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Everything posted by smpar

  1. There's something really funny about the whole "Jim Jefferies really sold the club to me" part in the new boy's statement. I'd like to know what JJ says to folk when he's trying to sign them, I'd imagine it's a bit like your over-confident pal trying to get in about a stunning bird on a night out.
  2. Ryan Giggs, Wayne Rooney and, in particular, Paul Scholes tore the living shite out of our midfield in Scott Thomson's testimonial against a Man Utd XI circa 2008, I'm sure Cristiano Ronaldo had to pull out of the trip altogether at the last minute.
  3. Apart from TITP weekend, Saturday coming is the first Saturday in months where I'm not working in the morning, meaning I can get extremely pished on Friday night and go to the Pars game against the Rovers!
  4. Sevco fans addressing the fact that simply holding up pieces of paper wasn't going to save their club, so they've gone for a wee walk around Glasgow whilst holding pieces of paper instead. That'll definitely save the club.
  5. Definitely investing in my first Pars top in about 6 years, quality bit of gear.
  6. Going by the handful of games I saw towards the end of the season, Martin seemed to be a much better and more competent defender than Page. Good to have the option of 3 or 4 central defenders mind you.
  7. Is anyone else as excited as I am for the World Cup to start?
  8. Seems like JJ was doing his homework well before the end of the season. Two excellent signings so far and a third to be announced, hopefully it's another cracker.
  9. Good news, he should be at a higher level but I'd be delighted to have him back.
  10. Grainger announced on Twitter that, at the moment, he won't be at Dunfermline next season.
  11. Yeah, it is frustrating to see your best player go to another club, but actually complaining about it and crying some sort of Old Firm likeness is simply ludicrous. The difference between what JJ is doing and what the OF have done with players from smaller clubs is huge; JJ is bringing in players from Ayr, Airdrie and possible Morton and Stranraer to strengthen his own squad, it just so happens that he's weakening other squads with these signings. Whereas what the OF have done in recent years is bring in players like Willo Flood, Chris Killen and Rory Loy (maybe not the best examples here) which turn out to be terrible moves for the players, while arguably weakening the strength of the club from which they have signed those players.
  12. Manager signing good players to strengthen his squad in order to try and achieve the club's target? Disgraceful behaviour from Jefferies, absolutely appalling.
  13. Kerr Young has also signed a new deal with the club. I'm neither delighted or hugely disappointed with that, he had a good few games at the tail end of the season and the experience at a consistent level will only help him.
  14. Hope the rumours re Archie Campbell are true, terrific wee player with bags of pace and a knack for getting goals. JJ is certainly getting the business done early.
  15. Wonder if he's getting the £700/we that was rumoured, suppose we'll never know. Well played Jefferies though.
  16. I see this happening at my work all the time. Dad goes into the bookies and leaves their wean standing outside. Total LAD behaviour.
  17. I wouldn't rule it out, we got a good ol' 4-0 pumping from Forfar a few months back. We're capable of getting horsed by anyone in this league.
  18. Cheers, DA. You do realise that Morton are going to fucking horse us by a similar margin now?
  19. That's Shankland away too, Jefferies forgot to sing happy birthday to him.
  20. That's what I'm hoping will happen, he certainly has the potential but hasn't really shown it, for whatever reason. Also has anyone noticed the size of his fucking legs? I've seen rugby players with smaller thighs than that.
  21. Forbes is a funny one, I get the feeling he wasn't as good as he thought he was when he came to us. Hopefully the fact that he's had about as many games from the bench than he has starting will wake him up. I'd love to see him prove to be what he was hyped up to be.
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