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Everything posted by RandomGuy

  1. I don't believe that would help. People seem to be ganging up on me for some reason
  2. I want a positive rep though! I truly care about it and now im at -9 for no reason half an hour ago i was +4. Meh
  3. Having a negative reputation especially when i have never said anything worthy of it
  4. I'm still drunk from last night. But my head has started to pound. Is it actually possible to be hungover and drunk at the same time?
  5. Today i have nommed on a bowl of coco pops, two cold pies, two cans on irn bru, mince and tatties, a can of coke and a ploughmans sandwich. Healthiest day i've had by far in quite a while
  6. Nope, completely uninteresting and random, now please leave me in peace! And everyone else better leave me be too! I'm just a RandomGuy, nobody interesting or controversial enough to warrant the attention i have got recently from certain posters
  7. honestly? bloody hell i thought it was weeks ago. If you looked at other threads i've admitted many times that im an alias of danib24, it's up to you to consider whether it goes even further back than him though......
  8. can't believe you can actually remember that! I'm both honoured and scared
  9. Sort of snowing in Perth too looks like it might get worse before it gets better so driving to work in a big 2 litre Vauxhall Passat Estate may have some interesting moments
  10. I am getting sick and fed up with being called Savo! So everyone who reads this better understand im not his alias!
  11. Just had my first ever training session with an Amateur football team it seems i'm much fitter than i ever thought but maybe it will hit me in the morning
  12. All the best Leeds United Glad to see a bit of stability and relative success is back a the club. Maybe if your lucky a play-off place might be gained
  13. I agree, that's why i said i dodged a bullet. To be fair so did the kid because i'm far too young and immature to look after one just now so it would end up a murderer or something should wait until yur in your late twenties for before considering a child unless circumstances dictate you can't wait that long
  14. I've just found out my ex is pregnant and decided to not tell me even though we are meant to be on good terms again. Apparently she's 9 weeks into it and i haven't been with her for over 4 months before any b*****d suggests it's mine worrying thing is she told me she wanted to dump her current boyfriend and start again with me two months ago! i said no as i like her boyfriend so dodged a fucking bullet there
  15. YAY! I've been feeling quite lonely lately. Having a pet i can carry about with me would be fantastic
  16. Bowl of frosties, corned beef sandwhich, pack of salt and vinegar crisps, 7 cocktail sausages left from Christmas and two cans of coke. Yes people i'll be dead soon
  17. Haha your crazy Mr. Whisperer, if your claiming hes a racist. Wouldn't have been banned but he kept enlarging the situation needlessly

  18. Can't believe you got banned mate, come back soon :)

  19. Epic drinking indeed!!!! Can't feel my head oddly i have a headache when ive not been drinking but it's gone when i have, is this bad? And the bench was rejected! Managed to get home even though the streets are 97% ice, was like a baby reindeer getting ridden by an elephant walking on a tightrope at points but didnt fall once! Go me!
  20. I'm going out for a few drinks (epic drinking sesh ending up with me on some bench in the high street) with just one other mate. Feel kinda sad for doing this but can't persuade anyone else ( i have no other friends), i'm hoping to hook with some female ( anything that's fuckable) as soon as because its always quite awkward being out with just one other guy! Will report back tomorrow with my story ( if it's shit i'll just make something up) Cheers for listening!
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