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Everything posted by forameus

  1. I'd put him in with the Cruiserweights. I imagine the match on Sunday is just going to be an extended squash with Cass brutalising the guy. Maybe even a DQ win. Stretch it out to Summerslam and have a stip match where he gets put out long term then bring him back as the plucky babyface in peril for the Cruiserweight division. His talking alone will light up whatever feuds he's in.
  2. Sony have picked up the pace for July - Until Dawn and the Game of Thrones Telltale games are up for grabs. Delighted about Until Dawn - watched a Let's play a while back and looked pretty good. I think I've already got the GoT one, but if you like the Telltale game style, well worth picking up.
  3. There definitely wasn't in the first one, I've yet to see the second one. It was just hitting people with it a few times. Can only imagine they were told they weren't allowed to, because I refuse to believe that people like Charlotte and Becky Lynch wouldn't want to do something mental. Charlotte's been in the far more dangerous (kayfabe or otherwise) Hell in a Cell match - I'm sure she can do a moonsault off a ladder.
  4. Punjabi Prison match...what a time to be alive Sounds like the right decision on the MITB match, but it's a bit of a slap in the face to have the "big" match end like that and then fix everything on free tv. Why not just have the decent heel ending on the main show?
  5. f**k...I waited and waited and got it on Amazon for £22 I believe last week. Should've waited to get the digital version. Brilliant game though
  6. That's brilliant. It's not as if he told it in the style of some dramatisation where he changed a few details to sex it up. The only bits he seemed to get right was that there is a team called Linfield, they do play at Windsor Park and that he did play for Aberdeen at one point. Rhetorical question, but when he's putting that down, surely the briefest of moments have to cross his mind where he knows that someone somewhere is going to call him on it when it's so easily proved wrong.
  7. I still think Azeez could do a decent job for a side that he fits into. Having him as a lone striker and expecting him to score is never going to work, but in a team that can support two forwards where he can use his physicality and not have to show how utterly shite he is at finishing, he'd probably do alright. But once again we're sitting needing center backs, but forwards are must-haves. If we can get Keown back, I'd be happy in replacing Lindsay then one other. Archie's usually pretty good with defensive signings. But we absolutely have to get it right with forwards and maybe even bring in 2 in case we f**k it up again.
  8. Absolute car-crash of a thread the past few pages. Brilliant. Wee Izzy will be delighted at his new-found relevancy. Haud on...anyone seen Slaver and Feruz in the same place at the same time?
  9. Did they not postpone a home one against us before? Could be wrong but sure it was.
  10. Fixtures are out, and whaddayaknow, we've got Celtic at home on the 2nd week again. So that'll be us postponed, right? And first three home games are Celtic, Aberdeen and Rangers. Lol.
  11. I've disliked most of the tops we've had before warming to them, but that one is very good right off the bat. Sponsor's a bit shit, but hey ho.
  12. There's a 7 minute highlights video, and even though it puts some dreadful soundtrack over it it's still an alternative to watching the whole thing. Kind of wish I'd seen the whole thing unspoiled now though
  13. Imagine liking something that Ramagamma doesn't like. You should all be fucking ashamed of yourselves. Go play a JRPG.
  14. Rockstar are in a really bad position here. They've praised mods in the past, even spotlighted a few on their website. they've been stitched up by TakeTwo. At least people seem to be sending the blame the right way rather than at Rockstar though. Suspect they'd love to have the modding community onside, but are being pressurised by the publisher.
  15. Taking your rambling points one by one. - pretty much. It was more like a 4 when attacking as both full backs were rarely forward at the same time. Anya was often the option while the other four tucked in. Had he not been dog shit, We might have had more success with that. Protection for the centre backs was also helped by having 8 or 9 men behind the ball, something we presumably won't be doing against weaker teams. - If you want to show me a stat of "hoofs per game" that demonstrates how much better this was then I'll happily say it's liquid football. I saw plenty of cases of huge gaps between most of our team and Griffiths, and one worrying time where our midfield seemed unable to bust a gut to support him in possession. That's bad in a system like we were playing. - this is really not hard to grasp. England's players are better than ours. That's just a fact. Nothing to do with their league which you seemed desperate to bring up. They're just of a better quality. Does that mean they're world beaters? Absolutely not, as is pretty obvious. Still comfortably better than ours though, and if they had been at the top of their game, they would have likely beaten us.
  16. Except we didn't play 3 at the back. It was set out that way, but as many people said when you originally suggested it, the wing-backs would turn into full-backs because we'd get penned back so badly. Which is exactly what happened. It was 5-4-1 for the most part, with a lot of booting it long while players struggled to get up to support Griffiths. And if you're going to make wild proclamations that we'd qualify for a tournament purely because of an extra man in defence, probably best we have success with it outside of how you imagined we set up, and certainly in a game where we score from open play after offering almost nothing going forward. If we were playing a side that could pick through defences, or even an England with their front players playing like they are capable of, we would've got torn to shreds.
  17. So you're now saying how right you were about them playing a formation that they didn't end up playing? Because what we saw was absolutely not a 3-5-2, not at any point of the game.
  18. And you stated that 4-2-3-1 was rigidly defensive (which it isn't, or at least doesn't have to be) and heavily intimated that your alternative wouldn't be. Where in reality, the way they set up the 3-5-2 meant that it ended up being a 5-4-1 at best, and was more defensive by a considerable distance than the 4-2-3-1 we usually play. In fact, Crawford Bridge put up pretty simply in the very first reply. Which is exactly what happened. To the letter.
  19. When really it went exactly how a few of us said it would. The wing-backs were full-backs more often than not, leading to it pretty much being a 5-4-1 and fairly negative. If you'd said we should play it to keep solid at the back and frustrate England, you'd be 100% spot on. You said we should do it because it would be inherently more attacking. Which it wasn't.
  20. Kane's running for Mayor in...Tennessee? Could be wrong about the location, but definitely running for mayor somewhere
  21. So who's going to win the General Election then? Well, Kotaku decided to employ games very scientifically to find out. First, PES, then WWE 2k17. And for a more serious look, the New Statesman ran the Labour and Tory manifesto through Democracy 3 to see what happened - quite interesting results here and here.
  22. Can see Cena jobbing out Jinder at Summerslam to win the big one, but I always thought they'd wait for WM to do that. Plus I'm sure I read that he is on a continuous losing streak at Summerslam as penance for the Nexus angle. Cena as Champion wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing though, especially if it leads to them building up a decent heel to dismantle him. Or just Nakamura. That'd be nice.
  23. I can appreciate Gwent, I'm just pretty shit at it. I keep telling myself every time I play through that I'll really concentrate on it this time, but never quite manage it.
  24. Very true. It's probably the best Reigns has looked with just being sent out there to hit and hit hard. Would actually be interesting to contrast the two matches when it eventually happens, particularly the situation each guy finds themselves in. I think the reaction to Reigns was still quite vociferous back then after winning the Rumble, but now we're a couple of years down the line with very little changing. Lesnar's contract may not get renewed, so he could be in a similar situation to his first match against Goldberg with people knowing he's going.
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