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Everything posted by forameus

  1. I noticed that, but didn't notice what he'd fucked up, what was it? I thought he'd injured himself in some way, looked like a "f**k sake, shouldn't be lifting him" sort of look.
  2. I'm still not entirely sold on this yet. It's got a few niggles that mean I'm not getting fully into it, but starting to grow a bit. I really don't like the melee combat, feels a bit of a button masher, and several times the light attacks just phase through enemies without really hitting them. Not very precise generally either. Having said that, the ranged combat is brilliant. Now that I'm improving gear and getting a few new weapons, the battles are getting a bit less like mashing buttons and dieing again and again until I get it right. The game is hands down the best looking game I've ever played. Was going to say it could do with being a bit more varied, but I got into my first cauldron yesterday which was definitely something different. Will make sure I play it to completion, but not getting the impression that it's quite as good as a lot of people have said. But then I didn't really like Witcher 3 in the early hours either. Oh aye, and you can ride a fucking metal horse. Yass.
  3. Is it actually Xavier Woods, or just someone that looks like him?
  4. There's one photo that involves the NXT title belt too. Can't imagine WWE will be that thrilled about that.
  5. I know they shouldn't have to, and that they don't deserve to get hacked like that, but you'd think people in the public eye would be a bit safer around storing these kinds of things somewhere that gets hacked time and time again. Fair enough if you want to film yourself getting pumped by Del Rio (I assume it's him), but come on... Still though...
  6. I think both shows just need to use the rosters they have better. They have the numbers to put into process a lot of storylines. Look at the SD tag division (remember, there is one) there's six teams in there. Despite most of them being jobbertastic, they could easily build several of them to have at least 2 tag feuds. You've got AA vs Usos for the title, so what's to stop them giving the Ascension some kind of push and having them go up against another. I'd be wary of adding too much because then you're just going to have more people who are ignored. I think they should just have a completely new draft at some point. I expect we'll get trades, but I'd make the draft a yearly thing. We're definitely coming to the end of the line in terms of fresh feuds on Smackdown, so it'd be good to see things completely change. Keep the champions on their brands, but open up huge new feuds elsewhere, rotate around throughout the year, then change it up again.
  7. Aye, they're totally the same thing. I forgot about when some wee virgins brought Pie and Bovril down because someone said their team was good but not excellent. Having a reaction is fine - that much is obvious - but the degree of the reaction is ridiculous in this case. Some genuinely seemed upset that this particular review meant that the average on metacritic went from 98 to 97. And not just "oh that's pish" upset, as in death threats and DDoS upset. Triggered Oh the irony.
  8. Yeah, totally. I wanted to read the review (hadn't before I heard about all the controversy) and it's actually very positive. He lists more positive than negative, but is pretty fair with the bad, pretty much putting them all down to annoyances all adding up than anything else. Just baffling to me the reaction to something that matters so little.
  9. I didn't see the pictures, but heard bits of the interview on SSB. He did sound very clipped compared to some of the long, rambling interviews they usually feature despite saying nothing. Basically, "Rangers need money, celebrating draw was sad".
  10. Is it not a really large explosive? Like with a wee comedy fuse coming out of it and shit?
  11. Is Giant Bomb like a yin and yang thing for you? Every time you mention it, you forget a little bit about how absolutely seething you are with everything else?
  12. I'd love to see him in a dirty referee vest and his jeans. Would set his look off well. I think they're doing the right thing with AJ/Shane. The match shouldn't be taking place, but seeing as they're going to do it, having it go down the unsanctioned street fight route is probably the best of a bad situation. It's a waste of AJ's talent, but hey ho.
  13. Jim Sterling's site has only just come back up today after getting DDoS'd all over the place. The reason? He gave Zelda a 7/10. Actual, real people getting upset because someone doesn't like a game they like. What a time to be alive.
  14. Was arrested for possession I think, don't think he was actively high or popped on any wellness policies. Not really much difference of course, unless he was just holding it for a friend.
  15. What's it at now then? I've no idea what it's 40% off of I think I paid around 40 for it new, if I was getting 40% off that, putting it to a touch over 20, I'd say that's a pretty good deal. That's purely based on how many hours I got out of it though, so mileage may vary.
  16. Depending on how 2020 goes, could they do another "whole of Europe" tournament? I know they said they're doing this for an anniversary, but doing it that way does solve certain problems for UEFA.
  17. He's been...alright. I'm not convinced his best position is to lead the line and be a central forward (if he is, he's shite at it). His finishing is very poor, and he seems incredibly low on confidence in that regard. However, as a physical unit up top who can chase down balls and make defenders lives hell, he's a lot better at it. A vast upgrade on that useless lump Pogba in that he can actually jump AND run.
  18. This is like Michael Douglas in Falling Down. I'm staying out of any burger places near Perth as a precaution.
  19. I'm not as sold on the multiplayer as some. The problem was their intimation that it would be there. It makes sense that this is a game that you spend largely alone, feeling like something really small in something really large. But some sort of co-op play would've made things a lot better for some, at the very least a chance that you can meet other people rather than the talking in riddles excuse they gave (different timezones, guv, honest) Again though, everything they've added should have been in the game from the start in some form. Had they had these two updates in at the start, they'd probably have been alright. Still not an amazing game, but a solid one.
  20. Was it, aye? Oops. All in all, a dreadful deflection from you being absolutely seething over something ridiculous. Carry on though.
  21. And you've spent the thread telling people how childish they are for liking something you don't. You've addressed people as cucks, accused them of lacking reason or logic, labelled them (or at least one) "fucktards", advised that they're mentally deficient...that was just on one page. So is it up to you and not me? I'd just like to make sure I know the hierarchy. And just to add, because I think it needs emphasised, this is over a games console. I like to think I get this raging (which seems to be way past seething) about something, that something will matter a wee bit more than that.
  22. Christ Get out a bit more, no-one should be this raging about a console that they have no interest in buying.
  23. Still absolutely seething. Why does it matter so much to you?
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