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Everything posted by KeeperDee

  1. Don't know why you're quoting someone else and replying to me. I never said that. If they had experience, then they should know not to act so uneducated.
  2. I can only reply to what I'm given, if you wish to raise points for discussion but want to keep them private, please send them by pm in future. I'll gladly discuss things with you. This goes for everyone btw. Here to help.
  3. Possibly. Nah, I don't know how it could be enforced, and like I said it would prevent non members from viewing the thread which isn't a good thing.
  4. It really is strange, I've not really done anything to warrant some of the responses I get; they all just seem to follow the StandFree03 playbook when it comes to replying to me. Should the thread be password protected or something to stop insincere people basically derailing it? Unfortunately, I don't think this should happen, as those who are not members will miss the clear benefits that this thread does offer, but if it cleans up and improves the quality of advice given then it may need to happen.
  5. I'm not trying to diagnose anyone, I've already outlined to do so over the Internet is a very stupid thing to do. I was criticising those who seemed to jump on what a person said, rather than trying to understand why he was saying it.
  6. "Then don't fucking go out then." Or something along those lines. Yeah, VERY sensitive.
  7. This thread isn't about diagnosing people, it's about sharing experiences and offering advice based on those experiences; providing support if it's need.
  8. I think you need to learn the meaning of the word "plausible".
  9. Exactly. You'll never find me saying "He's not depressed or he's depressed for XYZ reasons." I'll happily give advice to people who feel like their struggling with things, I use my life experience with the illness to "qualify" my advice. Just knowing someone has went through the same thing as you can be a real comfort for some people.
  10. Eh, no. I'm merely pointing out that people were far too quick to jump on the bandwagon of criticism. The person in question was going through some tough stuff in his life, so all of that seems to have culminated in not wanting to do things that are regularly enjoyable. People just seemed to forget his earlier posts and just thought he only posted that he was depressed cause he didn't want to go out. I'll never condone diagnosing people over the Internet, that's impossible and illadvised. Supporting people over the Internet however isn't impossible, nor is it illadvised. It does help, and your views are clearly one of a person who doesn't appreciate people's need for anonymity for this sort of opening up.
  11. Exactly. The issue is why he didn't feel like going out, not the act itself. Very plausible since one of the main symptoms with having depression is the propensity to no longer enjoy things that you regularly enjoy, and also a lack of energy; both of which, together or in isolation could result in "not wanting to go out". Astounding insensitivity from the usual suspects.
  12. Sunglasses indoors, par for the course.

  13. Near enough spat my water on the laptop screen. Bravo.
  14. KeeperDee

    Breaking Bad

    I prefer the official ending, but I wouldn't be upset if the alternate one actually did happen.
  15. I haven't felt like that for a while now, it's only because it seems I've somehow become accustomed to quite high lithium levels that some of my medication has now stopped having an effect. I keep salt at a regular level in my diet so it doesn't mess with the lithium levels, and when I exercise I ensure I'm well hydrated so I don't go low on salt. God knows why it's happened, but I'm going to the doctors tomorrow to see what the options are. Though I knew something wasn't right the day before, because I didn't sleep. I knew from the off that this was the beginning of either a one-off episode or a long cycle; thankfully (Haha) it seems it was just a mixed single episode.
  16. Eh, I posted it again because they didn't understand the original post. I clarified it. It wasn't the same thing in each post.
  17. Getting called an attention seeker when that's not really the case is rather offensive; especially when you take the nature of the matter into consideration.
  18. Cause it's not like you could fully appreciate the misfortune at having to once again either having to increase a dosage of a rather not very pleasant combo of psychiatric drugs or add a new one into the combo all together. I'm going to be like this for life and you feel you have the right to call it out as melodrama? f**k you. Idiot.
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