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Everything posted by smpar

  1. Similarly, (mostly) women at bars who rake trough the endless guff in their handbags before eventually finding their bank card to pay for their drink. I'm sure Mary Poppins had less shite in her handbag than the average woman I find myself waiting behind in a queue at a bar.
  2. You're normally quite good at noticing sarcasm, unless I'm being whooshed myself?
  3. Aye, I bet Ewan McGregor doesn't give a penny to these charities.
  4. This might seem extremely harsh, but it does my head in nonetheless. When people have to shoehorn something - normally some kind of illness/disease - to claim that it's such a personal issue that affects nobody more than them. For example, people giving to Cancer Research because it's "personally something that has affected me and my family." Is there honestly anyone in the country that doesn't know a close friend or family member who has had cancer? See also; dementia, Alzheimer's, heart attacks and strokes.
  5. My blood boils to temperature unknown to man when Doric people start that "fit" and "fa" patter. Fucking atrocious stuff.
  6. Good shout for West Lothian people's faux-weegie accent is pretty grim. Special mention to c***s from central/east Fife; It must take extra effort just to sound like a thick c**t.
  7. I see your point, but Miguel doesn't talk for a living, I think that was the point of his post.
  8. I reckon this may have been an uncharacteristic movement from her. I can't help but think that she was trying to insinuate something. Obviously not. I waited till I got outside the shop.
  9. I think you're onto something here. I'll let you all know if my arse is running like a broken tap later on.
  10. That's what I thought at first, never eaten in there before. Next suggestion please.
  11. And I shall accept no criticism at the fact I got a Costa, that goat's cheese panini and orange hot chocolate was the fucking bollocks.
  12. The lassie at Costa gave me this amount of napkins, which seemed to be a very large amount indeed. Thoughts?
  13. Aye that's the one. Pretty sure that's the name that was on my glass, unsure if that's the name of the lager, though.
  14. Nah. Right on the doorstep of Union Square. Wee wooden hut thing, selling (what looks like) mulled wine, German lagers and hotdogs etc. Pretty much an outdoor pub more than a market tbh.
  15. Some wee German Christmassy market thing has opened outside Union Square. Since I'm 40 minutes early for my train, thought it was only fair I stopped in said market for a quick pint. £7.50. Just about shat it. (You get £3 back when you hand the glass back)
  16. Tam leaving Winston for dead was one of the best bits of the series IMO. Unfortunately they've had about 3 minutes of screen time between them throughout the 6 episodes.
  17. No point. He has a bit of fire about him but that's where it ends, he's a very limited footballer.
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