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Everything posted by forameus

  1. I can't see them just giving the Mae Young winner the belt. But then I'm not sure what else they can do. Like you say, the women's roster is pretty dreadful aside from Ember Moon. Maybe they'll have a mini tournament to determine a number 1 contender in the lead up to the next show, then have that person go up against the Mae Young winner. Interesting to see what they do with Asuka on the main roster when she makes it there. Suuuurely they can't f**k this up given how sparse the women's roster is. Can see Carmella cashing in, then Asuka coming in and winning the title off her at the first opportunity. Or she comes in with a name change like Mitsubishi Nintendo and starts a feud with Tamina.
  2. Quite good business for Leipzig that. Surprised they're settling for 15 to be honest too. Buy a prospect for 13 million, find out he's not what you thought he was and still make a profit on him. Usually you make a loss in such situations. Premier League...Gawd bless 'em.
  3. Good that he's standing up for the brand though. I'd imagine Vince could still come in and laugh in his face and do it anyway, but it's hardly unfounded given how dreadfully some of the top talents have been treated. I think this is slightly different too, a lot of the male talents were joining similarly talented ones on the main roster - for me Asuka is, or should be least - head and shoulders above everyone. She should probably come in like Paige did (oo-er) and win the title immediately, and I just can't see them doing that. I don't think they'll strip the title. What's the point? If they think she can get back in time for the next show, she should keep it. Becomes more difficult if she can't defend it there. Personally if she's going to be ready, I'd have her go up against whoever wins the Mae Young Classic. Really elevate someone, hopefully someone who feels as legit as Asuka does. Have her become the new heel who claims she's beaten the unbeatable, and then try and rebuild Ember Moon as a threat. Then let a hurting Asuka go up and kick the head off of whoever holds the title at that point. A newly crowned champion heel Carmella perhaps.
  4. Couple of the people from the Football Ramble (Marcus and Luke I think) are starting a new podcast around European football with James Horncastle and Andy Brassel. Think the first episode is either today or tomorrow.
  5. I'd read/heard that too, think it might've been WhatCulture. I'd doubt it too though, unless they want to add pretty much the entire Smackdown roster to one match. I imagine we'll get Shane vs Owens in HIAC, along with Nakamura vs Mahal (where no-one can interfere. Honest. Nobody. Not at all.) in there too. Then a token third match in there that doesn't deserve to be.
  6. Are the Young Bucks not in the group of wrestlers who have said they wouldn't go to WWE? I know Omega is really negative about it.
  7. For anyone that's playing on standard PS4, was delving into the menus to flip the flight controls and noticed a "framerate lock" option. Read up about it and looks like to keep it constant they added in that to make sure it was always a steady framerate. Turning it off pushes it up to 60 most of the time, with some slowdown when things get busy. It has completely changed how the game plays, so smooth in points and looks great, even without the Ps4 Pro extra stuff. Worth a shot for anyone still playing
  8. My thoughts exactly. Renee was looking good as usual but Natalia does well even when you're not pouring her into her gear. Well done all involved. Just need season 3 to involve her opposition being Alexa Bliss in some capacity and were set
  9. Only halfway through episode 1...ooft. Where do you think they send Vince to while they make this?
  10. I once looked at a Cornish Pasty. I daren't tell him
  11. That's fresh. You moving on to hating Scottish players now too, Blutes? He's been shite since Malta, but to say he should never have been capped in the first place is either hilariously misguided or shite trolling.
  12. Southpaw Regional Wrestling back today by the looks of Twitter. Yass.
  13. Yeah, agreed. It definitely feels like a different game, and that's from someone that spent a lot of hours on it in the early days. The one thing I'm yet to find out is its staying power. Given how much time I actually have to play now though, it'll probably keep me going. Started another permadeath run last night and had to switch it off after being feart. Finally made it to the ship and managed to gather enough to almost repair it, then I was told I needed something else (I can't remember what it's called, that blue stuff that comes in huge fucking chunks jutting out the land). Build a signal booster to find it (which you can now do on the fly rather than just find one. Nice addition). Did that, and it found some - 10 minutes away. I'm not sure I've got enough resources to make that trip, meaning I'll be making the trip hoping to find enough on the way to keep myself alive. Love this game again.
  14. Should be another good, solid show but nothing there that really stands out for me. Don't see the hype around Ember Moon, Gargano's match is just a bit of a placeholder, presumably until they can get Ciampa back walking. I'm sure I'll be surprised though, don't think there's ever been a bad NXT show.
  15. Depends whether in that 12 months they've realised that he's not going to be the player they expected. If he's really not picking up what they're trying to teach him after a year, then why wait another 3 if they believe they can get an English team to pay stupid money for him? Might just be making a judgement call, whether that's correct or not. From what limited football I've seen him play, I can see some degree of truth in there. He's definitely very raw, and I can definitely see a club believing that the effort required to get him to improve may be more than they're willing to give. If it's true, which it probably isn't.
  16. They've got previous for it. Not quite the same, but they run the "Mohammad Hassan is a terrorist so he is" storyline on a taped Smackdown that aired just hours after the 7/7 bombings in London. Ill-advised. I doubt it's any kind of show of support. Vince is quite close to Trump, and obviously Linda is in his cabinet, but they've kept things largely quiet on that front, at least publicly since he was elected. I doubt they'd be that stupid to jump in on that kind of issue deliberately, probably just a case of them having a startling lack of self awareness again.
  17. Like a lot of these questionable decisions, it looks shit at the time but they could really make something of it. We could see a more dangerous, angry, brutal Corbin at SS as a result, which would be something at least. I fully expect them to do f**k all with it though.
  18. Just booted it up, and noticed there's a new Permadeath mode added. Just like the hard as balls Survival mode, but your progress gets wiped on death. I'm going to regret this, amen't I? On we go... Deid in about an hour. Got to the ship (11 minutes away) and almost had it repaired when I strayed too far and couldn't find shelter. Not sure if it'll hold my attention as much as it did at the start, but really enjoying it.
  19. Might pick it up again then. I let it lapse but then realised I barely played any online anymore. Was going to get it for Until Dawn, but missed out, and I already had Just Cause 3. Will see what next month's games are.
  20. The potion of clearing concept that the Witcher had was a brilliant idea. Super expensive and rare, but you can take one and then completely reassign all your points elsewhere. Surprised more games don't do that.
  21. I've got the update installed and the game ready to go once again, think I'll start all over again with fresh eyes and see how it's improved. Certainly seems positive steps added. Of course, all of this should have been in there from the start, but I quite enjoyed the base game actually as a relaxing sandbox just to fly around.
  22. They've suddenly realised one week before Summerslam that they have about 400 matches scheduled. I'd be raging if I was Neville. Not only do you have the big moment of losing the title (not bad in itself) you get it 6 days before arguably the second biggest show in the calendar on free TV. Will they even make that card now?
  23. And compared to our 2nd choice last season, who managed 2 in 38 in the league.
  24. Surely at least one of them will start tonight. Nisbet currently being helped into the cannon to fire him out of the stand and into the canal as we speak. Or maybe Sammon will just headbutt him to death.
  25. We'll be playing a Bielsa-like 3-1-3-3 formation, playing all three of Doolan, Storey and Sammon. Osman will be employed on the sidelines glaring at the opposition with his top off while we employ every other attacking player we have in the other positions. Easy.
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