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Everything posted by ForzaDundee

  1. Here is a schoolkid being chucked out of class for correctly saying that there are only two genders. Fascism creeping in through the backdoor where scientific fact becomes wrongthink.
  2. Burden of proof is on you I'm afraid. Cutting back on consumption of fossil fuels and diverting from the path of progress like these XR people call for would force millions into poverty, and starvation and lower the quality of life of everyone else. You need decent evidence for your argument if you want to convince me that it's worth it.
  3. Well I'll be a Native American female when racial and gender self-ID is possible.
  4. It is very fashionable to trot out this "white men" line these days but I don't understand why anyone would single-out white men for anti-LGBT stuff when brown people are many, many times more anti-LGBT. Also it seems to be female feminists who are most aggrieved by this. The high-profile rift in the SNP is between prominent female MPs and the Scot Govt.
  5. Any safeguards against allowing self identifying women from using the womens toilet would be illegal.
  6. Silly boy if he fucks this up over a few pennies. Jack Hendry is on over net £6.5k a week at Celtic so I'd imagine Turnbull would be offered slightly more.
  7. Apparently the Scot Gov are announcing legislation for this on the 25th June, lots of debate about it from the usual Twitterati suspects. I'll always vote for the SNP but surely this will be a massive vote loser and is conceding the sensible middle ground.
  8. Any shot on target that's off the ground has a good chance of going in.
  9. Honestly, how the f**k is that not a penalty.
  10. This Clelland has done more than Ross already.
  11. Really don't understand why women are so against reducing the size of the pitch and net. Obviously they want to act like they can do whatever the men do but it really would raise the level of entertainment in the women's game.
  12. Know this is just a joke but Scottish refs are as fit as they come, much fitter than top English refs.
  13. Who's the genius who decided to have two keepers analyse the game?
  14. This Hope Solo bint is annoying as f**k and adds f**k all.
  15. The standard of this game and the officials has been absolutely woeful.
  16. None of these mugs will ever beat DJ Badboy.
  17. Only fair that she is cancelled. This whole "Farage acting like a snowflake" pov is a minter.
  18. Nobody told this to John Hawkins, 34, from Grimsby.
  19. Reading this article and just thinking thank f**k I got to live through and enjoy the likes of TITP before the world became insufferable. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-leicestershire-48627574
  20. Barr's Irn Bru or Pepsico's Pepsi Max Mackie's Haggis and Cracked Black Pepper Cadbury's Raisin Brunch Bar
  21. Dundee are bigger than United. Both are a tier above Killie. The city clubs of Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen, Hibs, Hearts, Dundee and United form the core backbone of Scottish football and the rest are just NPC clubs filling the gaps.
  22. Anyone in Scotland that's planning on going to this Liverpool friendly at Murrayfield is a virgin.
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