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Everything posted by forameus

  1. Certainly possible, and would probably make the most sense out of the myriad of reasons it could've been. I think there must be something else to it. I'm sure people will come in and say how ridiculous I am for saying it, but I just don't see Strachan being vindictive enough to cut his own throat like this. Just seems nonsensical. Not saying that's not what happened, but just think there must have been more to it.
  2. Sounds like they wanted Trish, but she since found out she's pregnant, so they went for Mickie James instead. Right decision, but they shouldn't have got into this position in the first place. NXT is still supposed to be developmental, so doing things like this just seems wrong. I know why they've done it, but it's purely because they've not managed to build up anyone beyond the women that got called up. Just shows how half-arsed and rushed the brand split was really. Still, it'll be a good match. Just checked the card and looking good. Assume the Dusty Classic will be The Authors of Pain vs...Sanity? Or could be Aries. Weak side of the bracket. I'd like to see Ciampa finally turn on Gargano and give them a decent feud leading into the next Takeover.
  3. I can see the social media stuff being totally cringey and repetitive.
  4. Listening to a podcast that usually does a rundown of Total Divas/Bellas. Sounds terrible in a brilliant way, particularly with the addition of Johnny "Dynamic Dude" Ace. To be honest though, I can imagine Cena being like that in real life. Exaggerated for TV of course, but I can see it happening.
  5. Yeah, dropped to the bench would have been very much understandable. Dropped entirely is...questionable, to say the least.
  6. I've defended Strachan on here before, and often find the furore around him ridiculous. But this is indefensible. Dropping him isn't, but leaving him out completely is. He's screwed the pooch here.
  7. Was it definitely dropped rather than any kind of injury or fitness issue? I haven't seen mention of him anywhere.
  8. Fide gets it tight in this thread, but just remembered there was this gem in direct reply to me... Financially it's been a success obviously, but in every other sense, it's been a failure. and that comes from someone who did play it for a long, long time, and really wanted it to succeed. Still do.
  9. Such a shame. With the new opportunities being given to the women, she'd have really had a chance to shine. Now she's unlikely to wrestle for them again, either throw what sounds like a serious injury, or constant wellness violations.
  10. If I had more time I'd make a completely fresh playthrough of the entire thing from scratch, making more of a focus on gwent. It really is worth it by how good this game is, particularly with all the updates.
  11. Miles is a special case, and only gives it out to people that give him it. I find it quite refreshing to be honest. Plus there is a full feature video in editing apparently. It'll drop at the weekend presumably, once the loyalty discount drops. Given you can probably pick it up with at least 20% off on some of online sites, there's no real need to buy it yet.
  12. It's maybe a bit hyperbolic, but there isn't that much wrong there. We were turgid for most of it, and Malta seemed at least competitive until the ridiculous penalty decision and sending off. After that they chucked it and it was easy. Saying we were fortunate is probably a bit much. We deserved the win, but the scoreline flattered.
  13. Not sure how I feel about that. I don't think it's going to be a particular must-see match, but there are positives. One, it isn't at Wrestlemania, so if it is shite then it's not as bad, and two it means Lesnar can get his win over someone that doesn't really matter, rather than putting on another standard Lesnar match against someone on the main roster. Are they just canning the whole F5ing Shane thing then? Or are they going full Taker and keep the story so they can bring it back out of the blue 2 years down the line?
  14. You used to just be able to switch it during the game. German was always good, as they always sounded particularly aggressive. And I think I remember the Spanish one being particularly flamboyant with gol gol gol gol golgolgolgolgooooooooooooooooooool commentary on one game.
  15. So a completely new system and an extra holding type midfielder for a game against Lithuania at home? Aye. Ok.
  16. On this day last year we picked up our first win of the season against Dundee United. I couldn't quite remember how we'd done before that (the official site is goosed it seems for the results page, and has us beating Celtic 1-0 earlier that season) but best I can tell/remember it was a couple of draws. I also remember we looked a far more hopeless case just before that win. It is worrying how we are at the moment, but I don't think it's the worst position we've been in. The next few games are the most important ones. If we finish October without having won a game, then the alarm bells will be ringing.
  17. To be fair, our pitch was an absolute travesty for most of last season due to its various issues. A lot better now though.
  18. And now a very talented developer has effectively been thrown to the dogs. I know the game wasn't the success it was painted to be, but they definitely had the shell of a brilliant game out there. I fully expect there to be developers that come in and put flesh on the bones, eventually releasing the sort of game that Hello Games originally wanted, and it'll be partly thanks to them.
  19. I doubt it'll go anywhere either. Like Brightside says, if it did, it would open the floodgates, not necessarily a good thing for anyone. That Sony statement is shocking. I'd put more of the blame at their door. They talk about him being an indie developer and not having a PR team - whose fault is that? They could have stepped in at any point, as to even the most casual observer, Sean Murray was out of his depth. But no, they were happy to coin it in initially, then distance themselves. If there is to be punishments, they need to be levelled at Sony most of all.
  20. It's around the same time as it's always released. Think it's been slightly later in the past, also slightly earlier.
  21. Of all the things to carry over from the CWC, they decide against the full move sets, or the stiff, physical matches, and just decide on changing the ropes. Job done.
  22. Key part bolded. You mention Germany having loads of young players with loads of caps, and that's because they're good enough to do that. Is Gauld really good enough to be on double figures in terms of caps?
  23. f**k, I've been found out. Certainly doing himself no harm over there. Will be interesting to see whether he starts against Lithuania. I'd imagine he has to.
  24. Actually interesting to see what they do about it, given the specifics won't be anywhere near decided by the time the game is out. They coded in for the Qatar World Cup to be moved to save them the bother with scheduling, could they turn a blind eye to this too? ETA; you'll still be able to change it with the editor anyway, unless it's hard-coded in at a later date, which it very well could be.
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