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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. I made a triumph of an emergency dinner last week in mine. I had 3 chicken thighs and some assorted veg (potatoes, carrots, onions etc.). Hacked it all up roughly, added salt, pepper, thyme, rosemary, bay leaves, a bit of chilli, garlic and some chicken stock. Added a couple of spoonfuls of cracked wheat to soak up the liquid a bit. Turned out to be an absolute gem of a dinner, when in fact it started as a week-before-pay-day-f**k-all-in-the-fridge meal.
  2. I would say blood bugs are 100% the hardest enemy in the game. I can take down behemoths, deathclaws, mirelurks, assaultrons etc. Single handedly. A group of 3 or 4 blood bugs and I get my arse handed to me.
  3. The Scrapper perk is pretty useful as well.
  4. As long as Naughty Dog use the same team that done TLOU and Drake's 2. If it's the team that made Drake's 3 we're humped.
  5. Echoing others comments: Lone wanderer perk >> any companion.
  6. Aye it's hilarious. I can confirm it works on deathclaws.
  7. Only thing worth finding in "The Treasure". The rest of it is a lot of pish really.
  8. Found the 2076 World Series Baseball Bat. Highly amusing when you knock a supermutant for miles with it.
  9. I dropped two lots or artillery on him and that was just about it. Couple of hunting rifle rounds later and that was that.
  10. .50 cal hunting rifle + maxed out rifleman perk = being completely unstoppable.
  11. I think so. Between the harpoon gun and the water boy perk I think it's clear they planned it before shelving it.
  12. I've been using Grognak's costume which is the best armour I've found. I prefer it to the silver shroud.
  13. I've been playing this all weekend. I've got a laser rifle and laser musket for taking down turrets/raiders with power armour. My utility gun is an upgraded pipe pistol which I've b*****dised into a heavy rifle with a reflex sight. Basically because there is a huge amount of ammo lying about.
  14. I've only just started this and have done 15 episodes in a week. Shit the bed, lads. What the f**k has taken me so long to get into this?! Also, regardless of the quality of the show, it's worth watching for Natalie Dormer.
  15. I'd say it wasn't, because if you don't put something between you and the deathclaw it will openly commit abuse on you. Fucking deathclaws. And absolutely f**k the invisible one if I ever cross it's path.
  16. I've played this for about 6 hours solid today. Fan-fucking-tastic. I've just been stoating about getting lost in the wasteland. BLISS.
  17. My collector's edition got delivered successfully. Unfortunately I'm currently working in Manchester, then London, and am not back in my house for any length of time until December. f**k all of you who can lose hours to this now.
  18. I would have more respect for Dugdale if she actually approached this like "we know we're in the shit. We know you don't trust us." Instead she does these things like a total space cadet. Acting like there isn't much of a problem. If anything people like her less now than ever. She comes across as being so far out of the loop that there is no way back for her. FFS she's making Murphy look like a political heavyweight.
  19. I think they're far beyond that now. They drowned long ago and there's no hope of finding a body.Edit to add: I'm just catching up on this. I actually want to switch it off. Watching Dugdale flounder is fucking embarrassing, and I'm not even a Labour supporter.
  20. Started playing this online again recently. By far my favourite online game. I like how you actually need to be sensible and not just storm about going wild with a machine gun. And nothing is quite as satisfying as hunting down the last man standing with a shiv.
  21. Rousey is just light years ahead of everyone. I don't even think there's a close second now. It is pretty fucking dull watching her wreck everything in the first round, mind. Not that I'd say that to her face.
  22. For what it's worth, I'm not actually a Froome fan. I think he's dull as dishwater. I'm also not "naive" enough to think that no one's doping now. I just enjoy watching a bike race. If I spent the whole 3 weeks ripping it apart and assuming the whole lot was solely down to drug use, then I wouldn't enjoy watching any of it.
  23. At the end of the day, if Quintana had been able to stick to the front group on stage 2 he'd have won it. To immediately assume that Froome is doping isn't exactly taking in all the facts.
  24. Same. If I was served that up I'd be delighted. Every plate looked fantastic.
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