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Everything posted by Confidemus

  1. Uh oh. Another weekend I.T. meltdown at H_B's work. You must be dreadful at your job.
  2. And the fact that, no matter what the establishment and media throw at us, we're still neck and neck? Doesn't that say anything to you? The word on the street, in meeting halls and door to door paints a very different picture, thanks to an unstoppable, tireless and incredible grassroots movement.
  3. Yeah, put thousands on it! I have tremendous confidence that this will be the result! Go you!
  4. Nope. http://scotgoespop.blogspot.co.uk/ Saturday, September 13, 2014 Yes campaign open up eight-point lead in stunning poll from "gold standard" ICM New ICM poll : Yes 54% (+9) No 46% (-9)
  5. No it's a Yes from me. Those are facts and I'm happy to boast about how great Scotland can be. Keep on with the obsessed hating though, it's going just super for you so far.
  6. Funny how No voters scream for evidence when they're back into a corner. I'm afraid you'll have to do the googling yourself, but I have read from several sources that food & drink and tourism are worth £13bn and £10bn respectively. Could be the other way about, but they are the figures. I couldn't give much of a shit if you believe me or not. You're small minded, I'm not. It's up to you how you deal with that.
  7. Let's look at the financial side shall we? Labour's Devolution commission said we would be the 14th richest country in the world, ahead of the rUK at 18th, without factoring in a drop of oil. I've already covered our oil reserves, renewable energy potential and fish stocks not to mention our multi billion pound Food & Drink and Tourism industries. Pile on top of that things like construction, life sciences and manufacturing and throw in a hunger new eager country and I can't see much wrong with how our future looks. We have a fantastic nation of people. We're definitely not too small. We're definitely not too stupid. We're definitely not too poor. There is nothing holding us back but the type of closed minded, cynical, hateful, regressive view of Scotland that you and so many of your ilk peddle ad infinitum. Thankfully, as I said, you're not most people.
  8. Economic backing? Would you give your richer neighbour your pay packet and accept buttons back? Just because you despise your own country and have no faith in it, doesn't mean we all have to. You won't find a single Yes voter who promises a utopia. What you will find is people with vision, hope and knowledge that an iScotland will bring greater opportunities and fairness than the UK ever will. I'd hate to have your mindset. Fortunately, some of us can think bigger.
  9. Foodbanks Austerity Poverty Great legacies to leave the kids, m8.
  10. Yeah cos this has always been the approach you've adopted....
  11. You've got to hand it to H_B, he's a wee trier. On the rare occasions he shows up these days.
  12. Not so much after last night, I feel. Remember, vote No and you won't get to vote in another election for over 5 years!
  13. Whilst I am now taking all polls with a pinch of salt to be on 49% after what's happened in the media this week has to be some sort of a miracle. 6 days to go. We still have Farage, the orange order and the relentless grassroots Yes movement all pushing things in our favour. Keep positive. Look how chipper this fat fucker is!!
  14. Keep the faith and keep the heid lads. Lots of weans jumping to Yes after the gianthugemassive debate last night. Also, as I pointed out previously, this is a vote unlike any other. A lot of people who would never normally vote are being energised by the Yes campaign. A lot of people who would never be on a pollster's panel. We also have more people on the streets and more people pushing the word on social media. Plus George Galloway's doddery fascim, Nigel Farage and the Orange Order. I'm going to say Yes will win with at least 55%.
  15. http://ftalphaville.ft.com/2014/09/11/1968252/known-unkowns-in-the-scottish-referendum-polls/ very low income households don’t tend to be picked up effectively in opinion polls. Often, they don’t vote, so this doesn’t distort the poll. But the “Yes” campaign has apparently been targeting these voters.
  16. Well quite. Yet still you respond, in your own fuming little way.
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