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well fan for life

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Posts posted by well fan for life

  1. 18 hours ago, Pete the Jakey said:

    At ~2.00 you see a lovely passing move. It is symptomatic of how much we have gelled over the past few games, but also how static Motherwell were off the ball. It’s a shame Randall could curl it into the top corner to give it the finish it deserved. 

    It's nice passing but it's also absolutely terrible from us. Blaney's a lost boy and it leaves Wilkinson (a forward who has never played in midfield until now) as somehow being the last defender to attempt to shut it down. 

    Fucking hell I hate this team. 

  2. 1 minute ago, Casagolda said:

    I see we even tried switching SODS and Spencer last night before giving Gent a shot- still didn’t work. Gent came on at half time and in the highlights forced Laidlaw into a good save while creating two good chances for Biereth. Like, I know we’ve said it all before but it’s genuinely mental to me that Kettlewell has got to this stage and he still hasn’t tried the boy there from the start even once. 

    While I don't think Gent is a left back by any stretch, it is nuts that we haven't attempted to stick him as a wide player. While we might be hesitant to throw him in as he's a wean you then have to wonder what on earth the point in signing him was. 

  3. 16 minutes ago, capt_oats said:

    I've mentioned this before but my hot take is that Stuart McCall wasn't actually a very good manager.

    Like, he was fine and he assembled a good side but his success with us (and he was successful) seemed to be more from vibes rather than good management.

    I am still fucking raging about the away game at Ibrox when they'd been relegated and we were literally top of the league. From days out we were already giving excuses before we completely shat the bed. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, 18May1991 said:

    I think/hope you’re right about staying up.

    I’m with others on this though - in terms of the overall state of the club - it just feels rudderless and a bit of a shambles. That may be grossly unfair and I have no inside line on this whatsoever, just how it feels to me. 

    Again may be unfair but when Burrows was running the show there was a lot of positivity and you felt like a part of the club, felt like you knew what was going on. That feeling seems to have disappeared. For me anyway. Which is a shame. 

    I don't think you need an inside line to know that, though. We've lost Burrows, Lasley & Hammell who were at the core of the club for decades and haven't replaced 2/3 of them. We then appointed Derek Weir as the interim while we searched for a new CEO but have not managed to find anyone. He clearly doesn't want the job longer than he absolutely has to so we're unlikely to have any sort of long term plan. 

    Kettlewell was clearly given the instruction over the summer to trim our massively bloated squad back, which he done successfully. What we're left with is a squad that is paper thin and a lot of our summer signings are proving to be questionable. We signed a left back who has an injury record as long as your arm and,  shockingly, he's out long term now. We have no other left backs around so we're pissing about sticking right backs over there who look massively uncomfortable. We had our whole midfield operation pinned around a 17 year old and now he's out we are unable to hold onto the ball. The solution? Stick a striker in at centre mid where, shockingly, he was all over the place last night. 

    Like I said earlier I'm not even that arsed about binning Kettlewell because we're going to end up in the same place very quickly, imo. 


  5. 18 minutes ago, Dosser1886 said:

    Knew it was coming with the experience of fans down south. The revist to the red is bad enough but the inability to celebrate a goal without pausing to wait is the real killer for me.

    Talking about expanding it even further for corners etc. I'm a big rugby fan and TMO/VAR reviews are killing both sports to an increasing extent. Need to look at and pull it back for me.

    Honestly expected Mugabi's goal to get disallowed. Going by how soft the penalties given last weekend to certain clubs were you could feasibly blow the whistle and give a foul whatever way you want looking at VAR. 

  6. 12 hours ago, Jacky1990 said:

    Just seen the Paton red card.

    Yellow card all day long that. Its two players both going for the ball. He's a fraction behind and catches the player obviously, but any sort of common sense says we shouldnt be sending players off for that.

    Genuinely think some VAR officials think their job as to get involved in at least one incident a game lile theyre on commission. 

    When you see it in real time it's a coming together that's going to happen in a game of football. The fact the referee goes to the monitor and the first thing they get met with is the 4 frames of the player's leg straight at that height is a complete nonsense.

    I'm very sick of VAR. It doesn't half suck the joy out of football. 

  7. Couldn't name you an Accies player these days and I think we've played Airdrie about twice I can remember and I'm in my 30s. 

    As far as other players in the division around us I am a fan of Miovski at Aberdeen. I think he leads the line really well. 

    Internationally I think Bellingham is different gravy. Watched the Madrid game during the week and watching him glide round the park with the number 5 and a pair of red & black Adidas Predators he's no far off a ringer for Zidane. 


  8. 12 minutes ago, Quatermass said:

    Pretty ‘spectacular’ comeback draws against County, St Johnstone, Celtic and now Dundee have papered over some pretty big cracks. On one hand you can say there is a fighting spirit in the team and we scrap to the end. The other side of the argument is we are defensively weak and all to easy, and quickly, fall behind in games.

    Even if County beat us on Tuesday, Kettlewell will take charge against St Johnstone next Sat. For me it’s over but who is calling the shots at the Club? Can they be arsed? Just seems like too much hassle for folk at this time of year. It arguably shouldn’t have gotten this far. After the St Mirren game is my prediction for a change. The next game after that is Rangers when we will be faced with a Clarkson/Foster dream team until a new guy is in for Livi and the window.

    No less than two wins out of the next three can save him.

    Agree with most of this. I've said before that the club is a mess from top to bottom. Burrows left, we put Derek Weir in charge as an "interim" but have clearly failed to attract anyone to take the job. So now Weir is the guy in charge but is hardly likely to do anything radical/long term because he clearly has no interest in taking up the post permanently. 

    There's goals in this team but the defence is atrocious. We went 1-0 up then got the tent & campfire out in our own 18 yard box when we have shown all season that we are not good enough to defend consistently. It's fair enough to do it at Parkhead but at home to Dundee is grim. 

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