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Posts posted by Mushroom

  1. Elbow at the SECC were immense.

    Garvey's patter is fantastic and there lots of wee nice moments with the band including them all playing a couple of smaller numbers with the entire band crowded around a couple of instruments and standing practically on top of each other, in between the epic stadium anthems.

  2. Yeah it's me!! Does he know you're a Clyde fan? Probably doesn't cause it would've come up since he knows I'm one. It is indeed a small world.

    He probably knows, but he's not really interested in football so it didn't tend to come up much.

    He also probably doesn't know how rare it is to know two Clyde fans completely independently of each other.

  3. We got the class questionaires last week for our Science class and I wrote that the only thing wrong with the class was that the room for it was really shit, stuffy and uncomfortable. My friends gave me a bit of stick for it, saying it wasn't exactly relevant for a class questionaire. Then we got an email with this in it:

    "I just wanted to say thanks for your replies to the mid-term questionnaire. The majority of you have pointed out that the room was unsuitable (too hot, uncomfortable desks) and that it didn't help during the lecture for CL211. You have also pointed out that for the CE students there was a 3 hours gap between the hydrology class and the previous lecture on Friday. I was aware of none of the above."

    I am yet to receive thanks from my friends dry.gif They've also moved that class to Wednesdays so I only have an hour of maths on a Friday morning at 9 then I'm off, bit shit that I need to come all the way in just for an hour, and it's the tutorial so attendance is monitored, but it's cool that I'll be home by about 10.30 biggrin.gif

    Got to hand in a maths assignment for tomorrow morning though and I've got a lab report for Monday.

    And finally, my exams have been posted. I'm in on the 16th, 18th, 19th and 20th of May, that's right. Exam on the Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of that week sad.gif At least Science(which is the hardest class for me) is the first one so I will have that whole weekend to study for it. Maths is on the Friday though and I find that the second hardest. Guess It'll give me the "fear".

    Someone just posted this on one of my friends wall on FB

    ‎"As there have been some complaints about room RC 3.45 and as it is not suitable for doing project work, CL211 Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics has now been moved to Colville 5.12,"

    You are welcome, without my complaint we would still be in that shitty room.

    Is it you?

    Even if it isn't - small world.

    edit - having looked at the page a wee bit, I'm almost certain it is you. Say hi to Ally for me will you ;)

  4. Saw Beardyman at the QM tonight - was absolutely class, the entire thing was improvised based on song titles suggested on his facebook page. The undoubted highlight with "I've got da Irn-Bru Blues".

  5. I've no idea who Aaron Porter is, but I'm all for verbal abuse against the NUS, and students in general.

    I'm no keen on the NUS either, I don't know if its him though - it was a wild guess.

    There is a line in the sand.

    Good move by the university. I hope the University court chucks every one of those scummy barstewards out the main get, never to return.

    The police are investigating.

    Although the main gate (i assume thats what you meant) is in the middle of the uni, maybe take them down to the park and throw them in the Kelvin instead?

  6. An e-mail has been sent out about the occupation of the Heatherington, and just as I'd suspected, the c**t brigade were behind it all.

    They have been given every chance to have a peaceful protest but the uni have finally told them to get out after:

    • Vandalism to adjoining university property
    • A security officer being assaulted whilst trying to deny a drunk man entry to the building
    • A visitor to the campus was abused and intimidated by those in the Heatherington and security had to step in. It doesn't mention anything about this, but seemingly the head of the NUS had been abused by this lot - maybe it was this guy (Aaron Porter or something like that)
    • Vandalised the adjoining property AGAIN

    So well done you stupid fuckers, yet another protests descends into cuntery. No wonder nobody listens to students opinions.

  7. The fact they are cutting German - which is a popular subject (the email of the summary of the minutes from the meeting of the Court even says this) - just proves that student numbers are completely irrelevant, whether thats high or low numbers. Its all about whether they can make money from research - which obviously disadvantages some subjects more than others. The cuts are about changing the direction the university is headed in, and its annoying hearing Muscatelli trying to deny it.

    Sad but true.

  8. Stupid cnuts managed to lose £50K. Have they ever thought that it is partially their actions that are forcing the university to make cuts. The university should board the place up with them inside, pikey barstewards.

    That didn't really have anything to do with ACAAN, I think it just happened to be a convenient empty building.

    Glasgow Uni socialists are without doubt the most annoying people on earth, they have no idea what debate is ie they just tell your their own crackpot ideas then if you dare to try and answer back at them they just get louder and coming up longer and more complex arguments until you eventually give up.

    When they occupied the computing building over some Palestine issue they said that GU should give scholarships to Palestinian students and refuse entry to Israeli ones. I pointed out that is affirmative action and actually slightly illegal and also fascist, which kinda goes against everything they stand for. Their response to this...... no intellectual argument or points, no reasoning at all.... gather round me and say i was a war criminal and write about me on their facebook page (i believe infidel was the term used) laugh.gif

    I agree that cutting courses and staff is wrong but i just don't wanna associate myself in any way to their wee "club"

    Apart from them Glasgow is a good uni to be at, word of warning if you're wanting to do a science degree just don't expect any work to be handed back on any short timescale dry.gif

    They're always outside the QM with their papers and lately have been known to bark meaningless rhetoric through megaphones lately.

