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Everything posted by forameus

  1. To be slightly fair, at least to SSB, they seemed pretty on the fence about it. They weren't saying that it was some kind of genius moment, more edging to the side of "that's a bit silly". Remains to be seen how they treat it after the fact. Yeah, for all the things you can hit the BBC Live Text with, this isn't one of them. They were purely referring to the fact that there had been no goals, nothing to do with thinking that Celtic would pump Thistle since they got 1.
  2. They would know that well before now. Last night was the most venomous he's received, but I think there's only really been one night where he got a positive reaction. Two actually - the time he went absolutely ham on HHH and when he won the title in Philly. They know the fans don't like him, and they don't care. HHH said in an interview that he's not going to be a heel, just someone they're presenting differently, and I think that's bearing out. They're going to keep booking him like they have done, and people are going to keep booing him. But even a negative reaction is still a reaction. They'd only worry if people stopped coming to shows, stopped reacting at all to him. The long-term plan seems to be Brock vs Roman 2, presumably at Summerslam. Unfortunately, the way they're booking suggests nothing else other than Roman beating Brock to a chorus of furious boos.
  3. Nah...we keep Celtic unbeaten until the last game of the season when we beat them to deny them it. That's the way. With an Azeez hat-trick and all. I don't think we should be looking down any more. I understand no-one wants to say we're certainties, and it isn't quite done yet. It would be just so Thistle to follow up two great results with an absolute shitemare against Motherwell after all. But we don't look like that side anymore. Win on Saturday and we can start looking up at Hearts, and maybe if the results really go our way, look at 4th. To do that though, we'd need to take full points from at least Hearts and St Johnstone, then probably a win in one of the other games. And hope that St Johnstone absolutely shit themselves. Unlikely.
  4. According to Blampied, Ziggler came out and said something about facing him in the main event at the live show, but obviously that didn't make it onto the show. Odd.
  5. I popped big for Nakamura, but what an odd segment in the end. Just does his entrance then that's it? Are we getting a Miz/Nakamura feud? What's going on?
  6. Dunno...I heard he had one of those Bratwurst while he was out there. You might not find him Scottish enough to come home
  7. Like anything, it's a masterstroke if it comes off and a stupid gamble otherwise. In this case, he did well to change things, but less said about the mistakes that put them in that position to start with.
  8. Yeah, definitely looked like one of those two, although I was quite far away over in the JHS so hoped it was just a short one. Unfortunate, but he hasn't been quite as good as he has at times, so hopefully the rest and recuperation does him good. Interesting note about Doolan too. He'll pap 5 past them after the split anyway.
  9. Did we find out how bad Osman's injury was from Saturday? Looked pretty bad when he came off.
  10. Any chance of DIY going to Smackdown to balance things up? Although hard to think who is there to go up against Authors of Pain if they do go up.
  11. I still haven't fully got into this yet, but still enjoying it. I'm not seeing it being an amazing example of the exploration part of open-world games. Not a terrible thing, because to be honest the Witcher (my favourite game) wasn't great for it either. By that I mean that although the world is absolutely, undeniably gorgeous, there isn't really much to explore. It coudl be that I just haven't found the best bits yet, but at the moment it's a beautiful world that feels like it could have been filled with a little more stuff that matters, rather than just "stuff". I'm probably not explaining it that well, and believe me, I'm not saying the game is bad. I'm really enjoying it, but hasn't really hit the heights that other games have just yet. Apart from bow combat. That still remains fucking satisfying.
  12. Fair enough, but I was more meaning that he's already been on the main roster for a fair while in the past. Wouldn't be surprised if it was his choice though. It'll be more like what he's used to, and he's likely to be better used.
  13. Why is Galloway/McIntyre going into NXT? Presume it must be his own choice, but would've thought they'd consider him good enough for the main roster immediately.
  14. I'm sure it's good, but it's no No Man's Sky.
  15. I don't think he's a bad player, but playing someone like him on the left isn't the right decision. He wasn't making the right runs on Sunday and almost seemed to be getting in the way when Robertson was rampaging forward. I'm sure I saw the latter having a go at him at one point too. He needs to play more centrally if he's going to play at all.
