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Everything posted by forameus

  1. Do you think if you got laid you'd realise that shite trolling and pretending to be a footballer is a bit pathetic? I'd pursue that if I were you.
  2. It'll be like that episode of American Dad where they tell you they're going to kill 100 characters, and 98 of them go in a bus crash early in the episode. Only this time they'll have 98% of the legends they've announced having a jolly old time before Strowman lifts the building they're in and throws it to the moon or something. I'd like to see them do the spot that Reigns and HHH did in the Rumble with Strowman and Lesnar. Jobber after jobber comes up to them, and they see who can throw them the furthest and hurt them the most, escalating to Lesnar throwing Enzo Amore like he's Steve Backley. EDIT: Oh, and nailed on we're getting the locker room completely emptying, and an inpromptu Battle Royal taking place. Who'll be the two left standing staring at each other? Or, more accurately, who'll be left staring at Roman?
  3. I bought a couple of editions, including last years and I wish I had the time to spend to actually get into the game and get good at it. To someone with just a passing "ooh, the superbowl" interest in NFL, the game seems a bit impenetrable. Was shite at defending, but did enjoy making the attacking plays. And I never got anywhere near as furious with it as I regularly do with FIFA.
  4. I assume they put it there so it would nicely sit in the dock, but in handheld it is a pretty big design flaw. Luckily I haven't had to play whilst it's plugged in yet, and have only been using it a few hours here and there, but on longer trips that's going to get annoying.
  5. 3 hours on USA then a further 2 on the network I believe. Which will be odd given you'll now be able to watch RAW: After Dark on the network, but not get to see the preceding 3 hour show on there for a few months. I'll see if I can completely avoid spoilers then skip through it tomorrow night. Get the feeling that as well as the usual January lull leading up to "THE ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA" starting, they've just been dragging their heels until they can get to this show. Should get a fair bit of build, and maybe see some WM plans getting put in place.
  6. The more I read about this, the more I love it. I know it'll probably not be as cool as it sounds once you've actually got it, but I'm really interested to see what they come up with. EDIT: @Mr X can you unban raginggamer so we can get his thoughts on this?
  7. Didn't people deride the original Wii before it absolutely wiped the floor with everything sales-wise? Joking aside, it's actually a real shame that these things always get ridiculed. Back when I were a bairn, a multitap for the PS2 was the holy grail. It allowed everyone to sit in front of a TV and have a laugh playing a game while in a distance that invites physical violence. Brilliant. Nowadays the number of games you can actually put on one screen and play with friends is massively diminished. At least Nintendo is still trying something different, rather than just building a AAA game with DLC and microtransactions that you'll have to buy 4 copies of, so you can all go to your own houses, on your own, and racially abuse each other via a mic. What a time to be alive.
  8. Could be worse, could have had Rollins black up and do it. Nailed on now I imagine. Can see them getting both Trish and Lita in mid-way through for a huge moment before they start the end-game.
  9. So looking at the video, is it pretty much just a huge number of very specific peripherals that are essentially flat-pack and made of cardboard? So instead of dropping 50 quid on a plastic steering wheel that you'll use once, you can buy it like this, make it up, customise it, and then go from there? If so, I think this actually looks brilliant. Really sets them apart from their rivals and shows that they're truly trying, once again, to do something different. My wee boy's far too young at the moment to enjoy this kind of stuff, but I can see it as something I'd love to do with him if he was a few years older. Want to draw all over your new controller? f**k it, man, go right ahead. And are people really predicting it's the end of the Switch? Imagine they are. What absolute howling VLs.
  10. I foresee a wonderful time in NXT before it all goes to shit. Boy'll earn some decent money though in the meantime I'd imagine.
