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Everything posted by forameus

  1. When Fide went to bat for No Man's Sky* One that springs to mind is the old days where I tried to get the S ranking on Resident Evil 2. Think you had to finish it in under 2 hours (Christ, and we complain how short games are nowadays?) without saving and without using first aid sprays. Was doing well, all on target coming up to the final room before the final boss. Hadn't even really been caught at all. Came to the final corridor before the final boss and for some reason the zombies had all bunched up. Tried to slip through the gap and got grabbed. Fought that one off only to get grabbed again and fall, ending the attempt at around the 1hr50 mark. I remember quietly putting the controller down, trying to resist the urge to rip the b*****d lid off the b*****d PS2 and smash it into dust. * He was right though, I fucking love the game now.
  2. That when you come out from tracking down that assassin? Aye, must admit that was a pretty cool moment. Remember pointing the other way for ages, hearing all the sound effects, wondering what was happening until the moment the first ship flew over head.
  3. What was actually said? Bleacher Report seemed absolutely seething at the segment but didn't really say much about it other than it being pretty racist.
  4. Posting in here just in case the **** steal and burn my post. Got my ticket added to my season card for tonight, but when I was buying it I had to pick a seat. Picked one that I quite fancied, but as far as I knew it wasn't allocated seating in the Main Stand for these types of games and you could just sit wherever you wanted. Is that still the case or should I head for the one I bought?
  5. I'm actually surprised he's taken a step back from the on-screen product. I know he's still heavily involved behind the scenes, and has a work ethic that would put most younger men to shame, but it's clear he's still absolutely fucking mental when it comes to doing what it takes for the show. He's not going to be here forever, so I'm well up for seeing him every week being a mad, scary caricature of a man.
  6. Well, not really. Last time he did something stupid advertising across the board fell considerably, meaning that plenty of people whose livelihood is youtube were affected. You can argue that they shouldn't be putting their eggs in that particular basket, but through no fault of their own they're losing income thanks to him. It affects far more than just him.
  7. Problem is that now he's probably "too big to fail". If Youtube were to come in and say that they were punting him, the backlash they would get would be absolutely enormous. Plus I don't think they particularly care. They already likely host far more controversial stuff than that, and they'll be a lot less profitable to them. Unless he does something really, really bad, then youtube will probably just stay silent. He's already lost certain sponsorships and opportunities, but I imagine he'll still be ok without them. He could literally dress up as Nazi and start goosestepping around on camera, talking about how Hitler was a pretty swell guy all things considered, and you would still get a sizeable contingent defending him. I don't doubt it. I don't think the apology is insincere because he's a racist though, I'd imagine it's because he doesn't really believe he's doing much wrong. That was pretty much his stance on the last controversy he had. Instead of just admitting that he'd done something pretty stupid, he doubled down on the "kidding oan lol/it was just banter" defence while attacking the people reporting it. EDIT: I just read what he actually said as his "apology" after saying it. Agree now it's absolutely not what some are saying it is. ooft. EDIT 2 : I see some indie devs are filing takedown requests on videos he's done of their games. Interesting development - maintain youtube won't do a thing, but if enough developers essentially stonewall him, he could be seriously affected. Good. Tit. Or probably more likely, they'll just get hunners of death threats instead, cos internet.
  8. Saw that popping up across a few avenues. I don't think he's necessarily a racist, probably just a bit thick and is struggling to separate his brand of humour from what is now expected of him. Apparently the clip going around cuts off the end where he immediately realises what he's done and says sorry (not that that makes it all better). As usual he'll get defended on one side, made out to be a pariah on the other, when really it's probably just someone pretty thick who has a huge platform he maybe shouldn't have. Or maybe he goes home, dresses up in his best nazi uniform and does a bit of goose-stepping, who knows. The sad thing is that these people have a huge amount of influence, whether it's intentional or not. If ever one of these youtube stars commits some kind of atrocity, I'd imagine you'd still get thousands of young impressionable people who've come to love them defending them. I've never really liked pewdiepie, but I usually watch a bit of jacksepticeye let's plays, seems a genuinely decent guy, and he's entertaining a lot of the time (also put out a very mature and balanced reaction to the last time pewdiepie fucked up). Some of the comments he gets I often wonder what a mindfuck it must be to have that much influence when you've not really courted it directly.
