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Everything posted by Thundermonkey

  1. Managed 12 miles again but my legs are killing me. Got a cold so took it easy and walked for 650m through a wet tunnel. Recorded another negative split though. I'm shattered though, off to bed.
  2. I think the ballot results have been announced. There is always a chrity place but you'd have to raise a minimum amount (£500?) Loch Ness in the autumn?
  3. I was reading last night that they need to iron out the website for personal best miles. Your iPod will record your quickest mile ie a 5 mile run and you ran your PB on mile 3. That is shown on your iPod. The Nike+ site only collates the first mile of your runs and displays the quickest. My iPod shows my fastest mile as being 7:06 but Nike+ has me down as 7:36, because that's the quickest I've ran the first mile of any of my training runs. Shabby. The only thing I've not been too happy about so far with the whole Nike+ stuff. Gearing up for another 12 mile job on Sunday, might head over to the Falkirk Wheel if the gales are not to strong
  4. Star Wars - every time I read one of my own posts. The movie - 10/10 My avatar - 11/10
  5. Running into the wind is a bitch but it's better for you, makes you work harder. Get out there and find a hill to run up into the wind
  6. Looks like this running pish is paying off for everyone I'm at my 2003 marathon weight already and I'm still far from how I'll be looking and feeling come May. Looking at my times for various distances I'm getting faster and faster (maybe not as drastic as some but a huge improvement on 2 months ago).
  7. Hitchcock's Frenzy - 4/10 Pretty rubbish with only one or two highlights. Negative marks for: The crap anti-climactic ending. The bizzare 1st rape and murder scene - probably shocking at the time but just plain weird now. The slapstick corpse in a potato sack scene. Some dreadful acting, especially from the supporting cast. Plus points for: Being shot in and around Covent Garden while it was still a fruit market. Gives a real feel for what London was like at the time. The great comedic turn from the policeman's gastronomically challenged wife. The one magestic moment of pure Hitchcock as the camera silently pulls away from the imminent second murder and out into the busy street below. Where once Hitchcock triumphed by not showing you the violence, here he shows you some pretty seedy stuff which hasn't aged well at all. It almost feels like it's presented for your pleasure (with women easily submitting to rape and murder, lots of lingering shots of nude corpses etc). One for completists only.
  8. Nice one. Has the guilt crept in yet? The feeling that you've let yourself down by not going on a pre-planned run? It's kind of addictive once you've started.
  9. Typical. 6 miles into my 12 mile run yesterday and I start to struggle with the urge to shit my pants. Imagine my joy at finding, after resisting the impulse to unload all over myself, that my wife had gone to visit her Mum, leaving me locked out the house for 45 mins. To top it all off, once I had made it into the house, my eagerly anticipated mega-dump turned out to be nothing more than a smelly fart. I just couldn't take the risk. Moral of the story - don't go out running on a poached egg roll.
  10. Don't Stop The Rock - The Chemical Brothers
  11. If anyone can't be knacked going out for a run or doing some exercise I suggest just doing it. I had a great run last night. I didn't break any records but I felt stronger and fitter than I had every thought I would have. My 5 mile time wqs similar to previous but each mile is getting easier and faster (rather than going off at a sprint then struggling towards the end). 12 miles on Sunday? PAH! Bring it on B)
  12. there was limited toilets in 2003. I just ducked behind a bush.
  13. I've read of folk getting the shits 2 or 3 miles into marathons. I myself had to dash off for a pish after 1 mile of the Edinburgh Marathon in 2003 despite emptying my bladder 15 mins previously. Look at Paula Radcliffe - when you got to go, you gotta go.
  14. I've seen guys bleeding from their nipples due to chaffing
  15. When is that? Aren't the BUPA races quite pricey?
  16. Has anyone been tinkering with their exercise regime and suffering for it? Because of 2 social events I brought my Sunday run forward to Saturday and put my Tuesday run back to last night. As a result I feel sick as a dog today. My head is nipping, my stomach is queasy and I'm aching all over. I'm thinking 4 days between runs is too long. Not feeling that optimistic regarding my 5 miles tonight.
  17. Cheers. I'll have a look at my schedule and see if it fits - it should do, I think I have 12 miles this Sunday.
  18. What date is it? Still weighing up if I should do that one again or run half the marathon route during the Edinburgh 1/2. Unsure if doing the Edinburgh 1/2 would be good prep or make the marathon repetative? It's all flat while Alloa has some hills so I'm thinking Alloa might be better training.
  19. I tried to change music after 5 miles of my run on Saturday. Hit 'end workout' instead of 'change music' but thankfully 2 5 mile runs were recorded. I thought that it only sent the last workout. Annoyed that when I look at my profile it doesn't show one 10 mile run rather than two 5 mile runs.
  20. It's not a bad tactic. I focus on someone ahead of me and imagine that they dished out some abuse when they passed me earlier in the race. I make it my goal to pip them over the line, even though I'm breathing out my arse by the time I finish.
  21. Watty pulling out the big guns for the Nike+ challange
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