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Everything posted by RandomGuy

  1. just got my dictionary out and lichtie is 100% correct! My dictionary
  2. to be the sad man,

  3. That's probably the kindest thing i've ever seen directed at lichtie to be honest
  4. Don't waste your time Smurph. the tedious b*****d will just reply with some turgid standard reply
  5. i wish! I sleep for 7 hours then work 9/10 then the spare 7 odd hours are spent travelling to and from work/ shitting/ wanking
  6. Today i've nommed on a bowl of coco pops, two bacon rolls, 3 cans of coke, a cup of milk, a fish supper, a bag of chips, a bowl of cheerios and a galaxy bar from them celebration boxes. Getting healthier
  7. Maybe Wayne enterprises buys the bank? Hmmmm tis a mind teaser indeed!
  8. You truly believe Christopher Nolan will be able to resist The Riddler? his imagination will be going into a mental overdrive thinking up ideas for him my friend. Remember he is probably the most popular villian, even ahead of The Joker. Bullock and the Black Mask, once again, have been touted as not being similar to their comic book persona's with Nolan adapting them to fit the film
  9. Detective Harvey Bullock, Roman "Black Mask" Sionis or The Riddler seemingly. The Riddler will apparently not be anything like previous portrayals when he finally appears
  10. Yup. just didn't understand what he was on about
  11. About 5 or 6 of the range are 4x4's. Technically neither are CRV's for most of the time
  12. I don't like beer either. Used to drink it alot but it's too expensive and gets a bit shit after a while. Lager is nice though, export is shite, whisky is braw and vodka is teckle
  13. Depends what your in to and how desperate you are for a w**k
  14. Woman drivers. Especially the ones who buy 4x4's they can't cope with. I have to drive cars from my work to a MOT centre quite often and pass by a school on the way there. The amount of woman drivers in Qashqui's, CRV's, X5's and the like who struggle up a hill at 10 mph because they are too afraid to hit 2nd gear is ridiculous.
  15. Christian Bale is probably one of the most adaptable actors in the world, and probably the best. I often hear stories about how much work he puts in to his characters so they are perfectly the way he wants them to be, for the entire filming he virtually turns into them. Wouldn't surprise if actually forced himself to stay awake throughout the filming of The Machinist just to get more realism
  16. :o........ I AM NOT SEAMUS!
  17. Are you able to log into your account? If you have Windows XP, Windows 2003 or Windows 2000 you can usually run a protection scan. Heres a link that might help but not sure, depends on how deep the virus is. My link
  18. Thankyou! returned the favour on one as i have reached my quota for the day! They will soon be red dotted by others though Dr. Daniel Amen eh! Don't like them Christian types myself but will download it via Internet and have a peek
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