    I'm doing music - and it sometimes still takes an eternity for work to be returned. Sometimes its quick, but not often. It's generally a good place to be though. Although I wish there were more modules offered by music. Taking performance this year has been such a pain.

    I'm not hugely bothered by Czech or Slavonic getting chopped if theres that few students - but Polish, German and Italian?! That's what I'd heard and that's what I really don't get.

    Allegedly the Glasgow Uni's guardian's interview was absolutely bullshit, that what I heard from the guy who did qmunicate's interview.

    Gaelic seems like a popular course actually, it seems fairly profitable. So that shouldn't be cut. Although I would be in favour of Gaelic funding in general being cut back a bit. I think people overestimate how relevant the language is to our cultural history in central scotland, so it's probably a bit of a waste of time funding bilingual signs at places like Partick station.

  9. I was there, albeit only to kill an hour between a tutorial and playing pool. The numbers I heard were about 2000, trouncing any previous protest at Glasgow Uni.

    And the Against Cuts group leading the main protest is just a front for a socialist group :lol:

    Kinda boring, lots of standing around and I couldn't help but feel all the work councils should have maybe been at work.

    And I'm actually all for cutting sociology.

    I'm all for cutting sociology too - but cutting Modern Languages just isn't on.

    Why does it not surprise me it's to socialists that are behind it - at Glasgow the socialists are a pain in the arse. They're like Sheridan went on a shagging spree in Hillhead.

    To be fair, the name alone implies that they are "a wee bit cunty".

    That's the old postgrad club, which went bust. ACAAN are occupying the building.

  10. I'm not in Glasgow at the moment because I simply didn't need to be but seemingly the protests today were absolutely enormous.

    There were two factions even, the ACAAN lot that are occupying the Hetherington Research Club, that are a wee bit cunty, and theres another protest that was disassociating themselves from them and focusing more on the Modern Language cuts, and not attacking specific individuals who dare to disagree with any aspect of what they're doing them. I might have joined them if I'd been there.

  11. Well you say that, but the world of law has some truly bizarre names. If I told you there was a case called Belfast City Council v Miss Behavin' Limited for example, or a certain Judge of the Supreme Court by the name of Lord Stone-cum-Ebony you would probably think I was joking ;)

    But were they trading in 1901 though?

    It sounds more like some kind of 1930's strip club to me. Lord Stone-cum-Ebony? Why that's Supras's real name!

  12. Genius!

    People being lazy, I'm cool with, but basically getting other people to do work for you just isn't on.

    Although is 1901 the date of the fictitious case? because anyone who believes that there was a company called Big Red Dog Productions c.1901 deserves to fail.

    As for my music... not alot right now. Got a workshop which can basically be winged in a couple of weeks, then an essay and a technical exercise due in a month.

    Wow, I really do have it easy.

    The essay is likely to be about the production of Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band or Radiohead. WIN.

  13. Ditto ;)

    So is a percentile system. Why not just grade stuff "First" "Upper Second" "Lower Second" "Third" eh? eh? EH? :P

    Or "Pass" and "Fail"

    If you can't understand Glasgow's system you don't deserve a degree. The letters are A-H and work the same way as in school. The numbers just split the grade up into more specific chunks.

  14. My mind has been slightly bent by the fact that although I am a music student I am going to be writing an essay which is going to involve talking about the work of Kant.

    Although my other essay is going to be an analysis of Absolution by Muse. cool.gif

    The end of semester stress which comes with a course which is 5/6ths coursework, nearly crushed me last year. It has caused some kicking and screaming this year too - but out of my 6 deadlines in 9 days. 2 deadlines have passed and been met - another one is ready to go for tomorrow, another one needs photocopied for Friday, and then I have 1500 words for Monday and 2000 for Wednesday (and 2 gigs at the weekend) Yet I feel quite calm and confident that it will all go down smoothly. I must have organised myself or something. :o

    Speaking of these gigs - any fans of orchestral music in Glasgow or Stirling? Student concessions are available at both these gigs and with the weather the way it is the crowds may take a hit, so I feel the need to shamelessly plug them to locals.

    Kelvin Ensemble. - Saturday night Bute hall - Glasgow uni. (Nutcracker Suite, Troika and Danse Macabre/Jonathan Creek Themewink.gif are the most recognisable things from that)

    Stirling Orchestra - Sunday Night, Albert Halls - Stirling (Enigma Variations and a Lark Ascending the big ones for that)

    [/shameless plug]

  15. Not really sure whether I should post this in this thread or not but I am in an absolutely horrible mood because of Uni.