  16. They're both pretty dull, but both have great potential. Corbin is one of the few natural heels in that he's an absolute dick in real life. Someone like the Miz seems a decent guy in real life, and puts the effort into making people hate him, but Corbin doesn't really need to do that. Just need to write him better. I could easily see him as a lone heel type, or even a tweener if he's battering through people. But they haven't really gotten behind him. I'd be more worried about Ambrose. Interesting to think that of the three Shield members, Rollins has had a long spell with the title, got a terrible injury, came back, had a semi-successful face run and is now facing Triple H at Mania; Reigns has had quite the hilarious journey from being hated, to being cheered, to being really hated, but he has had a few title reigns, some pretty good matches, and is facing Undertaker at Mania. Ambrose had an unconvincing title run, and is now facing Corbin at Mania. Any momentum he had is now squandered. What could they really do to save him though? Heel turn? Reform the Shield? Take his comedy act to another level?
  17. Yeah, definitely a DeMott putdown. It was probably cleaned up a fair bit too for broadcast. Really does a good job of humanising the people involved - Enzo isn't everyone's cup of tea, but although his ring persona is an exaggerated version of his own, he came across really well, same as Cass.
  18. Well, after all that, at least we now know that Shane will have some kind of stipulation to fall back on against the best wrest... Wait, it's a straight wrestling match? Between a little league coach and probably the best worker on the planet? Well that's a shame.
  19. New WWE 24 after RAW last night, just watching it now. Not quite their strongest, but still very good. Basically aout the night after Wrestlemania and the fans role in it. Wondered if they'd glorify things a little too much with some fans not being trsuted to not ruin things, but they've managed to walk the line a bit. Focuses a lot on Enzo and Cass, Miz/Maryse and then Cesaro. Once again, shows people like Enzo in a new light and shows how hard they worked to get to where it was. Amazing how if you don't paint your face character like a sex offender, he actually comes across a lot better. And Miz once again comes across like such a decent guy. Best heel they've got.
  20. Taker's delivery was better on the taped promo, seemed a bit more "natural" (or as natural as Undertaker can get at least). But when he's in the ring he's rolling every word and sounding a bit ridiculous. Plus he looks like somebodies gran cosplaying as the Undertaker these days. I think it'll be a good match, but Reigns is likely going to need to carry a fair bit of the match. Hopefully I'm proved wrong, and more hopefully, that Reigns turns heel. They're definitely planting seeds, but whether it's just building up to them trolling everyone or not remains to be seen. The Cruiserweight match should have been the ladder one. A one-on-one should be better, but the way they've handled them, are the majority going to really care about Neville vs Aries? Whereas they would care about a massive spot fest with wee guys flipping like demons. Not sure seeing Enzo as a crash test dummy is a good sub. The ATGBR (much easier, cheers DA) seemed like a big deal when it first went on at WM30, but they just treat it like a jobber fest. I don't doubt that they could build it up to actually be something, but they don't seem to want to. As it is, it's likely going to come down to the 4 you said, with Strowman winning overall. Then absolutely f**k all will happen after it, as is tradition.
  21. Can anyone confirm if this will be The Ultimate Thrill Ride? Unclear at this stage. Watched RAW this morning thinking we might get something special, but...meh. A lot of paint by numbers stuff, mixed with a lot of confusing stuff. Looks like the tag team match will be a ladder one given how many were used, which is good. Undertaker segment was a bit shit, as was the ending. Didn't really feel like the big go-home show before their biggest night of the year, barely even felt like a go-home show for any PPV. It'll be a good show on Sunday, it always is, but not exactly selling it with last night.
  22. Yeah, saw that this morning. Sounds like she was on a moped without a helmet. Stupid thing to do, makes it all the sadder that it was completely avoidable.
  23. Ah, I get you. thought you meant he'd botched something. You're right, not something you usually see given wrestlers always walk into the most obvious of situations.
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