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Jan Vojáček

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Everything posted by Jan Vojáček

  1. You are more paying for convenience than facilities with car parks I find. If folk don't mind a walk then they'll park somewhere else, get the train or (I'd imagine this will be the case with the entire away end given the scarcity of tickets) come on a supporters' bus. Back in the glory days we used to be charged a fiver to park at Livingston, but it was often easier than finding somewhere else - and avoided the stress of a fine for parking in the Lidl across the road. And that car park wasn't massively different to our own (albeit with less risk of flying footballs). I'd imagine we'll have to have considerably more stewarding and we'll have to have a police presence. Which we don't normally have these days. Which is going to cost the club a fair bit. Discounted parking for ST holders would've been a good compromise here imo. A fiver (or even the usual £3). But I don't think £10 is massively unusual for what will be (lolz, I know) one of the biggest sporting events on in the country that day and for a car park that is within a stone's throw of the ground.
  2. Whilst I think a tenner for parking is extortionate by the levels we are used to. I'd also say it's not uncommon for big events. Rangers themselves charge a tenner for their Albion Street car park - and it's £11 to park at the Hydro/SECC. https://ask.rangers.co.uk/hc/en-gb/articles/4412221170705-How-much-does-it-cost-for-car-parking-
  3. Saw a really good Tweet about it from Linlithgow Rose's assistant (I think) gaffer that I've lost. Basically taking a dig at lack of integrity and how much of a missed opportunity this is. I hope we see them in League football soon. Seem like a good bunch, a 10/10 ground that would be a cracking addition to the SPFL (and is dead easy to get to on the train), a healthy support and very much good guys on the Colts situation.
  4. I can see this being very similar to the Elgin game a few weeks ago where we had to be really patient trying to find a way to break them down. Because I'd imagine Clyde would be quite happy to get down the road with a point, especially given anything between now and January is probably a bonus for them. I can't see it being anywhere near as easy as the last time now they have a competent manager at the helm. I just hope we've got enough quality in the final third to get over the line. And I hope Carlo is alright after his knock at the weekend; our full-backs are vital to the way we play, and destroyed Clyde at NDP. Sounded like it was illness that ruled Durnan out at the weekend, so hopefully he's fixed up and has trained this week. Faz was keen for his first games back to be on grass, so maybe this would suit him. Be good to have Ryan Wallace back too, albeit he'll have to make do with a spot on the bench given Jinky Hilton's 10/10 showing on Saturday. Hopefully the pitch holds up and the weather isn't too bad. I'm confident that we can outplay teams on good pitches in normal conditions. But I don't really want a windswept slog of a 90 minutes on a sandy, boggy porridge. We'll have enough of those in February/March I'd imagine...
  5. We'd probably sell out charging £50 a ticket, so (with our limited capacity) I don't mind us absolutely rinsing this. Got to take advantage of these things when they come along. I am not looking forward to the game at all. But if the club sell out the stadium and hospitality and make enough for another CB and striker in January then it's all good with me tbh.
  6. With chat of a goalkeeper with Championship pedigree, and Edinburgh City's carcass now being picked at, I'll go for Aidan McAdams.
  7. One shy of becoming the first Son since Stephen Dobbie to hit 10 by New Year. I was actually going to post the same. He's a strange player. He can be a bit frustrating at times. He's quite slow, he looks a bit ungainly, he's sometimes guilty of trying to beat a man three times instead of once and he's very different to almost every other wide player in the league. The only guy I can say he reminds me of a wee bit is Robert Thomson in the second-half of the 2016/17 season. I thought he was absolutely superb yesterday. And most weeks you know he'll create a few chances and probably have a few efforts on goal. In truth if he'd been a bit more clinical and a bit less unselfish he would've walked away with a hat-trick. But he overplayed a few times trying to get Mikey Ruth the goal his performance deserved. His first touch is almost always excellent. He can hold play up well, he's good in the air, he has a knack of getting in good areas. He seems to be great at creating space where it doesn't look like there is any with some quick footwork and his big lanky frame, and his deliveries from out-wide are usually pretty decent. That's him now on nine goals in 15 starts. Granted a fair few have been penalties, but that's an excellent record for a forward. Let alone a wide midfielder. I've been very impressed with him after initially thinking he might be a bit-part player.
