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Everything posted by Truthhurts

  1. Ye see, that's the trouble wi' o' them Sassenachs movin' up tae Dumfries frae doon Sooth. Keep tae supportin' Carlisle or Preston auld chap.
  2. RossQOS and Katboy, shame on you for having yer blinkers on, but we micht no ayeways gan tae the gems, but we dae read whit is gan on at them. Yees are gan on an' on aboot hoo boring the gems are, yit yees expect folk licht me tae jist accept it..............nae chance.
  3. Aye at the moment, but I am indeed a floating fan and will not turn out to watch the shite style of play the last three managers have had the team playing. There are hundreds more like me who would make the effort to actually go to games if only the BoD tried to entice us in the first place.
  4. You are quite correct Mr X. I often come on here and mock Queens, I am not interested in going to watch Queens play the like of Livi, Cowdenbeath and Ross Coonty. Now that we are in the 2nd Division, there is no way I would cross the road to watch Brechin City, Forfar Athletic or Albion Rovers and certainly not twice during the same season. However, I would go to watch us play Hibs, Hearts, Killie and Motherwell. They must learn to look after the supporters better, especially the season book holders.
  5. Aye, Queens are a geed club tae play fur, ye git rewarded even if ye tak the team doon. Expect mair o' them tae sign shortly.
  6. Black Bottle is good, but Johnnie Walker Black Label is superb. 97% of Scotch whisky sales are blends, that should tell you something. Always blended whisky for me. Single malts are like wine, vastly over rated.
  7. It was an awkward situation. you can't hire his Daddy and then free his son. Even the big "cheese factory bully" widnae dae that, or would he?
  8. Nor dae I, there huznae been yin player signing that has excited me yit. Maistly failyers frae last season. It looks licht anither relegation fecht aheed this season when it sterts.
  9. Why Mr X did you take a perfectly reasonable post from me from the 2nd Division forum?
  10. I see there is a post on the official site frae someyin cawed Eric Moffat that Queens are playing in some reserve game against Hamilton Academicals. Ye wid think that someyin at Palmy wid ken there isnae an "s" at the end of that team's name.
  11. Dae ye ken if he is still gan tae work in the auld stand showin' aff the Southern Coonties Cups and the like?
  12. Why don't Queens give super-fan Ian (Blacko) Black the managers job, he kens it all.
  13. Look if Blacko was such a huge fan of Queens he would be posting on websites like this along with Skyline, Blazerman and Luke 11. He might be a reader and ken a lot aboot the club, but by no gan tae Hampden the ither nicht proves he is jist there fur the glory.
  14. Greyfriars Bobby last night. The music is too loud and it's hard to hear what they are saying. This seems to be a problem with films produced over the past decade? Anyway, crap slow moving film and very disappointing.
  15. Bit of a hard watch this evening, hope it gets better.
  16. Well if that's the case, I'm no gan back tae any mair gems this season.
  17. It wasn't really a good nicht, Queens cannae play for 90 minutes and it is for that reason they will gan doon.
  18. That auld hoose yer blethering aboot used to be owned by Queens (maybe still is?) it used to be the abode of ex-manager Jim Easton. Maybe it could become a compulsory purchase in any upgrade. Interesting days aheed indeed.
  19. On the contrary, tits are tits, and I'm no sooking!
  20. Believe me, if he was on holiday, we would know exactly where he was gan and how many stars the hotel had. He cannae keep it shut ye ken.
  21. You have to watch what moniker synonymous you use on here, I almost got caught oot on the "Skyline Drifter" is a boring know-all thread.
  22. To be honest, I wouldn't cross the street to watch this current lot. Even the "Bisector" has bisected the scene.
  23. The strange thing for me is the sheer lack of interest from the Dumfries public. Dumfries has around 60,000 people to draw on and yet when you go to a home game there seems to be more folk from outside the town than from the locals themselves. I remember when more female presence was in the crowd, now there are hardly any. Also what a poorly run club we have, the Directors are the most clueless bunch I have seen at Palmerston in 40 years. Even the clingers that hang around the club need a good kick up the arse. We probably have the worst Official website within the top two divisions in the UK. The whole club needs redirected or it will be straight through to the 3rd Division just like Clyde.
  24. I've heard a wee story that the top post at Palmerston has been filled by wee chappy who is awffy happy aboot getting the top job at Palmerston. He's rubbing his hands at the thought of o' that cheap ground that he can build hooses on.
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