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Zen Archer (Raconteur)

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Everything posted by Zen Archer (Raconteur)

  1. Well folks, that's it for another year, unless you're interested in more made up shite at the end of November.
  2. Mark Nelson at the Stand Edinburgh, great warm up and controlled the room superbly despite some pished woman from Paisley who thought she was the main act.
  3. I'm surprised that there was enough of the Red Army left to swing it.
  4. I'd prefer to see Shaun Dennis cutting serial imposter Yogi Hughes straight in half.
  5. This pale ale came as a surprise, very citrusy. The jury's still out on that.
  6. Loads of examples in Edinburgh of people appropriating a culture and looking fucking shite.
  7. There's no second contact you fucking mess.
  8. Must be paper thin if they didn't give you a steak knife.
  9. Letters to the editor, Signed, Disgusted of Mount Florida.
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