  11. It's just bad luck that two very good left-backs have appeared at the same time. While I'd agree that Robertson is the better left-back, I still think the best option is to have Tierney there and Robertson in front. Or Tierney just inside in a 3 with Robertson at WB. I don't think we can afford to have one of them cast to the bench unless we're playing in a very specific way where we can't fit them in. Not sure he necessarily needs a move. Spending a couple of years more in Glasgow would probably be far better than being bought for big money and then falling down the pecking order at a bigger club. Hopefully after a couple of years he's built on the massive promise he has, then he can move to being a starter elsewhere.
  12. From the comments Pardew has already made about him, sounds like he just doesn't fancy him. That's a succession of managers now that seem to say he has the talent, but very little football intelligence beyond that. At what point do you stop saying that he's young and he'll learn it and start wondering whether he's just not going to make it at that level? I don't think WBA necessarily have the luxury of being able to carry this project player when they need to pick up points and fast. The RB move didn't help him. I expect he'll be back in the Championship before long, which would probably be the best thing for him. He absolutely needs to knuckle down and improve on his clear weaknesses, and at that point he could definitely be useful for us.
  13. *Insert gif of McMahon calling John Cena a very silly thing in front of Booker T here*
  14. Not a popular opinion, but I've never managed to get into any Dark Souls/Bloodborne game. Doubt having a Switch version would change that, but who knows. Good to see Odyssey getting a small update, and Payday 2 could be quite interesting if multiplayer works OK.
  15. The Burger King bantz is some lovely, lovely banter to be fair. Partridge would be proud.
  16. And the next guy is always going to be better than the current guy, until he becomes the current guy. For examples, see Fletcher, Steven and Rhodes, Jordan. Lindsay either needs to be involved, or a manager to come out and explain why not. It's poor that we're in a position where he has to move down South just to get properly noticed, but he's there now, and seems to be doing well enough.
  17. It's also a pretty useless stat on its own. You can run this counter as long as you want, but it'll all disappear if we actually qualify. Wales was something like 58 years, wasn't it? They then qualified and were probably THE over-achievers at the Euros. It's just a nice soundbite that people who want to hand-wring can trot out, usually along with some pithy comment about our current manager, or these "players that have failed time and again". Like Bale, Ramsey, Williams et al until 2015.
  18. Because that's currently what the talking point is? But by all means, we should just be stating, for the millionth time, that we haven't qualified for a tournament. After all, there's really important qualifiers coming up where we can change that, isn't there?
  19. They haven't been helped by the fact that a handful of guys can now get together around a phone and record a podcast that people will enjoy more. Just a few years ago that wasn't the case, and if you wanted coverage of Scottish football they were likely the only show in town. People like the Terrace cover most facets of Scottish football, don't do it in a po-faced or biased way, and I don't think I'm taking a huge leap in saying they likely haven't got the budget that the BBC have. It doesn't take money, it just takes a bit of effort and pride in what they do.
  20. The funniest part of it - and it's quite a long list - would be the complete lack of lessons learned after the first time when they could have cut their cloth and returned to the top tier in ridiculous financial health.
  21. It's next up. Mario Odyssey is just too good to leave at the moment. Will finish the main part of that (looks like 8 more Kingdom's to go) then leave myself completely free to lose myself in Breath of the Wild.
  22. My wife beat me at Mario Kart comfortably the first time she picked up a Switch controller. Switch is going in the fucking sea.
  23. One thing that struck me was that it was easy to follow along with the basic story despite not really knowing what was going on, if that makes sense. Like, say the Hair Match, Suzuki vs Goto Although the promo is in Japanese (and well below what WWE produce, not that it matters) when they come out for the match, there's a clear heel, a clear face, a clear story, and a conclusion at the end of it. I'd watched a few of the people involved wrestle in other companies, but still don't really know them, and the way the matches were put together made that a bit easier. Contrast that with WWE sometimes, and even when you're a regular watcher, it's sometimes hard to pick out the story in matches.
  24. It's almost like he was never this great white hope that people were desperate for him to be. He'll probably turn out to be a good player eventually, but the hype hasn't helped.
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