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well fan for life

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Posts posted by well fan for life

  1. 4 minutes ago, eliphas said:

    Aye, that's fair I think 

    I've kinda put on record on here before I'm not sure any of these videos we've done over the years make a huge difference (like the cup final and season ticket ones) but it's worth a shot I guess.

    I reckon those ones actually do have some merit tbf. Shift some extra tickets perhaps. 

    The David Turnbull one, however. Who the f**k was that actually for outside of the obvious two folk?

  2. 14 minutes ago, 21maxwell said:

    It'll likely be a loan or free from the bottom end of League two we'll get right at the end of the window. 

    I mean last season, it was a guy from Gillingham who had 1 goal before signing and ran about like the wacky waving inflatable tube man.

    Crankshaw, Aitchison and Danzaki all in that window as well. What the f**k was Hammell smoking when he booted up Football Manager?

  3. 1 minute ago, ropy said:

    I just don’t know enough about our recruitment to criticise.  We only see who we end up with, not who we go for.  A number may price themselves out of a deal, a number may have no interest in moving to Scotland, a number may not fancy Motherwell or Kettlewell, we may get usurped at the last minute by a rival.  Then we get what is left.

    If it was all laid out we could provide a view of the effort that went into it or the quality of the top picks, but it never will be.

    We started involving analytics to help our transfers. https://analyticsfc.co.uk/blog/2020/11/26/exciting-new-partnership-between-scottish-club-motherwell-and-analytics-fc/

    So presumably that gives us a pool of players based purely on numbers that we can then look at in more detail in order to work out if we want to pursue them. Then it'll be a case of whittling it down through wages, competition for the signing etc until we actually get to the point of signing one of these folk. 

    f**k knows where Danzaki fits in to that though. 

  4. 11 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    The actual hit rate for successful signings is so much lower than people seem to think, and its why virtually every manager will sign/play an experienced proven player over an untested younger players.

    FWIW of what I imagine a list of "failures" from there would look like, Tierney, Shields, Wilkinson and Aitchison should be classed as good signing who didn't work out, rather than bad signings. Not sure that makes sense.

    Aye I'm not sure what metric would show if a signing is successful but I wouldn't be surprised if other clubs of our size have a similar hit rate when it comes to signings. 


  5. 21 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Surely Lamie is an upgrade on big Bevis? I've never rated Lamie (as I've went into detail before) but he's been very good for us on the left side of a 3 to the point that I wouldn't be upset if we signed him permanently.

    They're as bad as each other imo. And if we bring him back it's not going to be to replace Bevis, it'll be to put him on beside Bevis again. I've watched that pairing more than enough times to tell you that's a disaster waiting to happen. Their collective performance against Sligo over two legs is one of the worst I can remember. 

  6. I'm not going to spend a long time panning Bevis for his shortcomings. Realistically we all know he's, at best, a stopgap defender. He's seen off 3 managers (maybe 4 soon) and the endless turnover is probably what's kept him getting contracts with us. The fact that we were starting this season with 2/3 of the nightmare fuel that was Bevis, Mugabi & Sol is further testament to recruitment that has been complete dogshit.

    As for today. Setting up with our best midfielder at RWB, who spent the first 15 minutes getting the pish ripped out him. Our only saviour is that Hibs then moved Tavares infield where it was more congested, as I said in the match thread they are fucking idiots for doing that. Slattery was anonymous, Paton is never a 6 in his life and is maybe the least composed player on the ball I can remember. There's probably a 4-4-2 in that team but we're back to sticking square pegs in round holes.

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