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well fan for life

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Everything posted by well fan for life

  1. I really fucking hate people who pish on any success as doping, and I'm not one to do it myself. But what in the name of f**k is going on here? A man who has never done anything significant in any Grand Tour, has had piss all form all season and never looked to be a serious contender is suddenly riding some of the best stage racers in the world off his wheel. All this at the age of 42.
  2. I don't think Wiggins can be overlooked that easily. Cancellara hammered Martin the other day, but only a couple of weeks ago Wiggins destroyed Cancellara. I don't think there's a lot in it between the 3.
  3. On the subject of shite cycle paths, is anyone here from the south side of Glasgow. If so, look at the fucking shite excuse for a cycle path all the way up Carmunnock Road. It appears from nowhere, bumps up onto the kerb and ends up at Dougrie on a lamp post.
  4. I was absolutely gutted for Tony Martin the other day. Phenomenal effort from the lad. As for Gilbert, it looks like the curse of the rainbow jersey is ringing true.
  5. Joined. Had a look at VeloViewer too. Great website to line up all your rides side by side. Let's you see your improvements over time.
  6. That was my thought. They're guilty as sin, might as well admit it and try to arrange serving their sentence here.
  7. I reckon they were told they'd make a fortune and chanced it. Now they've been caught. If they weren't up for it, they could have notified the proper authorities at the airport and said they were being forced to carry it.
  8. I like 3 pockets on the back, evenly sized. And a full length zip as well. Other than that, I'm pretty easy going with my tops.
  9. Does anyone remember the casino robbery side missions in San Andreas? They were quality.
  10. "In all your years as a professional footballer, who is the greatest player you've ever sat beside?"
  11. The battery life is one part of it. Strava guzzles the battery life because of the location services. If I see a good deal on the 200 I may take the plunge.
  12. The thing is it's only as expensive as you want it to be. You can get a bike and a helmet for £50 and you're away. I am questioning treating myself to a Garmin. Sadly the budget probably won't stretch to the Edge 810. Has anyone got one of the lower models?
  13. Checked my rear tyre as I was passing my bike on Sunday morning and it was totally flat. Upon inspecting the puncture, I found this big b*****d jammed through my tire. It must have been a slow puncture, and it must have missed the Kevlar belt by a gnat's bawhair.
  14. Done 22 miles earlier. The first 12 of which were riding straight into a head wind, in what can only be described as an act of self mutilation.
  15. Chavanel & Martin are superb in a lead out. They've got the power to nullify any chance of last ditch attack. Steegmans isn't a lead out man. He's either in a slipstream, or riding at absolutely full pelt. He's not got the brain of a lead out man. I think keeping Steegmans in the train in the same role the Matt Goss had at HTC is the right idea. Goss/Steegmans to effectively do a full sprint at 750-ish to go, then Mark Renshaw to pull Cav into the best position. Basically what OPQS need to do is to replicate what HTC did for years. For the foreseeable future I reckon it's a straight up fight between Kittel, Greipel and Cavendish for sprints. There's not a lot between them now. Good to see Rigoberto Uran getting a chance to be a team leader in his own right. I like Sky, but Uran really deserved to get more of a shot at GC wins. I reckon he'll take a Grand Tour in the next few years. Him and Nairo Quintana will boss the climbs for years.
  16. The lead out was brilliant until 1km to go. Then it just fell to pieces.
  17. The OPQS lead out was brilliant today, up until the last kilometre where it fell apart. Again. Renshaw will make a big difference. Steegmans has the raw power to pull Renshaw and Cav into position, but Renshaw has the brains to do a proper lead out. Wiggo is riding the Tour of Poland, the Tour of Britain then the Worlds ITT. I saw him saying in an interview that he wants the rainbow jersey on his Palmares as well as his Olympic gold. I was thinking Richie Porte for the Vuelta. I think Uran is on his way out of Sky.
  18. I wish we had a fully commited Nibali this year. He's the only cyclist on the planet who could compete with Froome over this sort of course.
  19. I have a hand pump which is clipped onto my bottle cage to take out with me, but the track pump is the only way to do it at home. No chance could I pump up to 110-120 psi with a hand pump.
  20. That descent tomorrow looks fucking terrifying. You'd be able to light a fag off my brake pads by the time I got to the bottom.
  21. Sky are missing a brain on the road. They've got a lot of talent there, but no one to organise the troops. I see Renshaw has agreed terms with OPQS too. Could solve Cav's lead out problems. I'd imagine it would be Steegmans->Renshaw->Cavendish as his last men. Sounds like a force.
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