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Netan Sansara

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Everything posted by Netan Sansara

  1. Nice to see Hamilton has used his time out the first team to improve.
  2. True, the if is doing a bit of heavy lifting! Just can’t see past him from his practice rounds, but time will tell.
  3. Can’t see past DeChambeau for this weekend. It’s not as if distance is his only strength to his game. During his practice rounds the longest he left himself was something like 185 yards on a Par 5. I think if he keeps his accuracy up he will cruise it.
  4. Hopefully we only have to pay Sow if he plays over 45 mins.
  5. This is useless, McPake is shocking. Almost as bad as the suggestions for John Hughes and McInally as manager....
  6. Only really works in such a divisive election/close as this election though. Not complaining, managed to get a few bets on Biden. Looking like a few hundred quid in my pocket.
  7. McPake is a perennial loser and his defeatist attitude has cost us again. Firmly in the GTF camp.
  8. Nice to see it’s not just Chewmulltay that can’t be pronounced. The contortion of Alex Jakubiak was impressive.
  9. Charlie Adam is ridiculously technically good. It’s a joy to watch. Also him cementing “chew mull tay” was enjoyable. Like a slow motion locomotive.
  10. The commentary is dreadful, could do with stepping back about 10 foot. It’s not the wind. Also is it just me or is one of the commentators having a lot of problems pronouncing Tumilty?
  11. From what I understand that course can be included in the price of the gym membership (and you are a proper member, can hold a handicap etc.). Will have a look into the others you’ve mentioned also. Cheers for the tips.
  12. Anyone got any recommendations for clubs in Glasgow? I’m looking to move back to Glasgow probably early next year and I’ve been golfing a lot more recently. Interested in looking into joining a club. I’m pretty shit (however improving quickly...) for reference. I’ve seen David Lloyd in Rouken Glen has a course attached which is interesting, would be 2 birds with 1 stone (albeit an expensive stone I would imagine). I’ve also seen some other ones, know someone who plays Haggs Castle but the over 1k joining fee puts me off.
  13. Best weather to run in IMO. Nothing quite like it. I especially enjoy it combined with an early morning.
  14. I could be completely wrong here but the entomology of that phrase is entirely unrelated to that term.
  15. You must be a masochist to do 4 times over and back on the Tay bridge! Fair play on that one.
  16. My biggest issue with Gervais is his constant shoe horning of religion bashing into his work. It’s just lazy and Is there to demonstrate his (perceived) superiority to religious folk. After Life has quite a few examples of this where it adds absolutely nothing to the plot. We all get it Ricky, you’re a staunch atheist and religion is stupid. I say this as someone who is not in the slightest religious also.
  17. I meant the Dundee fan who suggested it, he must be on the wind up.
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