  8. I'm going to sound the claxon for P&B's very own Dermot Gallacher (but with far more hair). @pleslie99- thoughts on the Forfar penalty shout?
  9. He won't be back playing football for a while, but he was in good spirits yesterday. Albeit the result at Parkhead coupled with three points for the Sons and Rovers probably meant it was hard not to be in a good mood for him! He didn't look to be moving too badly at all. I actually hadn't clocked it was him at first, I thought he'd be on crutches or something. But he was just in a trackie. Which is hopefully a sign that the surgery has gone fine, now just keeping my fingers crossed his rehab keeps to track. Nor by his teammates I'd imagine. Youngy spoke highly of him. He doesn't grab the headlines like an Easton type does (or the attention of the guys on Sportsound) but I'd imagine he's one of your most vital players. He certainly was when he was with us. Take him out the team and we just weren't the same at all.
  10. Imo the referee gets both Forfar penalty decisions spot on. The first one is a stonewaller and clumsy from Aron in a position where there's no danger at all. For the second, Skelly initiates the contact by taking a step back into Crighton. I'd be screaming for it at the other end, but I think the underlying feeling would be wondering why he didn't just stick the ball in the net. He was playing well and already had a goal to his name, but he chooses to try and win the penalty when he could've stayed on his feet and scored. Really fair highlights though that paint a pretty accurate picture of the game for anyone who wasn't there. My biggest question is why Finn Robson wears boots made of concrete. Because that's surely the only reason for moving as slowly as he did for Matty Shiels' goal? Really poor stuff. If I was Marc McCallum I'd have had to resist the urge to throttle him like Homer Simpson does with Bart for that. Close call between Seb Ross and Finlay for Goal of the Game. The defending for both is absolutely woeful, but they were finished absolutely superbly. Ross seems to love a goal against us.
  11. Well done lads. Sons of the Raith (Raith RoveSons) doing the business is great to see. I also had a chat with Greig Young in the tunnel at Station Park today about our mutual admiration for Sam Stanton. It was a nice moment of two good football men appreciating one of the most underrated superstars of the lower leagues.
  12. I thought there was nothing between the teams today until we scored the fourth. After that went in then it was a case of however many we fancied. Forfar looked a side bereft of confidence. Defensively especially I thought you lot were woeful. The two full-backs were major weak links, and the goals lost (as good as they were from our perspective) were probably all very avoidable. I said to my pal that it had a real end of tenure feel about it. The way the game fizzled out with us well on top, the lack of belief in the Forfar squad and the strength of the booing at full-time. I thought McKinnon was a terrific appointment. But it's clearly not working and, imo, he won't turn it around. I thought he'd have been bagged after the game today, and I'm surprised he's still in a job.
  13. I'm extremely excited to see Finlay Gray's goal again. I was on the big terrace behind the goal and it looked genuinely world class. The build-up to Matty Shiels' goal was lovely stuff too. A terrific pass from Jinky Hilton, great run by Kalvin Orsi (making his 100th appearance for us) and great composure to pick out Shiels to knock home.
  14. I thought he was pretty solid. He made a terrific first-half save and his handling generally was pretty secure. Albeit Forfar didn't threaten all that much. He didn't ever look in any danger. He's very sharp off his line, which I liked too. The only thing that went against him was his kicking, which was pretty howling. He took a lot of backpasses first time and just fired them right into the air. Today will do him the world of good imo. I spoke to him afterwards and he said he was nervous, but three points, a pretty assured display and the fans singing his name at full time should put him in a good place.
  15. At 3-2 that could've gone either way. Both sides looking a bit chaotic at the back and a threat going forward. As soon as we got the fourth it was game over. Two goals disallowed, one off the line and a couple of good chances missed. It could've, and maybe should've, been six or even more. Thoroughly enjoyable day out. With Jinky especially an absolute joy to watch.
  16. This has been a great laugh. It was a good game at 1-1, but if you like attacking and hate defending them you're in the right place. Finlay's goal was a genuine 'Jesus Christ' moment. Absolutely outstanding.
