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Everything posted by ForzaDundee

  1. We will win the league at a canter and my passport is looked out for Europe in season 21/22.
  2. If he is PM it will be a cakewalk for indy campaign.
  3. Got two tickets available for the Pro14 Final at £10 each if anyone is interested. Now going with other friends so looking to shift these. North Stand Upper.
  4. Energy input will be much higher than simple toothpaste which is produced at massive volumes in efficient factories. Lush products are handmade which means massively inefficient and the fact it's in a recyclable bottle doesn't mean it will actually be recycled. How much energy does it take to recycle the plastic - it's probably not worth it.
  5. Carbon footprint of that surely bigger than a tube of toothpaste.
  6. When I make a cup of tea I steal milk from my flatmate and just top up the bottle with a wee bit of water from the tap so he never notices. By not buying milk myself I am using less plastic and not contributing to the massive emissions of the dairy industry.
  7. So basically Glasgow vs Dublin at Celtic Park - a historic occasion.
  8. If the BBC didn't commission it I'm sure they could just do a crowdfund and go straight to Youtube. Ironic thing is they'd get much higher viewing numbers on Youtube than BBC anyway, even when Iplayer is added. Look at the views for Si Ferry hour long interviews on Youtube, no way would they get the same numbers on BBC.
  9. They should have invested in a stadium years ago. At the least it would be good to see the derby against Edinburgh played at Hampden.
  10. Looking forward to the final. Do think it's a bit of a joke and actually quite shocking how the SRU have allowed it get to the stage where demand for professional club rugby in the west of Scotland is huge yet under 8,000 will get to Scotstoun next season. Glasgow have potential to be one of the biggest clubs in European rugby but are massively held back by the tiny stadium.
  11. Doubt anyone lying on their deathbed would say they regret having kids, probably the exact opposite.
  12. That was it. Remember when news sites started running with it being the new royal baby name
  13. Remember that meme that used to go about twitter of the boyfriend with an Israel flag.
  14. Pocket money for Tim Keyes and the wider Keyes Capital family empire.
  15. Where abouts do Berwick train during the week? Just wondering if their based in Edinburgh or not.
  16. FFS another statement and we've still not signed Berbatov. Been waiting two years for the announcement.
  17. As far as I'm concerned football stopped when we relegated United and all results since don't really count for anything.
  18. Gonna spend the afternoon in work digging up old posts from myself warning against selling the club the the yanks. I was right all along.
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