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Everything posted by Ric

  1. That's the problem in seeing the game in isolation, we had actually been playing quite well, albeit the results weren't quite matching the effort. We'd lost games to Hibs (a) and Celtic (h) but by slim margins (1 and 2 goals respectively) in the run up. The game against you lot, and Motherwell a few weeks later, were outliers where we pretty much went missing on the pitch.
  2. Three things I miss about Love Street, in no particular order.. 1) The sheer insanity of running down the Caley stadium steps when we scored. It was like abseiling down the North face of the Eiger. 2) The rush of the hostility at the cage when either team scored. I honestly don't remember stewards ever policing it, when a goal went in it was open hostility akin to the Korean DMZ. 3) The Wee Barrell when it was stoked to the gunnels.
  3. It doesn't have to. The judge could rule that the this is not a concern for the courts and that they should seek to resolve the issue through the sporting bodies (SPFL, SFA, CAS).
  4. You should hear the funny nickname I've conjured up for the Arabs.. Seriously though, I've had those idiots call us St Liedown for decades, a few months of me rattling off Heart of Seethelothian shouldn't bother anyone. What's more, it's currently a very apt moniker!
  5. So if I had to give my opinion... Perhaps the SPFL are duty bound to put forward the case they are to present in court to all their shareholders, the "problem" being the people they are in litigation with are also shareholders thus the documents are sent to them as well. As Heart of Seethelothian and Partick (presumably) disagree with the case being put forward they have released a statement saying the case being put forward is incorrect. So, for me, it sounds like the SPFL possibly following protocol and the gruesome twosome losing their shit. I could be wrong, but that's my guess.
  6. Mistakes and an empty quote. Yup, that's exactly how I see Heart of Seethelothian's actions.
  7. No, no.. if they did that then they couldn't spend hours with intellectual behemoths like Neil McCann repeating the mantra "what I don't understand is why anyone would be against this", while looking around at the very journalists whose job it is to to find out why anyone may be against it.
  8. Tom English, a man who has spent the last 2 months stoking up division, asks "how long will it take to heal".
  9. I like the "time of this is questionable" line. Not unlike wee man Deans giving it "youse will all be spitting feathers 'cos we'll be suing yer arses" open letter that was published the day before the vote on successful businesswoman Ann Budge's second bite of the reconstruction cherry.
  10. > These are lies. > What are lies? > The thing we've been sent. > Can I see it? > No, but it's lies.
  11. Somebody has to leak the letter. Come on you social media lovers, get searching.
  12. Versatile player who can go box to box? I'd say in a fairly thin squad that's not a bad addition.
  13. So here's the thing, most of us are old enough to remember "black hole of Calcutta" type bathrooms of a bygone age, and Greenhill Road is obviously a world away from that, but in truth, the bathrooms are pretty much a "what's needed and no more" affair. I understand why, of course, most people attending football are blokes who generally don't care so long as they can piss and leave. However with the mantra that "oh, it's a family outing" and that football should appeal to the whole family then "niceties" such as clean, well maintained and properly laid out toilets shouldn't be a crazy idea. I appreciate it's a money thing, but we now have a justification that goes beyond a marketing reason. From Wiki (whether true or not is obvs open to debate): A tough tackling intelligent box-to-box central midfielder, who enjoys breaking up play, Rose played regularly as a holding midfielder in front of a back four; he can also play as right-back and centre-back as well as his favoured central midfield position. You've got to say, if that is what he is, then it fits what we need.
  14. Got to say I don't buy the story that our budget has suddenly been slashed. Is it lower than last year? Probably, and for all the reasons we can think it will be, but I just don't believe Scott walked into Goodwin's office and said, "just a heads up, big man, we're cutting your budget". Goodwin, I have no doubts, would have been aware of the situation long before now and the rough figure the budget would be. It's going to be an interesting transfer window. I'd say there are many other teams who have overextended compared to us (especially down in England) and I can see clubs happy to keep afloat by letting players go when in a normal season they would have kept them on. There could be some bargains to be had if a decent length of contract is offered along with a positive vision for the way we play - and I'm sure Goodwin will be able to do that last part no problem.
  15. Yeah, that's not true, carry on though.
  16. After a quick shufty at JKB there's lots of "hold the line, lads... hold the line..." but the game is a bogey. They spent weeks going "look, look, France..." only to now give it, "it's a different country, nothing to do with us". The last straw they are clutching to is compensation, and you spot that certain posters have vacated this thread after spending the last month or two adamant their case was rock solid.
  17. No mention of Margaret Thatcher and her death? Something that would equally please most scoucers.
  18. You can tell by the absolute outrage my post has caused. Glass houses up the North East it seems.
  19. The condescension from the North East is evident. What's wrong lads, not enough Jim McColl planting bulbs?
  20. The best thing about a Wright appointment would be the farmers who have littered this thread with "he's no coming to youse" posts. The worst thing is that he'd be a competent choice, unlike some of the names mentioned so far.
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