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Everything posted by Ric

  1. Not a bad shout, although I think we both agree the resolution to this is to slowly turn on (or off) the extensions.
  2. Exactly the same to be honest. Deleting chrome is a sledgehammer/nut solution imo. There are two things that can affect how searching works in chrome, they are search engines and extensions (again the same as firefox) you can install or uninstall both. With some extensions they will set what search engines are available and active, so there can be a little bit of cross over, but in general they are separate settings within the browser. Just to confirm, for chrome, search engines can be found by putting the following chrome://settings/searchEngines into the address bar, and extensions chrome://extensions If there is nothing obvious then it's a case of disabling every extension. Restart chrome, does the problem persist? If so it's not an extension (and may be something system wide), if not then it's a case of enabling one extension, restarting chrome, seeing if the problem is reinstated. If so the source is the extension you just enabled. Repeat until you've identified the extension responsible.
  3. Did you disable, then uninstall, the Delta Search Engine extension? You will find your extensions by putting chrome://extensions/ into the address bar.
  4. It's not a virus, you have simply installed either an extension or a search engine for Chrome. Both can be fixed/removed by going to settings and either "Manage Search Engines" or "Extensions" and disabling then uninstalling the relevant item.
  5. Ric


    Mr Waters? Having a high opinion of himself? Imagine that..
  6. Ric


    Backing up my point exactly. The dreadful last 3 albums (The Miracle, Innuendo & Made in Heaven) are pretty poor. There is the odd track of the three that is worthy of a listen (like the title track from Innuendo) but it is mostly filler, especially the last album as it was a cut and shut job with everything left over once Freddie was dead. As for the worst album, surely Hot Space. Now granted it had Under Pressure on it, the rest is gash and if you listen to The Game (before it) and The Works (after it - I'll not count Flash Gordon as a standard studio album) it's so out of place it's almost like another band came in and did the work. For those who have never heard Hot Space here is a medley from YT... For a band who up until The Game (1980) actively promoted the fact no synthesisers were used on their albums, Hot Space just seems like a very bad mistake.
  7. Ric


    I think you'll find Hot Space and the last 3 albums go to disprove your premise. I love Queen though, great band, and one I've never seen live funnily enough (I don't like stadium gigs and by the time I was old enough to see them, that's all they did). Their best work though, imo, is the first 3 albums (Q1, Q2 and Sheer Heart Attack). The anthemic stuff is good, but too populist, I honestly could go my entire life without hearing We are the Champions or We Will Rock You one more time. That said from the very same album (News of the World) there is a cracking track called Spread Your Wings. So good that I think I'll post a YT link to it, but it demonstrates perfectly the problem with Queen; some excellent music, some painfully over played chart hits, some utter rubbish. One of the nicest thing about this is despite the fact Queen are very famous and live luxury lifestyles, they can still put out songs on subjects far removed. As I say though, the earliest stuff is what I like best.. I've played this track to quite a few people, and when I tell it's queen they seem genuinely surprised. There is also a common argument given that Queen failed to do a great studio album after Jazz (1978) and to be honest I find it hard to argue against that.
  8. He is very poor, that is true and in truth I would rate him alongside Limmy in terms of enjoyment, but you have a point. However I can see why people find him funny even if he isn't. I just can't see what is funny about Limmy. It's the same as that Tank Commander thing, it's equally gash yet Scots seem to lap it up. That and Mrs Brown's boys which is a heinous crime to comedy. Really? I find the subjects he chooses to be pretty juvenile. People laughing at the "Shit, it's all shit" sketch for example. That's nothing more than what some spotty teenager would think.
  9. You see I would agree that there has to be an age element, but anyone that knows me knows that I am "hardly out of touch", with my sister and family generally lost when I'm talking to my 18yo niece about stuff. In this case I just think it's the humour (or imo, the lack of it). What people here seem to be falling all over themselves about I just don't find funny and I don't think that is age related.
  10. It's the fact that people find it funny that I find most confusing. Granted the only people I know who like it are on this board, but that said it has to appeal to a certain demographic. Not really, I see him I switch off, that's not playing into the hands of anyone other than the other channel I switch to. I'm not slating Limmy here, btw, if people find him funny they find him funny, I just can't see why.
  11. I just don't get it. His comedy is massively derivative and what isn't can only be called comedy in loose terms. He is also extremely annoying, imo. Fair play, he's making money out of it, but I just don't understand how this was commissioned for one series let alone others.
  12. To use a Jewish phrase, it's chocka full of schtick. Just about every line is either a gag or a setting up a gag. Episode 8 or Series 3 when Mallory calls in the guys because the Italian president was found shot dead, in a gimp suit, with a dildo up his arse. Brilliant stuff and while I realise it's bad show to post a link to this I am sorely tempted as it's such a good episode.
  13. * bump * Just watched the entire 3rd series of this. I was literally (yes, literally) crying with laughter through most of it. The lad who voices Archer (H. Jon Benjamin) is excellent and brings loads to the roll (his screams of delight when he finds an drinks decanter in his new car (S3:E7) had me in such fits of laughter I had to stop the playback).
  14. I believe she is Irish as well. Not sure if it's North or the Republic. Either way the name on it's own is certainly enough rope for the bun conspirators to hang themselves with.
  15. So they wish evidence regarding FARE but not evidence regarding EBT. Funny that.
  16. It was mentioned that Black had to undergo an operation (on his knee I believe) which Hearts weren't willing to pay for along with his wages thus he was released at the end of last season. He has the operation but no clubs will take a chance on a player who clearly has enough to compete at least to Championship level. Mix that with Sevco having a transfer embargo (if they accept the SFA licence) then anyone who signs up now will no doubt be guaranteed at least a 3 year contract (and probably on decent enough wages). With all that in mind, it shines some light on why Black is desperate to play for Sevco.
  17. They only need an SFA licence, and as things stand I believe all the SFA are asking for is the transfer embargo to be put in place. The SPL/SFL media rights and EBT investigations should be completely separate issues and shouldn't affect the SFA licence. It's Sevco itself that is stopping their participation in the 3rd by demanding something from the SPL. They are signing their own death warrant when the path to play in the division is open. Personally if the season deadline comes and Sevco still haven't gained the SFA licence then the remaining place should be put up to a vote in the same way previous entrants to the 3rd were handled with whichever team playing in the 2013/14 season with this season seeing an 11 team 3rd division.
  18. As I say, embarrassing. In fact shameful. Sevco asking for no further investigations is as implicit as saying "We done it" and the SPL demanding the rights only shows what a fucking mess they made of it all. Scottish football is as good as dead. It's neck deep in it's own shit and run by fucknuggets.
  19. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/18941515 That's just embarrassing for all parties involved.
  20. Just how will Sally "not accept" the removal of trophies? Going round with his hands over his ears shouting at the top of his voice, "la, la, la.. can't hear you".
  21. Sally has turned out to be an even bigger cunt than was suspected. I just thought he was a greeting wee bawbag, yet he really has outdone himself over the last 6 months.
  22. Well you can understand his confusion, both Goram's would expect a vote each.
  23. My good Sir, I believe you have misjudged my banter significantly... No, no, no... he was just misquoted don't you know? All of it apparently. Or what was it that Clinton claimed? "Mis-spoke". That's it, Regan "mis-spoke".
  24. I have to say that SSB show from last night, is worthy of a Perrier award at the Edinburgh Fringe!
  25. And your club went through a very similar process and were not punished at all, so it is any wonder you pander to the soft option. Why not just buy a season ticket for Sevco if you are so concerned for them.
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