  17. We look like scoring every time we come down Forfar's right. So, naturally, 90% of the time we're playing down the opposite side.
  18. Miles ahead based on my Annan experience (albeit that was last season) aye.
  19. It's a situation my brother is currently in. His manager said he wanted a more experienced goalkeeper in. So signed one, but he's now sat on the bench having played all season - wondering how he gets experience. Big call for Faz either way. But this is why he's paid the money and we're all sat in the stand on a Saturday I guess. I don't envy him at all.
  20. Yeah there are a lot of factors at play generally'. I'd imagine that a broken ankle will leave Brett looking at four months or so out (depending on the severity, that's how long my brother was out for when he did his) so it's quite hard to see him playing again this season for us given he'll need to return to training, get fit and sharp after his recovery. Which might make a loan move for someone keen to play appealing given there's half a season to go. Personally, I'd be giving Harry a run until January. He deserves the opportunity. If he's looking comfortable between now and then (with some regen emergency loanee on the bench) then we can keep running like that. If he's struggling then a move in January for someone with No.1 credentials would make sense. I had a wee look back across Harry's 10 competitive games for us. He's kept four clean sheets (Peterhead, Raith, Annan when he replaced Brett in the first-half and Bonnyrigg) and conceded 14. Albeit seven of those came in one game. Granted I wasn't at the Rangers B or Kilmarnock B matches for obvious reasons; but I'd say those stats should be quite reassuring. Especially given he was only 18 I think when he made his debut. And given that four of the games (Peterhead, Raith, ICT and Kelty) were against teams in the league above. I thought he was absolutely outstanding against ICT in the cup victory in July as well.
  21. He came to us with about 40 odd League One appearances and a handful in the Championship under his belt, so although it's not a lot of experience - he'd played at that level before. And for big clubs too in Raith and Thistle. That's more than Kevin and Danny Rogers had, and I thought they were both miles ahead of him. He's 23 now and signed a new two year deal at Ibrox in the summer iirc, but is obviously third choice behind Butland and McCrorie so I'm not really sure what the aim is at this stage. Unless he's quite content in the Scott Carson role which, let's be honest, would be great fun. Especially at a club with the facilities Rangers have. When I was zooming through all the goalkeepers we'd had under Faz he was the first one who came to mind tbh, but then I started taking flashbacks to the Edinburgh City playoff game! I suspect there's a very good chance we won't know the guy who comes in. And it'll be someone from a Premiership youth team. Just need to hope that he's from the Kevin Dabrowski and Danny Rogers league of youth keepers. I've no idea if he'd come to us. But Murray Johnson at Hibs made quite an impression at Airdrie last year, went on loan to QOS this year but had his deal cancelled when they lost their first two keepers to injury early in the season. If Hibs are keen to get him playing a bit of first team football, he could be a shout.
  22. I'll be honest, I didn't rate Kieran Wright at all. He could claim a cross, but an awful lot of shots seemed to go right through him. His indecision didn't exactly help us either, albeit he was in a team that conceded a genuinely ridiculous number of silly goals. I saw that Aidan McAdams will be leaving Edinburgh City in their fire sale. If Brett is out for the season (which I imagine he will be, or near enough) then McAdams would be my shout if we could afford him and were after someone to take the No.1 shirt until the end of the year.
  23. Good way to test my 'In any other recent season (barring Kevin's three months) Harry Broun would've been comfortably our number one' theory if nothing else. I really rate Harry based on what I've seen from him. He's young, aye, but he's never really looked out of place. Albeit he was pretty poor in the Kelty game. It'll be interesting to see how he copes with a run of games though, as teams begin to suss out his strengths and weaknesses. We'll have to bring someone in on an emergency loan, but (unless that someone is an established SPFL keeper) I think it would be harsh not to give Harry a run. All that shouldn't deflect away from how big a blow losing Brett is. He's the best goalkeeper in the league for me, and arguably one of the most reliable in part-time football. Certainly the best we've had at the club on a permanent deal since Alan Martin. It's a horrible bit of luck to lose him for an extended period.
  24. Lads. Brett Long has broken his ankle. https://dumbartonfootballclub.com/brett-long-ruled-out-for-indefinite-period/
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