alright lads, I recorded a podcast with your erstwhile striker Colin McMenamin - CLICK. This is the second part of his podcast but it starts with him talking about his time at Queens. He describes it as the most enjoyable time of his career.
  25. Sorry, I meant the terms of his deal - the Bo'ness Twitter account didn't mention if it was a permanent transfer or a loan.
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