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Posts posted by chuckles

  1. Thanks for the laugh last night XBL.

    Palestinians, and their great leader a British Jewish aristocrat called Herbert Samuel. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Just out of interest, I'm sure you will be able to give me a long list of the Palestinian leaders prior to Herbie? Seeing as you are being so open and intellectually honest about everything. Or are you going to run away and hide?

    What a horrible little fat troll you are.dry.gif

    Wasn't it Herbie's folks who founded the well-known Palestinian jewellery business, H. Samuel ? :)

  2. Oh god, I think I've found her, the one.


    Maybe not.............

    Easy to understand your excitement here Stimps.....not only will this chick keep you warm all through da winter( assuming of course, that you don't piss her off), but in the intervals between your strenuous sex sessions, she can teach you da gansta rap.

    Win, win, all round bud. ;)

  3. Just finished reading 11.22.63 by Stephen King. It's a what if/time travel bookset in the years leading up to the Kennedy Assasination. This is the best Stephen King book I have read in YEARS, and there's not a wise old negro or mystical retard in sight. 10/10.


    I'm not a Stephen King fan, but as this book has had some positive 'reviews' on here. I picked up a copy today. I also got a copy of "Sherlock,the adventures of Sherlock Homes", a collection of twelve short stories. I haven't read any Conan Doyle for years but I look forward to re-visiting 221 Baker Street. :P

  4. Was running the Lib Dem stall at Glasgow Freshers Fair today. Was approached by a woman dressed up like a socialist warrior and was accosted over what was initially the tuition fees fiasco. I enraged her by telling her that no education was free unless she planned not to pay the tutors or the electricity bill, and after a detour on tax avoidance, she eventually accused me of being a warmongerer. Slightly perplexed, I asked her "how are the Lib Dems remotely warmongerers?" to which she responded:

    1. "Look at your poster it says "join the armed forces"." Response " :huh: It's a poster about extending the franchise and what you can do when you're 16. We're not encouraging people to join the army..."

    2. "What did the Lib Dems do about the Iraq War?" Response " :huh: Uh, we spearheaded the public opposition to it."

    3. "What about Afghanistan then?" Response " :huh: there was a UN resolution with overwhelming support from the international community"


    This was made more amusing when she referred to herself as a "revolutionary" and I muttered a snarky response (along the lines of "oh aye :rolleyes:" ), which prompted a vicious insistence "Yes. I *am*."

    Her parting shot was that I would be first against the wall when the revolution happens. Any volunteers to join me, for single-handedly propping up the global system of capitalism?

    No severe warning issued ? :huh:

  5. Watching it on playback off that spanish feed just now & Tiralongo was taking bottles fi the Saxo team car. :lol:

    The ease with which they just rode off the front of the breakaway was simply astonishing.

    He managed to turn it into another 30+k time trial. Saxo's tactics coming off perfectly with an anchor man on both Valverde & J-Rod.

    It looks like JR had a real off day, but great stuff from Bertie and Valverde ! After a pretty ordinary TDF, this has been a superb watch. :)

  6. Had that sleep paralysis a few months back. Lying there, sweating my tits off when an elderly Chinese man wearing a suit came and crouched, out of sight, at the foot of my bed. Tried screaming... mouth would open, nothing would come out however. Fucking terrifying. Eventually managed to free myself and spent the whole night searching my room for an old Chinese fella. Didn't find him unfortunately...

    Honalable up-market delivery boy ? Did you check to see if he'd left a meal ? :huh:

  7. Yeah, no, sorry, still none the wiser. You're going to need to connect the dots for me on the Corleone reference. I think, as I said, you just chose the most convenient piece of pop culture that matched two keywords, which is a lazy substitute for comedy (c.f. Highland League roundup guy on Radio Scotland, open mic stand-ups, the entire comedic output of ITV.)

    Even less (more? Whichever indicates less comprehension) none the wiser on this attempt, in fairness.

    C'mon swamps, Godfather 2.....Michael Corleone......his sojourn in Sicily.....Tallly bird's old man..... you're being obtuse again swampster . :angry:

    Although, to be fair, it looks as though you're also struggling to differentiate between less and more, and that's got to be a worry . :)

  8. What sort of behaviour? Did you just think "daughter" and "married" and make the first pop culture connection that came to mind? Like the guy who does the Highland League roundups on Radio Scotland?

    You really have a pretty short attention span swamps . Now what sort of behaviour have we been discussing here ? C'mon, try and remember . That's right....we were discussing whether, in today's society it was deemed appropriate to ask a girl's father "for her hand ". Remember now ?

    And Highland League roundups ? :huh: Boy, you're living right on the edge swampster...I'm beginning to understand why you spend so much time on here . :)

  9. That would be a bit sneaky but understandable.

    Not sure if you're reading my posts before replying to them but I did say:

    "Yeah, we obviously have different opinions on it but if I had a daughter and someone asked permission I'd be pretty shocked, and not in a good way."


    "A nice gesture for who? The father-in-law? Yeah, probably, if he likes having his ego stroked. Treating the prospective bride like an autonomous human rather than her daddy's property would be my personal preference, though."

    I'm obviously speaking hypothetically as I don't have kids, but I'd question the motives, guts, and regard for my daughter if a prospective husband asked me about marriage before asking her.

    If she was anything like you swamps, I'd be fuckin stunned, never mind shocked . But hey, if this sort of behaviour was good enough for Michael Corleone.........

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