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Everything posted by Ric

  1. I'm not disputing that Scottish football is well supported, per capita, I was musing over just how much weight the OF gates add to our ratio.
  2. Well that's the question I'm sort of putting out there. I honestly don't know. I seem to remember someone comparing us to the Dutch league and while they have big clubs with high attendances, there isn't the level of drop off down to just the few thousands.
  3. Tables like this always make me wonder whether the OF skew the figures. It's obviously true that no matter the league you go to there will always be big teams and smaller teams, but I do wonder if the difference in attendances between top and bottom is more of a contract in Scotland than it is in other places. The OF might bring in 50/60k, and you'll have a middle ground of the Edinburgh clubs and Aberdeen, but other than that we're talking the 3000 to 7000 mark. (source: BBC - https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/48473238)
  4. Come now, Tam, even you must have seen that as an obvious ruse.
  5. I first encountered it when I was working up in Altens, where a lad would regularly come in to work with one from a street side burger van. It may be a common thing elsewhere, but since those days I've seen quite a few ask for it but only in the NE. I was told it was a triumvirate, McLaren as boss, Wright as his assistant and MacKay taking the DoF role. The idea of Wright being second in command did surprise me but when you think of the level he came from, you can't really compare the countryside town of Perth and it's plucky rural side to either of the behemoths in the city of Discovery. How is it being paid for you ask? Neilson's compensation. As successful businesswoman Ann Budge is such a successful businesswoman she managed to drive up the fee from her constant claims that her club was in fact loaded and looking to bring in a sizeable chunk from legal action.
  6. No, no, if Jackson had been spreading nonsense about Covid then he should be rightfully called out on it. As for my political leanings? Yeah, you'd be right. Although I would now class myself as a 'real world socialist' rather than the out and out Marxist I was during my 'fallow youth'.
  7. The rowie description or the pie in a roll? If it's the latter, I only encountered that up in Aberdeen. Are we sure we are talking the same thing here? While it's been some time since I last ventured that far North, I don't remember rowies being a thing in the Northern Isles. Are they baked locally or do they come pre-packaged, as I have seen those. The reason this has gone off topic is that people are trying to avoid discussing the possibility of MacKay taking up the hot seat.
  8. Overly salty, greasy, flattened and best when crispy and warm. They sound horrendous but are quite the thing to get the blood pressure raised in the morning. I have more issue with the Doric tradition of a pie with onions and brown sauce served in a roll as a "breakfast".
  9. Jinkies, I hope you aren't equating me to the loathsome Irving.. ..even comparing Jackson to Irving is quite the stretch. Really, you think calling out someone for using child abuse as "strategic fodder" in a thread about Hearts relegation is somehow just me virtue signalling? If so, you should equally take a long look at yourself. Perhaps you are the same poster, double teaming the stupidity?
  10. I actually lived up there for about 5 years, and was regularly castigated if I called them butteries. That said, I was located in the posh end of town, befitting of my general demeanour you understand, so perhaps the more "earthy types" from Tilly or Tory would favour buttery within the local parlance.
  11. Absolutely stinking patter. Trying to connect Hearts relegation legal fight with the abuse of children. I get that you are an alias who is just on here for "the bantz" but you really should take a look at yourself.
  12. Well it has to be said, Keith Jackson is a well respected and extremely knowledgeable journalist who represents the majority view from the west of Scotland.
  13. So where is this example of the "weegie media" getting desperate. Got to say, classy introduction of child abuse into the subject. While clearly an issue worthy of debate, using it to score points in this manner is pretty low brow content.
  14. Go on then, show your workings. While the red tops job is to sell papers so will punt out any old shit to sound dramatic, it can't be anywhere near the rancid desperation being posted on JKB.
