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Posts posted by chuckles

  1. I got the entire works of Mark Twain for £1.45! I shall read as you suggested, chuckles. Presently reading "What Is Man?"

    Wow ! Now that's a bargain ! I'm a long time admirer of Twain, both as a writer, and as a person ....they guy lived the Tom Sawyer/ Huck Finn lifestyle and his pen name is, of course, taken from his time as a riverboat pilot on the Mississippi, "mark twain " (two fathoms ) was the call as they sounded the depth in various stretches of the river . Actually, his life story makes for a nice wee read on its own .

    Anyway, happy reading ....it's hard not to feel better after spending time with Mark Twain ! :)

  2. A Connecticut Yankee in the Court of King Arthur - a short novel by Mark Twain. Quirky and nice, but not a classic like Huckleberry Finn. I got it free on Kindle - that's my favourite price.

    Since you enjoyed the above, try his " Innocents Abroad "....it's a really good read and I think that you might get it at your favourite price . :)

  3. I was just going to post about her having a new bloke living at her house when she is getting benefits for herself.

    Edit: Just to add that I was chatting to Nelly the elephant from upstairs the other day and the reason she has her hoover on so late at night is to get rid of spiders. :blink: I'm sure there are other ways to get rid of them,that don't include her putting her hoover on at 12pm.

    circus-elephant.jpg?w=220 Cheek of that c**t, pullin me up ! Right through his ceiling I'm going...right through his fuckin ceiling !! :)

  4. Through trying to be decent, and do the right thing, you've allowed this to drag on for way too long mate . You see, people like the charmers you've described here, don't see you as being a good, considerate neighbour..they see you as a mug .

    However, there are two methods that you can employ to get some peace in your own home ;

    Firstly, there's the legal route which involves the police, the local council, and the Environmental Health services . If used properly this method will work, but will probably take some time .

    The second method isn't a legal route( so I won't go into details here ), but it's guaranteed to work pretty quickly .

    PM me if you're interested in futher info on these solutions . :)

  5. He didn't half, but managed to carry his bike over the finish line, so hopefully shouldn't be too bad.

    This could be a tough season for Cav given the weight of expectation on him (not least placed there by himself I suspect).

    I think that the wee man's new team mates will be good enough to ensure that he keeps his sprint crown though . , , Although it's very early days, it looks to me that the guy who will lose out is Renshaw, who had hoped to challenge Cav in the sprints .

  6. What is the top speed other cyclists have managed,the best i have managed is 38mph and even that was downhill with a wind at my back.

    114 mph on the flat at Strathclyde Park during Hurricane Bawbag . This was confirmed by two traffic polis who were parked at the Bothwell side of the park as I rocketed past ! :lol:

    Btw, wee Cavendish got a sore wan at the finish of today's Giro stage . :(

  7. Just finished reading Fredrick Forsyth's "Odessa file" after seeing the film. It was a great read and totally different from the film. I've quickly moved on to Christopher Reichs's "The runner" which is proving to be another excellent read.

    Both are well worth a look.

    Agreed..... I particularly enjoy Forsyth's early stuff . If you haven't already read it, try his " Dogs of War "....most of the material for this was gathered while he was a BBC correspondent in Biafra . :)

  8. Going out with my local cycling club for the first time tomorrow morning.

    Weather forecast = pishing down and cold.

    Nice dry.gif

    ETA on Sun 4th March:

    So, rolled up in the howling wind and driving rain, and loitered for a wee while until one guy came along. This guy was 75 years old (76 on Saturday), I kid you not! The plan was he would link up with me and we would head to meet another guy a few miles along the road. The second guy was a mere boy at 74 years old!

    So, obviously the club organiser was pitching this at a certain level for the newbie diddy? Well, yes and no. These old blokes, the first in particular, are hardcore. We also met up with another couple of riders. One about my age and another younger guy in his early 20s.

    The pace was pretty pedestrian for the most part, but that was fine as it was my first taste of group riding. Really decent blokes, too, it has to be said. We covered about 45 miles with a cafe stop, and the weather improved on the return leg.

    I enjoyed the day, and will go back. The guys I was riding with reckon I'm fine for their intermediate group (this sits below the serious riders who race etc.). That sounds good to me, and I'm planning to head out for their 70 mile ride next Saturday all going well.

    Some motorists don't seem to take too kindly riders in a group. Their problem, I suppose, but I'm not generally used to this as a lone rider. The etiquette stuff might take a bit of getting used to, but there are plenty of good reasons to join up with these guys I reckon. Huge credit to the older blokes. FFS, if I'm in anything like that kind of nick when I'm their age, I'll be hugely proud of myself.

    I heard that their dad couldn't make it as he was working . :)

  9. Could well be, need to do a bit more investigating :)

    This was the article written in a local newspaper when he died.

    A profound feeling of regret was occasioned in the city this morning by a report, which unfortunately proved to be true, that Mr Dugald Macdougall, the town clerk of Sandhurst, and a gentleman who was held in very high esteem by his numerous friends, had died in a very sudden manner. It appears that the deceased gentleman, who for some years past had been suffering from heart disease, was at 5 o'clock this morning seized with a violent pain in his chest. The usual remedies were applied, but these having no effect, and Mr. Macdougall rapidly growing worse, Drs. Cruickshank and Landvoigt were sent for, but about 7 o'clock, before either of these gentlemen arrived, the patient died. He was 46 years of ago, and a native of Greenock, Scotland. Mr. Macdougall was one of the first and in earlier days most successful reefers of Bendigo. He arrived here in 1855, and was the first to erect powerful machinery on the Victoria Reef. His speculations for a period turned out very prosperously, but subsequently he had a long series of reverses in mining. In 1867 he was elected a member of the City Council, in which capacity he continued to act until 1876, when he resigned, and was appointed to the position of town clerk, which he occupied up to the time of his death. Tor the duties of this office he was peculiarly well fitted. He was also a member of the honorary Bench. The deceased gentleman was a brother of Mr Macdougall, of the firm of Sands and M'Dougall, of Melbourne. The funeral will take place on Sunday.

    This notice was also published in the Tasmanian paper, The Mercury.

    There were, in fact, refrigerated ships ( reefers ) in use in the early 1800s .

    However, since your relative is described as a " most successful reefer ", who erected machinery on the Victoria Reef, then later had reverses in mining, it looks like the reference is to the Aussie slang word for someone who mined the Quartz reefs which supplied alluvial gold . :)

    ETA. Just noticed that Swampy has already confirmed that Reefer ships were in use in early 1800s. :)

  10. Managed to run 5k in 18 mins 15 secs the other day. I can't be arsed reading through this entire thread so if someone who is a member of a running club or whatever could tell me if that time is any decent compared to the general standard at such a club that would be smashing. Should probably add that i ran it on a treadmill and appreciate it woud be harder outdoors

    I'm no expert, but it seems like a pretty decent time to me. I did 5k over an undulating course...Strathy Park, Smithycroft etc., in 27 mins. this afternoon and, as it was my first real effort since last year, I'm quite chuffed with that .

    All being well, I'll be out cycling tomorrow morning . :)


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