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Everything posted by forameus

  1. Oh aye, he was brilliant. Ended up being better at shooting birds out the sky, so instead of giving him his winnings I shot him in the face. Roon' ye.
  2. forameus

    FIFA 19

    I could just never get him to be that good. Granted, I'm shite, but even with that this card is unbelievable.
  3. forameus

    FIFA 19

    I've never really bought into the hype of SMS since he broke through, but that SBC card is obscene. An absolute monster everywhere on the pitch.
  4. forameus

    FIFA 19

    I packed him but punted him straight away. Think I may have made a mistake there. Could be a very valuable card if Ajax progress.
  5. Yeah, I'm withdrawing what little I had for it. Watched a few gameplay videos of it and it just looks a bit meh. Probably one of those games that if you're a proper online player with a mic and a load of pals (*sob*) then you'll probably have an alright time. Other than that, it just looks like Fallout but a bit worse.
  6. The control scheme can be a bit picky sometimes, can't it? Met a treasure hunter who wasn't keen on sharing his map, and tried to escape. FOllowed him to his horse and tried to execute a perfect takedown. Punched his horse.
  7. Tried for all the German dates and Copenhagen. Eventim was indeed pish and only lonely single tickets for Copenhagen which didn't suit. I managed to get Milton Keynes tickets in the presale (found the LIFAD membership quite useful for tickets in the past) but wanted to see them in Munich around the wife's birthday and fucked up the dates for the presale. Eventim were absolutely farcical (although less farcical than them doing it in-house for the Waldbuhne shows a while back). Luckily, like they did with Waldbuhne, I was just about to give up when the second Munich date got announced, so going there too. Fucking yass.
  8. You. Fucking. Monster. I mean, I've brained My Lovely Horse on a few rocks, including as we tried to make a quick escape from bounty hunters, but still. One day he's going to take a last header over one of those rocks, and I won't have any horse reviver on me. Viking funeral is all that will suffice.
  9. forameus

    FIFA 19

    My pack luck recently has been ridiculous. After getting Alba, Ozil and some mid-range IF in one of the Serie A SBC packs, I then got ter Stegen in another, then Paul Pogba in the next. Funded my way through the last of the SBCs for Serie A, get the Europa League SMS card and let me change back to a 4-3-3 by picking up Florenzi, Sandro and Handanovic. Don't think I've ever managed to have this many coins in FIFA before, so looking forward to seeing how I manage to piss them away. On IFs, I usually like picking up the really expensive players with a view that they'll roughly keep their value, and I can sell them if need be to fund another SBC or something. Was going to go mental and spend most of what I had to pick up Insigne/Mertens IF cards, but noticed their value has fallen off a cliff from where they used to be (admittedly, the value was sky high to start). If I know I'll likely want to sell at some point, is it worth picking them up now? Will they rise? Or is the only way down? Kind of hoping I can hold off until the Black Friday time, as I've heard the market will likely take a big dip, if not crash.
  10. forameus

    FIFA 19

    I played (and lost) 2 Rivals games all week, still got two packs this morning. Best was Mandzukic (who I should have kept for SBC) but a few coins raked in anyway.
  11. I'd say from my (relatively) limited time with the game, it's one of the most "alive" feeling worlds there's ever been in a game. In the way that it makes you feel like you are a guest in the world, rather than the world being centred around you. If that makes sense, and doesn't sound totally wanky. Skyrim always trumpeted that the world would carry on without you, with NPCs and creatures fighting each other on occasion, but this is on another level. Really struck me during the now regular visits from bounty hunters. I'm sitting on about $300 for one of the areas, and constantly have to check out the map to see if they've caught up with me. I was finishing one of the loan shark missions and had just battered some Polish guy (I've rarely felt as much of a dick as I have during those missions btw) when 8 of them came up the only road leading to the farm. Managed to get off the horse and hide in time as they searched. Sneaked around, away, and out into a clearing, summoned the horse and then got the f**k out of there. Nothing really that special about it, but the way the whole situation gets handled was brilliant. No big forced set-piece as they find you, no fanfare, just a quiet search for you that is always happening, independent of what you're doing. I wouldn't go that far. From a technical perspective, they're leading for the sheer detail, but I wouldn't say the characters or writing is jumping out as up there with the best yet. Projekt Red are the kings at that for me.
  12. Nikki Cross deserves better than just appearing every so often on NXT. Whether she'll get that on Smackdown I have my doubts, but she deserves it.
  13. forameus

