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Everything posted by SouthLanarkshireWhite

  1. I can't wait to see your budget when you eventually stop talking in generalities. How much should we spend in wages? A percentage of income will do or £s - whatever works?
  2. We are actually starting to make a habit of winning important games, whereas in the past we have been awful in that respect.
  3. A season bets forgotten for all but two things. 1. Staying up despite nearly screwing up several times 2. End of season was actually quite exciting. Pity there was no one in to see it. I have to say well done to all involved though. That was hard work and a scary ending, but despite several injuries, suspensions and various things going against us, they all did what was required. Roll on August.
  4. Dumbarton's groundsman proves practice makes perfect & excels himself with the power sprinklers to ensure a postponement.
  5. Is Lang out for the rest of the games now? If so, do we know why?
  6. What will happen if a game is impacted by further cases in the next 7 days?
  7. 27 pages for a game that did not take place! If the SPFL decision is in anyway controversial this could run and run.
  8. Do we know the identity of the player who is positive yet?
  9. Firstly, I agree with EF that there was no reason to put players at risk (or their families). Secondly, all of this will surely be clarified in the next 48 hours or so ( you would like to think). The one thing in the above that doesn't quite hang together is Darren's statement about 'to his knowledge the JRG were not contacted'. He may be right, but as it was Clyde's home game, Clyde's player with a test - would Clyde not be most likely to be responsible for contacting the authorities, and if so, then Clyde should be communicating who was approached and what their advice was? Darren Young can surely only know if the JRG were involved through 2nd/3rd hand chat. Anyway. We'll see. As I said 6 weeks ago. NULL AND VOID. It's too late now for that, but....
  10. £400 is top end for quality players. However, the names being posted above are those people want to improve the squad, so that may be the going rate. On costs are not 28% in this industry, as pensions are low, and lower paid players e.g. youths don't even pay NI. Money is a big factor, but running the club with very few permanent staff, mainly volunteers, people coming and going, little long term planning, no youth structure to talk of, and no consistency of approach are IMHO as important
  11. Not if we have several hundred thousand pounds (at least) that you mention above. I would like to see the books to support that.
  12. So £20k each per annum plus NI - lets call it £21k. A pool of 18-20 players, not all on £400, as some will be more and come less will therefore be c £420k. Add in win bonuses, coaching staff, physio, one or two others and you have £500k+. Add in pension costs, bonuses , rent, travel costs, stewarding, website, admin staff, audit fees, phones, postage, stationery and you are well over £600k. Crowds of say 700 paying an average of £12 for 20 home games = £168k (you have to take the VAT off the £12 but lets ignore that for now). Income from cup games is uncertain as is income from SPFL/SFA as it depends on their ability to get sponsorship for competitions etc. Income from sponsorship is uncertain. So is fan generated days like Golf, Xmas party, various prize draws etc. That's a fair bit of uncertainty and a significant gap to make up. Get it wrong one way, and you cannot pay bills, get it wrong the other way and you may get relegated. There is a real balance to be found and it isn't that easy.
  13. Fine margins, but a 1-0 win against Dumbarton last week instead of a 1-0 loss and we would be 7 points clear and almost safe. Really important to beat them this time.
  14. If the FA have any bollocks then they will take Chelsea out the FA Cup final and replace with Southampton. Easiest way to show they are serious.
  15. The big temptation here is that we would never have to visit either Cowdenbeath or Methil ever again. This does have some merit after all.
  16. Reminds me of the first two football kits I got before they became easily sourced and popular. 1. Primary 7 me and my mate got Airdrie kits, because no one else had them and they were very different. 2. Secondary (1st year) - went on holiday to the north of Scotland, including Aberdeen, and got one of these kits with number 4 on the back.
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