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Posts posted by Mushroom

  1. In the most recent poll (these are STV remember) I gained 49% of the first-preference votes... I don't have a turn-out figure for that, but in last year when the turn-out was just short of 30% I was elected with about 30-35% of the vote (again remember it's STV). Which equates to what about 4,000 voters first preferences and probably in excess of 5,000 voters overall? It's STV so not very easy to say.

    But of course they are just idiots, and as you say the views of P&Bers reflect my actual reality.


    EDIT: Btw... if we're talking about the Smoking thing - it was approved by an overwhelming majority of 800 people at the AGM; subsequently passed unopposed at the Committee of Management; and unchallenged at the SRC. No-one collected the 50 signatures required to amend it at AGM. No-one proposed direct negative.

    You seem to be struggling for support, so I will back you on the under the counter motion.

    Smoking, being addictive as it is, shouldn't really be out on display I reckon. 1 - advertising it is illegal anyway. 2 - tempting those who have quit.

    Also, the first step to not being boring is to stop making so many posts on P&B, it took me forever to realise this. About 90% of my posts in the six months have been in this thread, and as a result my life is much more bearable.

  2. Either you actually all think GotS is a posh twat without having met him or its a wonderfully deadpan wind up :lol:

    Got to love the internet 8)

    The most obvious thing to slag him about is his choice of footwear - no 18 year old should wear brown shoes to the pub :P

    *awaits slagging for the fact I wear a scarf*

  3. I don't get exams :)

    Just shitloads of essays, which I should really get a move on with :(

    Due 30/11 - 500/500 written

    Due 4/12 - 800/1000

    Due 4/12 - 1500, not started

    Due 7/12 - 1500, not started

    Due 8/12 - 1500, not started

    Due 9/12 - Reducing 70 bars of Beethoven 7 to two pianos - about 40 bars done.

    Plus an in class counterpoint test, an in class dictation test and a performance recital.


  4. Arctic Monkeys was mental. Too mental.

    Front centre - yes, the gig got stopped 3 times because of crushing in there, but a wee bit to the left... I felt like a fanny when I put my arm in the air even - everyone there looked bored!

    I should have moved a bit to the right.

    edit - there was no variation in the centre - metnal, left - nothing. The centre people were even dancing to stuff like Cornerstone and 505 - which are not dancing tunes - they're hands in the air, sing along and enjoy the epicness type songs. If only the left part had even done that...

    Still a fantastic gig none the less.

  5. Just do what you think suits you. I chose Stirling because of a cracking course, decent people and it being fairly local. I couldn't do Edinburgh Uni as it's full of snobs and wouldn't be able to live in Glasgow due to the large ned culture within the city and people coming up to you every 5 mins on the streets looking to give you a fuck1ng interview.

    While Glasgow has its flaws, I would question those two.

    I've not found neds to be a problem in the West End or Maryhill, in fact in the West End they're close to non-existent and the few I've seen in Maryhill tend to keep to themselves. Admittedly, all I see of Maryhill outside buses is Queen Margaret Drive and the bit of Maryhill Road next to the student flats.

    Interviewers, I've only been accosted by one from the Glasgow Uni Guardian, and I was only going to Tesco I humoured him - The result of this meeting: I was quoted on the front page and allegedly had "strong feelings" on the issue. My name was also spelled wrong :lol: If you don't want to give an interview just say you're running late and they'll leave you alone.

    Now people handing out leaflets - they get on my tits. I reckon I've thrown about a redwood's worth in the bin.

    Although, I must say Stirling is a very nice place. I wouldn't rule out heading there once I've been suitably educated.

  6. Gaming is far too specialised with respect to a generalised computing degree, both in terms of the tools required to write gaming code and in their application. Gaming requires far more involvement at the GUI than most and (in many cases) requires a lot of physics modelling within it's domain as well.

    Theres one massive problem with wanting to dedicate your life to gaming though :geek

    Seriously though, if you have an interest in graphic design and user-interaction with graphics, then go for it. But theres a guy I know who went to Abertay to do computer games and he's just the type who sits in front of his xbox live for hours on end.

    Also be aware that Abertay, while good for computer gaming is terrible for other things, and you will have have to cope with the people that couldn't get into Stirling to do Maths.

    Also re:Napier, I've not heard a good thing about them. Ever.

  7. anyone still not received ££ from saas yet? i've not had one payment, i'm owed well over a grand.

    Phone them up, I needed re-assessed and it hadn't gone through by the beginning of November despite me sending all the forms off before uni. They pushed it through and I had my backpayments a week later.