    It is just not for me. I had a feeling I wasn't going to enjoy it but after pressure from my parents, social group and most importantly, my school I applied and worked my arse off in 6th year to get in, but now I am there I am not enjoying it at all. I have never really found academia that stimulating but my school basically forced me to apply. I don't like the fact they put so much pressure on you and basically say that we aren't going to get anywhere in life without a degree. Not applying for Uni was almost seen as criminal and those who weren't applying were basically left to fend for themselves.

    I am really considering leaving because it just isn't for me at all. I have always been more stimulated by the drama/ music side of school but I am in no way deluded enough to think I could forge a career out of those hobbies, but I know i would be much happier appearing in stupid plays occasionally and doing gigs while doing the part time job I am currently in than doing a degree and living in poverty for a year or so because there are no job opportunities out there.

    Uni, for me, isn't intellectually satisfying and it is depressing me. I know when I tell my mum that I'm not enjoying it and want to leave she will automatically assume that I am leaving because I want to go out drinking and have loads of money from my job and I can't be bothered with the arguments.

    I'm in first year and doing a social science degree, incase anyone cares, and politics is the only thing that is interesting me, but i don't need a degree to watch the news.

    Is/has anyone else feeling/felt the same about uni?

    If so what are you planning/what did you do?

    I'll first pick up on the music/drama side of things because its a very seperate point - becoming a performer in either music or drama is stupidly difficult and requires a ludicrous amount of self discipline to make you practice for hours upon hours. However there are other options, I'm doing music and I know I am in no way capable of becoming a professional performer (unless I strike it lucky with a band) the careers I'm looking at right now are music teaching and music journalism, and I know there are alot of other options out there. For a start, any graduate job which does not specify what degree you are to have - which is about 70-80% of all graduate jobs or something stupid, I don't have the figures to hand.

    These degrees are still very academic (I had loads of essays last year) sometimes with a practical element. If academia really isn't for you then these courses still might not suit you.

    There is no shame in not being suited to academia though. People are good at different things, its all about finding a balance between what you enjoy, what you are good at and what you can make a living out of.

    Your school was talking pish by the way, you can have good prospects without a degree, have you seen how much plumbers charge?

    This is your future here, you have to make the call that is right for you. If your parents don't approve tell them where to shove it - you're a big boy now and can make your own decisions.

  16. You could just leave :huh:

    So how often are you working a week then?

    I think I must have been having a bad day when I wrote that - I've made some good friends on my course, but there are a bunch of tossers that turn it into a wanky clique. I try to avoid them specifically nowadays.

    If that last bit was directed at me too, 13 hours of contact time a week, which will drop to 8 in the 2nd semester. Workload is variable. I think I've got quite a sweet deal, although there are too many early starts for my liking. You dying under a pile of work right now?

  17. Did anyone else notice the work load increasingly dramatically when they moved into second year?

    No, I have found this year a piss walk compared to last year, well not yet, but come January, I'll only be doing 4 subjects.

    The increased options in my coursemeans the godawful fucking pretentious clique I was in last year is fragmenting. Thank f**k, I can actually talk to some people on my course without some pretentious arse/privately educated fuckwit who thinks they know everything butting in about someone they've heard of doing a concerto of a work of a composer that was alive at the same time as the one we mentioned in the last lecture.

    and before anyone asks, yes. I am drunk.

  18. Moving up on the 10th of September into my halls at Murano, can't fucking wait :D

    Stayed in Murano last year - really good place to meet people, you'll enjoy it. My only regret is not being in a 12 person as my 5 person flat never really gelled, still got loads of friends from the surrounding flats though.

    Although be prepared for fire alarms at any given moment.

  19. Well done everyone with good results :D

    Got my final results for my modules back (all coursework, but hadn't got the final assignments back) and I'm pretty happy



    2x B1

    2x B2

    B3 - which was for performance which I was expecting at most a C :D


  20. I have no exams cool.gif

    Just a week of hell, which features the deadline for 4 essays totalling 6000 words, 2 tests, 2 orchestrations and an assessed group discussion.

    1 essay and 1 test are out of the way, but the orchestrating is doing my nut it. I hate music notation software.

    After this week is done I just have a 15 minute performance recital at the end of April. Which mean's I'll be Britpopping it up on Friday B)

    For all those moaning about the campaigners, have you not developed the knack of avoiding these people? Use passers by as human shields - pretend to be on the phone, change (or pretend to change) the song on your iPod, and the QM got a specific mention - I find the wheelchair ramp particularly useful :-)

  21. You're still boring.

    You drink orange VK :P

    I didn't say being boring was an all-consuming negative, tbf ;) . As for making lots of posts on P&B, this may be a fair point. Although I never consciously sit down to cruise P&B tbf (well, apart from possibly at night when I'm having a bite to eat before going to bed): as I tend to have it on when I'm watching the news/doing some reading/listening to music etc. I agree it's a bad hadib in being a bit of a distraction...

    The penny suddenly dropped that I was spending so much time arguing with guys who were either keyboard gangsters and/or wind-up merchants purely in it for the reactions. Result - more drinking/sleeping/music time.

    I'm still remarkably boring - but it was truly tagic before. :lol:

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