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Everything posted by smpar

  1. I want to know how often the poor b*****d has to get up at 4am on a Saturday morning.
  2. I don't condone it, but people post pictures of random folk they don't know on social media every day. It's creepy, aye, but a bit unfair to only pipe up when Philipy does it.
  3. Strongbow Dark Fruits, though it's a half-decent beverage, is ridiculously overrated.
  4. Despite the conscious effort to avoid all patronising, AJ still knows this genuinely will be a tough test. It's a big cliche, and an overused one at that, but we do need an early(ish) goal. The pressure is all on us if we get close to half time and it's still goalless, or worse. I really do think it will be tight, and I'd go with our two best strikers in Clark and El Alagui to start. Anybody else want to add to my list of cliches there?
  5. I know The Simpsons has been poor for years, but it's really on its arse with the latest episodes.
  6. The boy spitting should get a lengthy time in jail for being a clatty c**t. Disgusting wee rat. I've no idea what kind of 'rights' bouncers have in this kind of situation, but I hope he doesn't get punished for assault or anything. Like CityDave says, he did the minimum and kept a cool head.
  7. In the last 24 hours, the GN forum has taken a very dramatic turn for the worst. :(
  8. I must have missed this bit in Trainspotting, is it in the sequel?
  9. Posters changing their avatar (unless they're a prominent/well-known poster.) I'm far more able to associate people on here based on their avatar than their name, ergo I need the former to be kept consistent in order for me to have any clue who you are. I'm well aware I have worded that horrifically but I really cannot be arsed changing it. Night, team.
  10. I hope suggesting eating a ketchup piece was part of this act.
  11. Shooting your muck into a bin is one of the clattiest things I've ever heard. What a fucking rank thing to do.
  12. I have a very cautious sense of humour, I won't make jokes about anything that might upset people. A bit like Jimmy85's.
  13. I've got 3 X 2000 word essays, a case study and a presentation to be done by the 14th of next month. Got started on them yesterday, did a food shop before watching the Pars game. Had a terrific Thomas the Tank as a result of said match, more essays and shite to be done today.
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