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Everything posted by forameus

  1. Have him win it at WM, then have AoP come up on the RAW after WM and absolutely dismantle him to write him off TV for a bit. Certainly wouldn't be against him winning the titles on his own, because he may as well.
  2. I'd actually be quite interested in Taker coming out as something more "real". Not going all American Badass or anything, but just having some kind of continuity from what happened last year with the Undertaker as we know him being "dead". They'd only f**k it up though, so I expect at some point in the next 4 weeks he'll send "lightning" down and that'll be that.
  3. Aside from AoP, is there really anyone who is nailed on to be called up? They seem to have moved out of the cycle of having someone win the title, have a couple of defences, lose, then get called up. I'd assume we'll get Gargano and/or Ciampa going up to 205 Live to try and resuscitate that, AoP up to bolster the tag division, maybe Almas up if he loses. I'd say they could bring the entirety of Sanity up, but they seem to want to do something with Dain, particularly if one of Black/Almas leaves. Suspect Black wins the title and then Dain transitions into number one contender. Now that I've said that, there's actually quite a few that could go up!
  4. Nae consent, I'm blowing my rape whistle.
  5. Aye, never mind. We don't need to call up the best options that are completely eligible under FIFA rules, we're much better having everyone in the squad born in the same close on the Royal Mile, because then we can smugly point to that all Summer while other countries are qualifying. Haud me back.
  6. You like the game, I'm not that sold on it. That's OK, isn't it?
  7. Ooft, he'd be raging at you, ya wee turncoat.
  8. Like others have said, when you stop making fairly xenophobic posts, I'll probably stop referring to you as that You'll likely keep doing the angry tin of shortbread act, and people will continue to pick up on it. And I don't really have any interest in where your name comes from, or how many World Cups you've been to, or, to be honest, the "imminent relegation prospects" of Thistle. I've got far more important things to be stressed about than that, even if you don't seem to.
  9. Am I the only one that never got into either Bloodborne or Dark Souls? Own one of the Dark Souls (bought for me) and just couldn't get into it, and I never saw what everyone else did in Bloodborne. Certainly good for free though, at least Sony are realising that they actually need to put games people want to play on PS+
  10. Glad it's not me falling foul of the spoilers again was going to start a new thread for it, because it does indeed look like we're in for an amazing show.
  11. I'd imagine he does, but one specific thing. He'd be the type that would sneer if you ordered something different, while still passive aggressively calling you mate. I imagine he was bullied quite extensively as a child.
  12. Whether it is or not doesn't really matter to me personally. For the rain one, with where I ended up exploring I had to sit on a featureless cliff-edge for a while until it stopped raining. It's one of a few features that are nice little additions that they've cranked up to unforgiveable 11. You enjoy it or think it's always valid, fair enough. I disagree.
  13. A perfect example. Why more people don't see the massive fishing rod he's dangling each time, I don't know. Probably because those phoning in to bite are thick taxi drivers and the like. Have to grudgingly admit, despite being a prize bell-end - and likely is similar to his radio persona in real-life - you have to admire the reaction he brings out. I don't really see the point in getting worked up about any of the shit in the media or the like, and I know he's just trolling, but he still manages to rile me up every so often.
  14. And let's face it, no matter how raging people get at what he says, it's more traffic than they'd get from some sober face going up and giving some bland, meaningless platitudes. Someone saying "Scott made a good choice I hope he's pure good" isn't the same as some jake saying something reprehensible.
  15. The two things that were brought up as negative from the reviews that weren't 10/10 was the weapon durability and stamina systems. I don't mind the weapon system as much, although like you say, the switching mid-fight is quite annoying, would rather they just put your strongest weapon in your hand when the previous one breaks, especially given they break very often. If they buffed it so that weapons lasted maybe double the time, I don't think I'd have as many complaints. It's different, and that makes a difference. The stamina system can go and die in a fire though. Again, could be better if they kept it but adjusted it slightly so it wasn't as pressing, but when a lot of exploring ends up being climbing, the early game is quite tedious. As is not being able to climb in the rain...for f**k sake. As for the game generally, I'd probably agree with Jim Sterling's derided 7/10 review. It's still one of the better games I've owned technically, and I can see its benefits, but it just isn't really that fun for me personally. I like the whole "go anywhere" aspect to the world, but I don't find it a particularly interesting world to go around. Looks gorgeous, but it's mostly just scenery peppered with not particularly interesting enemies. Sounds like I'm being scathing on the game, and it isn't my intention - I will go back to it and probably end up enjoying it - but just a bit bored with it at the moment. It's certainly no Super Mario Odyssey.
  16. Yeah, I'm doing most of that, just hasn't interested me as much as I thought it would. I'm not just going to chuck the cartridge and say the game is shit, because it isn't. Probably more down to the general malaise I've got with huge open-world games now.
  17. I think the only game reportedly worse in terms of cross-platform franchises is WWE 2k18 for the Switch. Just the developers rushing to get something out for it without actually checking if it worked. I picked up Human Fall Flat and Outlast a couple of days ago. HFF is a decent wee physics puzzle game, good time-waster and would be a decent couch play one for two players. Outlast is fantastic though. I played the first part on PS4, but playing it up close with the Switch, with headphones on, is something else entirely. Looks like they're releasing Outlast 2 later in the month so I'll pick that up too, as outside of the first half hour or so on youtube, I've seen nothing of it. I expect I'll get all sorts of righteous indignation at this, but I don't think I'm really "getting" Zelda. It's not bad by any means, but it really isn't gripping me in the way I thought it would. Finding I'm just wandering about with little direction, struggling to get weapons that can take down anything I'm coming across either. I expect I'm not playing it entirely correctly, but think I'll give it a break for a while and see if that helps once I go back to it.
  18. I'd ask you to prove it, but given you shite out of any kind of request like that, I assume it'd be pointless?
  19. Well, they do say that footballers do suffer from a lack of education, maybe Pep was telling the truth after all. It's not his fault he can't read.
  20. I think in pre-taped things she'd be fine, must be quite daunting to go from doing proper press conferences for UFC, and acting where you can do retakes, to standing in a ring, with a crowd that probably doesn't really believe in you, having to do it live. It's understandable she'd be very nervous. The problem isn't with Rousey, it's with WWE for putting her in the position to start with. I would have had her say very little, maybe even put her with Heyman and be the female Lesnar. They may well go down that route post-WM, but having her be the face can play to her strengths, but it also exposes her weaknesses.
  21. I presume they'll split it booking-wise into a few Rumbles. You'll probably get a couple of iron-men, one lasting until about the halfway point when they put in some transitional guys, leading up to the second half. Agree with those saying that there needs to be something on the line. Can't see it being Summerslam, as you'd be waiting almost 4 months to cash that in. Backlash is rumoured to be where the next draft is happening - maybe something to do with that? Should be a network show, but I'd be surprised if it is.
  22. Yeah, maybe you're right, I can't see you mentioni.... Ooft. If only you had some real experience in the game, you might have noticed that first. Like I said, if you think that's a big thing, then have at it. Free to believe whatever wee mentality you want to think. It's just sad that that's celebrated, particularly when I doubt England will be particularly bothered beyond the initial "oh well, he had potential". If in a decades time he has led us to tournaments and been an absolute revelation, feel free to reply on this and I'll upgrade it to being a wonderful thing that he rejected another nation for us. Until then, I'll keep aside the bunting.
  23. If you want to continue the wee mentality, have at it. I doubt England will lose much sleep over it to be honest. Probably good we've got him, we'll know either way in a few years.
  24. Yeah, it's not about how good a player he is, the real thing to celebrate out of all this is getting one up England
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