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Everything posted by forameus

  1. It's based on him making it pretty clear he wants to stay in Portugal. I'd take his view over anyone saying "och, just come back hame, pal"
  2. For all the whines about how he's being wronged, maybe he doesn't feel the same. He clearly enjoys life in Portugal, and I doubt he's seeing continuing to experience that life as being as doom and gloom as some here. And maybe,just maybe, he isn't quite as good as he was originally hyped up to be. And that's fine. Good luck to the boy, he's living a far better life than he would be at any club in Scotland.
  3. That might well be accurate but it's not the referee stitching up his assistant. It was the assistant that didn't think the ball that went in. It was the assistant that stuck his flag up for a throw. It was the assistant that told the referee he didn't think the ball crossed the line. The referee is partially to blame for listening to the halfwit running the line when all evidence should have told him it was a goal but if said halfwit thinks he's been stitched up then in reality all he is doing is trying to share the blame for what was ultimately mostly his f**k up. Only going by what was said by someone probably talking shite. I completely agree, although I have a tiny bit of sympathy if he genuinely didn't see it and didn't want to award a goal for something he wasn't sure of. Would've thought the referee's decision was final in that sort of case which is maybe where the resentment comes in.
  4. Just watched the Taker/HBK promo, pretty good one actually. Taker seemed particularly confident, and although it was hard to see under the hat he looked a wee bit younger and revitalised than some of the times we've seen him. Having a match with Taker isn't' going to be the best use of HBK, but I wouldn't be against it. It's not going to be up to the standard of their previous matches physically, but putting those two together I don't doubt they could tell a decent story. Doubt it'll happen though. Would've thought we'd get Cena/Taker 2.
  5. Probably apocryphal, but I read on another forum that a guy's mate is the linesman's brother (I know, I know, the linesman's dad's brother's cousin's dead dug and all that). Apparently the guy knows he made a complete f**k-up, but believes the referee completely stitched him up. He was honest and said he didn't know if it was a goal or not, and even though the referee thought it was, he sided with his assistant. I still demand some kind of blood sacrifice though.
  6. ^^^ Has never come even remotely close to operating in BRIE MODE.
  7. All this confusion just makes me want to scrap the National Team to be honest.
  8. Good for him, but I'm still not convinced we necessarily need a big stramash around who the captain is. Granted we don't go through as many ridiculous media cliches as the English seem to in the role, but I'd be far more inclined to just award it to the most fitting person who is going to take to the pitch for whatever game we're playing. I get that the captain is supposed to be that inspirational choice, but if we need something like that in a game the entire team should be stepping up rather than looking forlornly to one particular person asking "wit we gonnae dae?!". But if we have to have one, Robertson is about as close as you can get to a safe and solid choice.
  9. Or if it's anything like our players, the glass is fully cracked after physio team dropped it down some stairs. Into the canal.
  10. I don't think you understand what perfect means.
  11. forameus

    FIFA 19

    All the modes would be good for couch play when you've got a few people playing on the one screen, but given that the entire industry seems desperate to destroy that practice, it does seem a bit pointless. Could have seen it be quite popular for online games, but of course they decided not to do that. Good plan.
  12. I think as long as Reigns is protected by the continuing Shield pop, he'll be alright. If that dries up though, they could well have made a terrible mistake. I expect that Ambrose is going to eventually turn heel on them anyway. Interesting to see what happens then with reactions. They'll have to really go some to get Ambrose booed, and probably a fair distance to get Reigns cheered if going directly against a heel Ambrose.
  13. Class absolutely oozing there from P+B's Poet Laureate as usual.
  14. Or wee Patches O'Hoolihan got involved. Tam didn't dodge, duck, dip, dive or dodge unfortunately.
  15. Say what you like about our medical/coaching/management/ team and boardroom, but our Haitian Witch Doctor team is doing a grand job. Must be a new record getting O'Ware crocked within a few games.
  16. I never usually walk to the stadium, although if it's a nice enough day and it's going to be a busy game, it's a far better option than putting yourself at Scotrail's mercy. But I walk back into Glasgow after every game, because, to borrow your phrase, you'd have to be a complete loonball to spend the same amount of time battling back into Glasgow through whatever queueing system they've tried and failed to put in place for Mount Florida. And camping's fucking shite by the way.
  17. Yeah, in the quoted example, by the time youv'e got off at Queen Street, walked to central, queued up, gotten the train, and then walked to Hampden, you could have probably just walked from Queen Street and got there anyway. Still probably a slightly longer journey end-to-end as the Haymarket example, but it's not the massive difference being made out.
  18. I've certainly changed my mind too. A player has one bad game, and one good game, so I'm now putting every penny I have on him winning the Ballon D'Or at Christmas.
  19. The writing team always seem better when they have very little time to work with, some of their best booking came in the time where there was a PPV every few hours a couple of years back. They really struggle when they've not got much to concentrate on.
  20. Yeah, it's by no means a simple issue, and I'm not saying you can just let kids out until it gets dark like I was. I just think it's sad that the attitude seems to be "well, we can't do that", rather than "Well how do we get to a place where we can do that?"
  21. Probably just the latter. The about face on Strachan with most (not all, of course) that we would have seen had we have somehow gotten to, and then through, the playoffs would have been massive. But when we're shite, it's easy to hate whoever's at the front. If we start a campaign off well, you'll see whatever stadium we're in near full for whatever game we're playing. Only other modifier is the last thing you mentioned. Imagine we would've seen better attendances for a lot of our games had they been on a Saturday at any time. SFA would have been delighted that the England game was a nice Summer Saturday spectacular, but I bet in the back of their mind they wished one of the less attractive games got that spot.
  22. Child abductions were only invented in recent years. It's one thing that's always got to me, this widespread attitude that apparently we just can't let kids go out now. I've got a friend whose now a guidance teacher, and talks all the time about how he gets so many kids with stress, or more deeply-rooted psychological issues. I can't imagine bringing kids up to be afraid of everything, and drumming it into them that they can't even go outside will be helping that very much. Irony being that if they then want to communicate with pals, they'll have to take to the internet. At least we're safe in the knowledge that nothing bad ever happens there, eh?
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