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)typically last won the day on December 30 2012

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  1. Having won the UTT on the BTC. How does this impact on the whole allegation that Rangers were massive cheats? Does anyone from this thread have anything to say for thumselves? An apology maybe?
  2. Rangers appoint new NonExec Director Norman Crighton. He will chair an Investment Committe at the club. He is Dundonian and has 20 odd years experience in finance and corporate restructuring. Also I dont know if this is news or not but apparently Dundee's Chief Exec Scot Gardiner is the likely next CEO of Rangers. Scotsman Link Edit to add: Just read on STV site that Gardiner has turned the role down.
  3. Not worth a thread of its own but quite good: Identify the footballing cliches I scored 14 out of a possible 15.
  4. Has it always been the case that you can report your own post on P&B? I noticed today there is a report button on my own posts even though I'm logged into the forum. I just wondered if this was a glitch.
  5. I think you're onto something there. So to speak.
  6. Im trying to figure this one out: Jenny Talwarts? Janet Alwarts? Janetta L Warts?
  7. I saw the tail end of the documentary and must say I didnt have much time for either the EDL guy or the Muslim Cleric he was "debating" with.
  8. I dont like wind turbines either but its comments like "dumbest leader of the free world" and "loser" I'm referring to. I'm not a fan of Salmond (or many politicians for that matter) but cant help thinking these are just the words of a spolied billionaire with his nose out of joint.
  9. Donald Trump getting stuck into Wee Eck earlier today. Not a huge fan of either of them tbh.
  10. Yes. You can drink it before the month is out but it may be cloudy as the yeast sediment has not settled yet. Ideally one week for primary fermentation in the bucket, one week in the barrel in the warm for the priming sugar (which you will add to the barrel) to ferment and carbonate the beer. Then 3 put the barrel in a cold place like a shed or garage to condition for 3 weeks. Conditioning lets the yeast sediment drop to the bottom and solidify and also results in better carbonation. Be careful not to shake the barrel about to much as you want the yeast to settle.
  11. Turbo cider is the easiest to make, supposedly it is similar to Scrumpy. Its made from cartons of apple juice. Ho to guide in link below. http://www.thehomebrewforum.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=25735 I have never made this myself though.
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