  15. No idea about Tokely, but in terms of McPhee could there be a cynical thing here where for outlay of a few hundred quid you can get your name up the bookies list giving you more prominence for the next job that comes around? I can't imagine the book for this is particularly hefty. I seem to remember that a £50 bet got someone from the hundreds to 1 up to 10 to 1. I wish I could remember who it was, but the story is from maybe 5 or 6 years ago (maybe more). I'm absolutely no expert on bookies, as I've never placed a bet in my life, so maybe someone can clarify just how easy it is to manipulate the odds.
  16. How much of a brass a neck does successful businesswoman Ann Budge have to claim for consecutive seasons in the Championship? It's this sort of constant over reach that has seen her fail time and time again. With a genuinely successful businessperson in charge you lot wouldn't be going to court now, and we'd be looking at a reconstructed league. Absolutely, Dean's "open letter" was an incredible own goal. Not that it was well informed, because I'd suggest it wasn't overly so just the usual legalese conjecture, but because it lifted the lid on the craziness being entertained by the Seethelothians.
  17. Oh, now, can you imagine the scenes if Hibs took them to court for getting relegated! If only that rumour could run in the papers for a few days, the seethe from JKB could power entire towns.
  18. There's your problem, you've mixed up an actual FACT with someone's condescension. Yeah.. we all know how bookies work, they look at how much money they will have to pay out and adjust the odds based on the maximum profit. If loads of people pile on a bet the odds come down not because that result is more likely, but because the bookies would need to pay out more if they kept the odds high and it did end up being the correct choice. As they say, "you never see a skint bookie".
  19. Yeah, everyone knows rowies disintegrate the minute you take them outwith the county borders.
  20. Can't imagine McLaren will go for the gig, but you never know. The pull of being in the same league as Gerrard (who is clearly box office down South where McLaren would happily take some up to date exposure) and United does trade a bit on the "we've beaten Barcelona" line so maybe he'll feel that's enough of a pull. MacKay would be a strange appointment considering his history and the fans' opinion of him. Finally, anyone speaking Dundonian and/or Doric sound like you are having a stroke. FACT!
  21. Are you unaware of Morrissey's support for right wing dog-whistle populists? He's been pretty open about it. As I say, if you are to complain about MacKay, and I'd say there is a justifiable basis to do so considering his previous conduct, perhaps not use an avatar of someone who supports those who hold similar views.
  22. Just a bit rich complaining about someone of questionable character with when posting with an avatar of something with questionable character, let alone the content of that post. Not that I am defending MacKay btw, I really have no dog in that particular fight.
  23. Successful businesswoman Ann Budge originally claimed it was down to the loss of gate receipts, prize money and the like. When the Championship was curtailed to 27 rather than 36 games (which I believe is still the case with them starting in October) she lumped another couple of million onto the bill. Then some wag, no doubt the Gollum-esque Deans, convinced her that she should claim for multiple seasons in the Championship just in case they don't make it out first try - somewhere in there they came up with the 8 million figure. It's doubtful whether we will ever see the figures. They could be leaked of course, but the only way they would need to be published officially is if they put them to the court in terms of a compensation claim. As it is, the court case, I believe, is currently only on the matter that the SPFL fucked up calling the league and thus promotion/relegation is effectively nulled (hence the citing of Rovers, United, Cove - Interestingly no citing of Celtic for being awarded the Premiership title but then we all know she shat the bed there). I don't think it's possible for her to get the court to force reconstruction, so if she wins the "youse fucked up" argument then that's when we'll see what mental back of a fag packet maths they've been working on. I am no expert btw, it's been too difficult following proceedings while wiping the tears of laughter from my eyes, but that's my take on it.
  24. Remember how Rangers were ultra seething for years, claiming they would be joining other leagues, be dismantling the league bodies, be forcing through change at every level all the time refusing to accept that their club did anything wrong? Sound familiar? Wind forward 8 years or so, and while there is still a hugely bitter streak amongst a certain section of their support and a simmering hatred at board level, what do we have? That's right, Rangers have achieved nothing, they have towed the line. "Surrendered", if you will.
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