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Everything posted by smpar

  1. One of your better posts of recent times, but no.
  2. If that's not a lion then I'll be fucking stunned.
  3. It sounds utterly ridiculous but I'm sure they mentioned they have children involved at some point.There's a good chance I have picked it up wrong but I'm convinced they were talking about a genuine child that had been messaging them.
  4. A poster was complaining about his burd not being able to wash dishes properly the other day. I nominate her.
  5. The Facebook pages that's popped up on my feed is called something like the Innocence Keepers. I don't know if they all do this but they use 'decoys', being young children to speak to them, they obviously make their age known pretty quickly and see if the beasts want to carry on. I don't know how they know these young people, whether they're family/close friend or whatever, but they told the paedo from Leven that one of the decoys was quite shaken and disturbed by what they had to read/see, which I find extremely uncomfortable as the kids are obviously being exposed to some pretty grotesque language, suggestions and images. Fair enough if you get some 25 year-old to pretend to be a 13 year-old girl and try and catch them out*, but if they're actually having children look at this stuff, it's not a nice thought at all. Another thing is the whole cringe-factor of it, you'll hear the paedo hunters trying to sound official and formal. One of them tried to give a disclaimer during a video saying something like, "please refrain from approaching the property or the residents inhabiting such properties", then the camera moves down to show the boy in paint-splattered trackies and Dunlop slip-on trainers. *although they wouldn't technically be doing anything illegal here, if anything the paedo hunters would be for fraud.
  6. Aye that’s the one. I’m sure he had wee blue-tinted specs on too. The signs were all there.
  7. A BE A WARE-type post was shared on my Facebook feed, it was a live video of someone from Leven/Kirkcaldy being stung. He had his keys on a wee chain attached to his trousers, that was probably the most suspicious thing about him.
  8. I don’t know much about the flat earth theory and what they have to back up the claims apart from a f**k load of Facebook memes, which aren’t usually the most reliable sources when it comes to scientific research.
  9. You're obviously doing it wrong if you're drying the dishes 'loads of times' before using a clean one.
  10. What kind of utter creep uses kitchen roll to dry their dishes?
  11. 0-4pts: not acceptable, Johnston under real pressure 5-7pts: not good enough, no real pressure unless other results go against us and we start losing a lot ground on top 4 8pts: good 9-10pts: very good, playoff looks more likely 11-15: not good enough, Johnston under serious pressure
  12. Fucking mental when you look at their league attendances.
  13. How many Gretna 'fans' were at the Scottish Cup final in 2006? A couple of reports say the attendance was 51,000 but no mention of the crowd split.
  14. Just waiting on the lower league posters to catch on to this thread and watch the dozens of votes for Josh Falkingham come in.
  15. I was too young to really know too much about Gretna’s sudden rise up the leagues, and we were never in the same league as them (only played them once in a League Cup game or something, on a Tuesday night, down in Gretna). I do remember them being in the SPL though, and that they had just appeared out of nowhere over the last couple of years, with absolutely no idea about any of the stuff (some hilarious, some infuriating) that had taken place in the build-up to their success. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this thread though, and although a lot of it flew way over my head at the time, for some reason I remember the whole fags and coffee (or at least I thought it was coffee, sounds like it was Lucozade) every morning, in fact it’s still the first thing my brother remembers when Gretna are mentioned. Mileson sounded like both a fantasist and a complete fud of the highest order. I’m glad the whole thing ended as fucking humiliatingly as it did for them. f**k them.
  16. What the f**k, man? That's a terrible thing to say. It'd be better if she's very ill and in a lot of pain.
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