    Pick a time when you're not going to be particularly busy as you'll likely spend at lest 10 minutes on hold, I heard of people spending an hour on hold. The music is also a couple of piano chords followed by the beginning of a drum fill as it fades out - it is truly maddening.

  8. Being in halls doesn't garuantee fantastic social life.

    There is nobody in my flat I can go on nights out with regularly, all nice people but I feel like a bit of an odd one out. Of the music students, we're a reasonably tight knit group, but 3 of the 12ish of us live in Glasgow, which makes nights out a bit difficult.

    I was never given a bible - giving out bibles would be a really presumptuous and rather pretentious act. Although I've found that there are far more christians in Glasgow than Clackmannanshire. I already know more christians than I did in Alva :o

  9. It's not so out there as you think. Modern cars have dozens of MEMS sensors in them, primarily pressure sensors and accelorometers.

    In actual fact, it's how you nintendo wii works.

    it has a comb drive like this:


    Accelration causes the fingers to move closer togehte rof further apart, that produces a proportionate electrical signal (think of the cpaacitance between fingers). By taking the second differential of acceleration we get the displacement of the sensor, and by extension of the remote and your arm, which is translated to the screen from the wii....

    I think the question we all want answered is, can you use it to murder swans?

  10. I have no qualms about eating Nestle products. They taste great.

    Chastise me.

    Go on.

    I'm far too liberal for that ;)

    I prefer cadbury most of the time anyway, its just if I see an aero or a packet of fruit pastilles I might well buy it. The fact its not there means I will be just as happy with my wispa/dairy milk/crunchie/haribo, yet I wont have contributed to nestle.

    Unfortunately, nobody has successfully matched aero hot chocolate, and it has the monopoly on condensed milk, last time I checked, all condensed milk in the country was nestle.

  11. I must be getting old*.

    "In my day" people submitted coursework and gave an honest assessment of how they thought they did. Nowadays, it seems to be "the in thing" to proclaim how shit you are.

    *And I'm only 22. Blimey...

    Theres alot of hyperbole thrown about failing, just means that they found it difficult.

    I don't tend to say that I'm going to fail unless I genuinely expect to (and I've often been right). An oft used phrase of mine is "I'll take a pass" - which basically means I've probably passed but not expecting anything spectacular.

    P.S. I don't think I've seen cigarettes in either of the Glasgow unions. Never even been mentioned really.

  12. Christ, the whole "OMG I'm going to faaaaaiiiillllll everything cause I'm soooooooo coooooollll" attitude seems to be a country-wide thing :rolleyes:

    It's called modesty you tool :rolleyes:

    Anyone who goes about claiming they expect an A just looks like a complete fud.

    No you're not :lol:

    Thanks for keeping us informed though. I look forward to hearing of the A1 you got for your next essay even though you didn't study once and you were out all night in your law blazer the previous day

    This is quite funny when I was talking to GotS today, and he seems to find it rather funny that hes been percieved as a posh c**t on here ;)

  13. I think it goes: A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H

    Anything above a D is supposed to be satisfactory. I think an E and worse is a fail.

    The number is just like the "bands" in Higher/AH. A has 5 bands, the rest have 3.

    Getting an H would be rather spectacular, as it is listed in my handbook as 0/22

  14. The very same. He always makes Thistle references.

    As an example, when explaining that specificatio had to be impractically reducible he used the melting of silver into a statue of Ian McCall being reducible to the original silver :rolleyes:

    His book on Property Law is great. It's straight forward and to the point. As for him: no comment. He's still marking my Property Exam!

    Thats nothing, my counterpoint assignment that I handed in week 3 I got back today! Still waiting on 3 more assignments to be returned lol!

  15. I had a strategy and it failed.

    That said, I was on the black against you...

    So you were - your "defensive" strategy nearly paid off in the end. ;)

    :lol: very true.

    I started to lose my way a bit towards the end. Still a bit rusty after not playing properly for a few months, to be fair.

    You were rusty? Shit, I thought I was doing very well to finally end your winning streak!

  16. It was fine. We had a few rounds, we watched Hearts beat Celtic, Supras left to get the last available public transportation to Elderslie towards the end of the game, and Mushroom and I left about an hour or so after the game.

    Sorry to disappoint.

    You forgot one thing.

    Supras is shit at pool B)

  17. Or both!


    I expect a full report on this pint, with who turned up, what distinct items they all carried to recognise each other, and how many amusing misunderstandings they had. This has been quite a feat of organisation!

    Thats more Mr Benn's territory being the law student - Supras can do the budgeting and expenses, and I'll write the soundtrack.

    Whoever else turns up can have jobs assigned as they go.


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