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Everything posted by smpar

  1. The Falkirk kit fit me well, could get used to this x
  2. First time in ages that I’ve just skipped through pages at a time, can’t be arsed reading all that nonsense.
  3. Splaine is away as well. Would have liked to have seen more of him. Hope he recovers from that horrible injury and gets himself a decent club.
  4. People are always confusing Clark’s style of play with being immobile and lazy.
  5. This time last year we didn’t have Aird, McManus and others. It’ll be frustrating if/when we see current players being snapped up by other teams but AJ has an entire window to get the right players in, as well as signing a deal himself. I’d rather keep Clark, McManus and Aird and the like but the reality with football is that if another club can offer them a bit more cash then there’s f**k all that can be done, apart from trying to get in earlier but even then we have no idea what kind of discussions have taken place before deals are released in the press and announced on social media etc.
  6. Ashcroft, Craigen and Robinson have signed. Ashcroft is on a 2-year deal with the other signing for a year.
  7. I’ll be in a Falkirk kit for 90 minutes on Sunday, lads. COYB.
  8. I’m confused, are the Saints fans trying to force some sort of rivalry between ourselves? That’s Livingston levels of desperation, lads.
  9. Clark would be a better striker for a Premiership team IMO. McManus will run himself into the ground every week and give 100%, but Clark is much more likely to get the goals.
  10. Daily Record reporting that Aird has signed a one year deal. Fantastic if true.
  11. I always found his affinity with the club quite strange, since he was punted during the admin shitfest in his first spell and was part of that god awful League One side in his second spell. I really liked him as a player though and he seems like a top geezer, and as Shandon says, is a stylish and handsome c**t so no complaints with him making decisions.
  12. Wonder what the new kit will be like. Personally I wish we could keep this season’s home kit because that was fucking beautiful.
  13. What’s his exact role? We could be pretty light on midfielders with Beadling, Vincent, Paton, Craigen, Splaine, Wedderburn, Shiels, Cardle and Higginbotham (basically all our midfielders, I think?) out of contract and no indication who’s being kept on. I’d guess at least 5 of those will be away.
  14. There are so many people who think that the two above statements can't be true at the same time.
  15. He made no attempt to hide the fact that he's a ***, which I don't really have a problem with as all football players support a team and unfortunately it's going to be one of the cheeks more often than not, but there was no sign of any moronic antics (political social media posts, bigoted behaviour). On the pitch, he was excellent when given a chance and could have been worthy of a TOTY spot if he'd played most/all of the season.
  16. I always kinda assumed that the “patter merchants fae Craigbank” line was Victor quoting exactly what Barbara had said to poke fun at how she got the name of the area wrong as opposed to a continuity error.
  17. But how often do you get your hair cut?
  18. You’re right actually, don’t know where this ‘sat’ patter has come from.
  19. I’ve been sat near the jukebox in the boozer all evening and trying to predict what artist/genre someone is going to choose as they approach the jukebox is possibly my new favourite pastime.
  20. Sitting across from two bellends in the pub, one of them told his pal it’s “utter shite, don’t listen to it, it’s awful. I got 3 songs in and had to switch it off.” Think I know the issue here, mate.
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