  9. Fallout 4 wasn't shit, but it was disappointing given the potential it had
  10. I've looked at his posts, and now I can't wait to get my hands on Monopoly Big Event!
  11. What's that boys and girls? Santa's here? and he's bringing the Christmas spirit?
  12. Watched the whole thing yesterday. Brilliant. Just like the best shoot promos are, it was hard to see which parts would be approved and which would have Vince and Dunn absolutely raging behind the scenes. Reigns side definitely seemed more scripted, and he fell over a few times on his lines, not helped by Cena cutting in. I wasn't hugely excited for their match as it seems to have been rushed quite a bit, but looking forward to it more now.
  13. Will need to try and catch this promo at some point, always make for far better ones than the usual script. For those that saw it, better or worse than Miz's Talking Smack meltdowns?
  14. It's been described as Rollercoaster Tycoon with dinosaurs. Hopefully they actually spend some time on the game and realise its potential, but it is being released to coincide with the next film coming out. and fixed deadlines like that always work out well, don't they?
  15. "He's very quick" - Tony Pulis Not so much at going backwards though Tony. Expect there might be a James Beattie-esque chinning on him at some point.
  16. I can't see them just giving the Mae Young winner the belt. But then I'm not sure what else they can do. Like you say, the women's roster is pretty dreadful aside from Ember Moon. Maybe they'll have a mini tournament to determine a number 1 contender in the lead up to the next show, then have that person go up against the Mae Young winner. Interesting to see what they do with Asuka on the main roster when she makes it there. Suuuurely they can't f**k this up given how sparse the women's roster is. Can see Carmella cashing in, then Asuka coming in and winning the title off her at the first opportunity. Or she comes in with a name change like Mitsubishi Nintendo and starts a feud with Tamina.
  17. Quite good business for Leipzig that. Surprised they're settling for 15 to be honest too. Buy a prospect for 13 million, find out he's not what you thought he was and still make a profit on him. Usually you make a loss in such situations. Premier League...Gawd bless 'em.
  18. Good that he's standing up for the brand though. I'd imagine Vince could still come in and laugh in his face and do it anyway, but it's hardly unfounded given how dreadfully some of the top talents have been treated. I think this is slightly different too, a lot of the male talents were joining similarly talented ones on the main roster - for me Asuka is, or should be least - head and shoulders above everyone. She should probably come in like Paige did (oo-er) and win the title immediately, and I just can't see them doing that. I don't think they'll strip the title. What's the point? If they think she can get back in time for the next show, she should keep it. Becomes more difficult if she can't defend it there. Personally if she's going to be ready, I'd have her go up against whoever wins the Mae Young Classic. Really elevate someone, hopefully someone who feels as legit as Asuka does. Have her become the new heel who claims she's beaten the unbeatable, and then try and rebuild Ember Moon as a threat. Then let a hurting Asuka go up and kick the head off of whoever holds the title at that point. A newly crowned champion heel Carmella perhaps.
  19. Couple of the people from the Football Ramble (Marcus and Luke I think) are starting a new podcast around European football with James Horncastle and Andy Brassel. Think the first episode is either today or tomorrow.
  20. I'd read/heard that too, think it might've been WhatCulture. I'd doubt it too though, unless they want to add pretty much the entire Smackdown roster to one match. I imagine we'll get Shane vs Owens in HIAC, along with Nakamura vs Mahal (where no-one can interfere. Honest. Nobody. Not at all.) in there too. Then a token third match in there that doesn't deserve to be.
  21. Are the Young Bucks not in the group of wrestlers who have said they wouldn't go to WWE? I know Omega is really negative about it.
  22. For anyone that's playing on standard PS4, was delving into the menus to flip the flight controls and noticed a "framerate lock" option. Read up about it and looks like to keep it constant they added in that to make sure it was always a steady framerate. Turning it off pushes it up to 60 most of the time, with some slowdown when things get busy. It has completely changed how the game plays, so smooth in points and looks great, even without the Ps4 Pro extra stuff. Worth a shot for anyone still playing
  23. My thoughts exactly. Renee was looking good as usual but Natalia does well even when you're not pouring her into her gear. Well done all involved. Just need season 3 to involve her opposition being Alexa Bliss in some capacity and were set
  24. Only halfway through episode 1...ooft. Where do you think they send Vince to while they make this?
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