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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. This is what I remember from Adam Rooney. Now I know that's an absolute dive but fucking hell I thought my head was going to explode at Craig Samson for that bit of goalkeeping.
  2. The worst of that shitshow was that there were 10 other fucking hopeless cases on the park that were also at fault at that point. Ainsworth was just an easy target for McGhee. Also I stand on the hill of Lionel Ainsworth and I will fucking die on it if need be.
  3. Not to rain on the parade here, but is this just a thinly veiled cover up for another friend of Declan.
  4. I want odds on the P&B WebServer tanking as soon as that's announced.
  5. Can't wait to see how we give away a ridiculous penalty this week. I'll take Mugabi handball, please.
  6. Looking forward to us leaping to 6th place in 3 months time when they finally announce their decision.
  7. Someone once told me on a recovery call that they were "co-ordinating a power recycle". That's turning it off & on again.
  8. Cadden's best time with us was either in a weird, lop-sided 4-4-2 under McGhee that allowed him to carry the ball further up the park, or as a RWB in the 3-5-2 thunderdome. Essentially chuck him in a position where he needs to run up & down a lot and he's good. There was a couple of times Robinson tried to play him as a 10 or in central midfield but he's nowhere near technically gifted enough to do either.
  9. I mean we absolutely were stiffed in the Cadden transfer but I doubt Cadden himself made that choice. Realistically his main attribute is that he can run all day long. He's not a technically gifted footballer so fair play to him for turning that into a move to the US to get decent cash and a nice lifestyle (covid notwithstanding). Ultimately I think he got offered a move over, regardless of how it went through, and snatched it with both hands. The technicalities will have been down to his agent.
  10. I've probably said it on here before but Ryan Bowman's my best example of this. He was absolutely mince at fitba. No ability but he absolutely knocked his pan in on the park so I couldn't be angry at him. Long's shown on a number of occasions that he's more than capable of playing at this level. However he blatantly cannot be arsed now.
  11. Haven't been on this thread in ages. Got myself a Brompton M6L at the start of summer last year. What a bloody marvellous bit of engineering it is btw. Hills are a bit of a drag what with it only having wee tiny wheels, but for zipping about into town and that the thing is absolutely fantastic.
  12. Mental how a 23 year old guy who kicks a ball for a living is a more effective opposition than pretty much the whole Labour party.
  13. He's probably better than Bevis Mugabi/Ricki Lamie. But he's also, allegedly, on £40k a week so if you balance it all out he cannae be far off.
  14. Is Simon Ramsden wearing a retro Sunderland top there? Just to add. He has huge Zante club rep energy with that whole outfit he's got going on.
  15. Operation Odessa is well worth a watch. Very, very entertaining.
  16. Things looked a bit more simple yesterday. I don't think anyone expected anything massive after exactly one training session. I completely understand him giving everyone a clean slate (apart from Chapman, obvz). I suspect it's probably a case of assessing what we've got and sorting out what we need. Honestly if he can make us more like the hammer throwers of old I'm all for it. It was a performance typical of the season, really. Play well, maybe score, give away a stupid goal. We could do with more b*****ds in the team.
  17. Because our entire team is made up of shitebags. We're soft as shite all over the park.
  18. Also I assume I wasn't the only one that assumed when it was given that it probably was a stonewaller because Bevis?
  19. It's probably because that's the 852nd fucking stupid-for-whatever-reason penalty we've given away this season.
  20. I think @thisGRAEME isn't far off it. I don't harbour any grudge against Jordan White. He's just not good enough for this level. His touch, turn & shot right at the end was absolutely the right idea but he's just slow to execute any of it. We were a bit better today. Still soft as shite at the back in parts but things looked a bit better overall. Hopefully a centre forward and a defender will sort us out.
  21. Watched Raised by Wolves this week. It both delighted & annoyed me. The start/first half of the series was some good sci-fi stuff. But from about episode 7 onwards it's a total fucking mess of a show. Culminating in a final episode that is absolutely fucking stupid.
  22. Thought he done really well with the free kick. Like fair play to him for still being on the park in order to take it.
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