    FIFA 19

    I just did it too, only went and packed mad Radge Nainggolan. Got a Serie A team, so would be perfect for that, but I'd also quite like the 350k coins...
  14. Watching him run was absolutely thrilling, as he genuinely seemed to have several gears more than any player he came up against. Seem to remember him assisting with an attack, overlapping, getting caught out, and then still catching the opposition winger despite them having a 40 yard head-start. But that's about all I remember of him, to be honest. Soccerbase actually has him playing 34 times for us, which is...well, that must be wrong. Although tellingly, even including that generous figure from us when he spent most of his career crocked, he's played 142 league games. He's 31. Compare that to our very own Stuart Bannigan, who seems to have been injured for years and years, and has still managed 161 games. To further put it into a sad perspective, 28 year old Sean Welsh, who may as well just be a walking piece of scar tissue, has only managed 13 less league games in his career.
  15. If he did come back, it should have been for just one WM match that he could purely condition himself for and spend time building it to hide his limitations. Instead, he was thrown into a TLC match in a pinch, and has appeared in largely nothing matches. Big shame for someone with such a storied history.
  16. I read somewhere that it was potentially so that no-one really came out of Saudi Arabia being the "face" of the event. So putting McMahon in there means they can effectively bury the names of anyone who participated should it all go South. Expect that's just dirtsheet reaching though. I wouldn't mind him as a heel, it's at least something different for him to do other than being a rather bland, overly-sweaty face. As with anything, the starting point doesn't matter, it's what they do with it. Granted, they'll likely f**k it up, but still.
  17. It's actually startling how unbelievably good NXT continues to be. Also helps that as well as putting on great cards, they actually live up to their promise. Black/Gargano and Ciampa/Dream both intertwine together wonderfully, even without taking into account that they'd be brilliant standalone. And that Wargames match...ooft.
  18. forameus

    FIFA 19

    I'll be doing my next bit of irregular stupidity on the market buying up cheap gold players. I expect they'll rise a little bit once they add more Champions League upgrade SBCs tomorrow, but knowing my luck they'll crash or something. Or I'll get trade banned, which is apparently happening more and more. SLowly working my way through the Serie A SBC with the coins I had, hoping I'll luck out with the packs I get. It was quite cheap to do early on, but not anymore. Might need to wait it out until the crash.
  19. Finally made it up to Strawberry, after taking a lift off a lovely guy in a wagon. My Lovely Horse decided to follow just behind, kind of defeating the point, but still. Got out and took in the buzz of a little town, when someone said they recognised me. Twenty seconds later I'm telling the horse to bolt as I try and fight off the law. Managed to get back onto the horse and high-tail it out of there, going straight to the train station to pay off the considerable bounty I'd accrued. Back to Strawberry to finish off the mission I had there, saving a guy from getting hanged. What's that? You want me to break you out? I'm sure that'll be whimsical...I now have an even bigger bounty than the one I paid off, and when you put it along with Blackwater I am very much not going to that area of the map once I make it out. Did get a very wholesome bath off a buxom lass in Strawberry though, so that was nice.
  20. forameus

    FIFA 19

    Was going to ask if the companion and web apps were fucked for anyone else. Just tried to get on on the work computer and it instructed me to rotate the device as the current wasn't supported...
  21. I had similar, although I managed to take him down. Went tracking and shot him a couple of times, but the fucker just kept coming. He tossed me about a bit and then pinned me down, but managed to get 4 or 5 completely blind shots off as he swung. Took him out despite not seeing what the f**k I was doing. Actually surprised at how few bugs are noticeable on this. You'd think with such a sprawling game there'd be loads (Hiya Bethesda...) but the only questionable one I've seen are people sometimes not reacting to certain crimes. I was on one of my usual chain of 10 witnesses to try and clean up, and had it down to one passenger of a wagon who was trying to flee. Managed to get her to stop, then pressed the wrong button and robbed her...just as someone rode past. He didn't see much of a problem with it though, and rode on. Still chased him down and killed him though. No. Witnesses.
  22. forameus

    FIFA 19

    I punted mine to get one of the packs, think the one for 4 items. Then got that Dortmund one so chucked it in for another silver pack. Probably made at least 20 coins on that one. Yass. Really not getting the urge to play this anymore. Time with PS4 is already limited, so RDR2 will take that time up. Still using the companion app though - 179k of coins sitting to fire into SBCs in the hope of getting something better. May jump on to play some games if the objective looks particularly attractive, but other than that...meh.
  23. How much did they end up being? Sounds like an interesting show, although I really can't stand that Kenny guy that (I presume still) does the ITR stuff. Clearly knows his stuff, just never took to his personality when he was more public with WC or his podcasts.
  24. Well, there it is. I never thought I'd hear Blair Spittal and Andrew Robertson mentioned in the same post.
  25. I'll be largely that I imagine. Being a dick full time is just too much work. Witnesses are an absolute ball-ache. Had a "disagreement" with a guy and shot both him and his horse (latter accidentally). Disposed of the guy (rolling them down the hill is superb) but the horse got noticed by a guy coming past, who bolted when he didn't like my explanation. Took him out with a perfect headshot and he was thrown from his horse, but before I could hide him, someone else came around. Think it was a chain of 4 or 5 before I bolted back to My Lovely Horse and got out of there.
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