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Everything posted by smpar

  1. I'd just rather something like "please be kind to people working during the holidays" which would be far more reasonable and dignified. Retail workers seem to think they're some elite group of brave wee souls who see unthinkable things on a daily basis, such as people returning clothes.
  2. You'd think these p***ks were being asked to serve 6 months in Afghanistan. Apologies if this has been posted already.
  3. Aye, a transcript looks like the way to go, Keith. Sounds like your boss is an absolute fud, there's no way you should be treated the way you have been. Nobody should. Really glad to hear you've had a decent time with your boy recently, though.
  4. They're just trying to distract you while they get rid of your shitey shoes (provided you'd taken them off).
  5. The last few times I've been in an airport, I've found myself stuck behind some arsehole taking 10 minutes put their things into the wee tray. Earlier this year, at Edinburgh airport (I think), there were designated sub-queues in each queue for the security bit (i.e. you have to wait on one specific person to go through before you can start) and the daft c**t in front of me was there for ages, loading her stuff onto the conveyer belt or in a wee tray. Most people just have to take off their belt, watch, phone, keys, money and passport and sometimes shoes. Not this b*****d, she needlessly took individual items out of her bag to put them in the tray. It pissed me off so much I think it slightly ruined a good holiday.
  6. Already seen dozens of players - current and former - saying how she was an amazing woman and how much she helped them feel at home at the club. Sounds like she really was a genuinely lovely person to have around.
  7. I didn't realise people "thought about starting" to smoke. I always thought that people just pick it up as a habit at some point in their life.
  8. The thought of those players playing in the top flight makes me feel ill. No fucking wonder we were relegated.
  9. I still don't think I ever found out why Deeboy, Swampy and Mozza were banned. I had no idea Fudge (was he the boy with the MD avatar?) and TSAC were away either.
  10. To be fair, most of the people moaning about shops being open on Boxing Day are whining students who think the world is extremely unfair because they have to work. That's the impression I get anyway. Also, I bet that if a lot of these people didn't work in retail, they'd be marching into Topshop at 9am on Boxing Day for the sales just like every other arsehole.
  11. Even if an American manager won every football achievement possible, it would still sound as though they haven't a fucking clue what they're on about. Americans talking about football (soccer) will never sound 'right.'
  12. What's the arse-picking c**t doing back? Thought he was gone for good.
  13. Very rarely my first choice but it's going down a treat.
  14. Don't expect a reply from him before tomorrow morning, I'd imagine he'll spend tonight sobbing uncontrollably at The Moff utterly bitching his beloved 'Sir Gav' Gunning about the place today.
  15. I've seen that a few times over the last week or so. Absolutely chronic patter. To think that so many people are amazed by it is absolutely staggering.
  16. Does anyone still follow Quitongo's Left Peg? People say that others are 'obsessed' with their club all the time, but he has a genuinely worrying obsession with Partick Thistle.
  17. That sounds very familiar, even though I wasn't there. I'm sure that was the first game after we signed Forbes and Grainger and they both scored. Pretty sure Grainger's was borderline own goal though.
  18. I mind them beating us 2-1 at EEP and we beat them at Bayview 1-0 on the opening day. Can't remember the other two games.
  19. Genuine Apple charger, might even be the one that came with the phone. I had a look into the problem online and it seems to be quite common that iPhones take a while to turn on, but I haven't seen anyone say it takes as long as an hour.
  20. Absolutely mental that so much is being uncovered now.
  21. I'm barely over a year into a 2 year contract. There'd be a hefty early cancellation fee.
  22. My phone has done this really annoying thing recently where it takes about an hour (give or take 10 minutes) to switch on after the battery dies. It doesn't even have an hour's worth of battery once it comes back on either. The only thing is that - touch wood - it hasn't yet happened when I desperately need it to come back on quickly i.e just about to leave the house etc. Still a massive pain in the arse, though.
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