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Everything posted by forameus

  1. I'd prefer it the other way around. Save the baby though, let someone else punch him.
  2. I don't think I've ever had any issues with the frame-rate or fluidity, at least none I remember. What platform?
  3. Still don't like it quite as much as the Witcher, but really starting to get into it as I reach the last few quests
  4. Is a shame indeed. He's clearly worked so hard to get down to the shape he's in now, and he looks amazing, but had he done it a few years earlier the legs might've had a bit more life in them, and he could take part in something that matters, rather than just dial-a-big-guy. Having said that, watching Strowman pick him up like he was a Cruiserweight was mental. That powerslam...jesus. It's amazing when you see Cena AA someone like Big Show, but even then you can see his arse just about to explode from the exertion. Strowman looked like he was picking up an ambulance again.
  5. Ooft. I can't remember which podcast it was on, but boy oh boy does wee Ginge know where some bodies are buried. I imagine he is clean, but he looks like the poster-boy for steroids, he's one week removed from knocking out someone who looked like they'd be the company's golden boy, and now he's number one contender? I know that match was thin with talent, but there were several people in that match who would be a better fit than him. Maybe go with Luke Harper? You know, the guy that both Orton and Wyatt have feuded with fairly recently in some capacity? Hell, even Mojo would make more sense with his push recently. But no. Jinder Fucking Mahal. Surely we're going to get shenanigans given that Backlash is absolutely ages away.
  6. Haven't really enjoyed FM17 at all, spent most of the time in the editor trying to create something completely new I've been planning for a while. Started another save with Scotland though, letting you play a small amount of matches and cover a lot of time. Managed to top the World Cup Qualifying group after England had an absolute shitemare. While we pumped Lithuania 7-2, England drew away to Slovenia. When we beat Slovenia at home 1-0, they were stinking Wembley out against Slovakia with a 0-0. They beat us 1-0 at Wembley (close game) to cut the gap a little, but in the 4th round of games, while we scored a 94th minute winner against Slovakia at Hampden, they lost 2-1 in Malta. Lol. Lost again at Hampden to England later on in the campaign, as well as a very poor performance in Slovenia to lose 3-1, but a glowing record elsewhere to top the group by a point as we beat Malta 4-2 in the final game. Burke is an absolute monster in this game. Started trying to play a 3-5-2 with Burke as the second striker, and he's dominating. We went to the World Cup, got drawn with Switzerland, South Korea and Brazil, but had an absolute nightmare. Burke put us 2-0 up in the first half against Switzerland in the opening game, but then pulled his hamstring. Out for two weeks - and the rest of the group stage - but before we found that out Switzerland scored 4 in the second half. Got a 1-1 draw against South Korea, but Brazil absolutely dismantled us 6-1 in the 3rd game to send us home. Then they sacked me. Fucking SFA. Added another manager to start the Euros campaign where we got France, Slovakia, Romania and Luxembourg, and already won our Nations League group, so should be plain sailing to the Euros. Oh aye, and got Kris Doolan 6 caps and 2 goals on his debut. Beautiful.
  7. Aye, if they start sounding like they're choking, get the f**k out of the way. Also damages other things around them, so quite good if you can get a group fo them bunched up, kill one, then get out of the way. They can be an absolute arse when you either forget that or can't get out of the way though.
  8. I think that quest was bugged, if it's the one I'm thinking of then I had problems with it and could never complete it. Would've thought they'd have fixed it by now though.
  9. I know it's probably an unpopular opinion, but in recent years I've grown to really hate James Richardson. I liked Football Italia all those years ago, but I don't like his delivery on the podcast, and the image for it is extremely punchable. Obviously he knows his stuff, but he just seems extremely smarmy to me. Currently subscribed to The Football Ramble, The Terrace, The Burst Baw, and quite obviously the best of the lot, Clyde 1 Superscoreboard (not really of course, but I do enjoy listening knowing no matter how bad it gets, you're at least not some of the mouth-breathers they invite on). Listened to the Ramble for the longest, and although it went through a phase of getting a bit up its own arse, it's gotten funnier recently which reduces that a little bit. The Terrace is great to listen to, manage to mix a good level of coverage of all of Scottish football with not taking themselves too seriously. The Burst Baw seem to be trying to paint themselves more into the football journalist camp for me, definitely less entertaining. Apart from the Cup Final meltdown from the Rangers fan on there last year. That was fun. Should also add the Tuesday Club given they put up their first podcast for 2 years yesterday. Always enjoyed it. You're not going to get the best coverage, even of Arsenal, but still a good laugh. Used to listen to the World Football Weekly or whatever it was called, the one with Tim Vickery, Dotun and various guests. Might start getting back into it, it was quite good. Plus Vickery manages to mix knowing a hell of a lot about his subject without being a smarmy bellend.
  10. I'd recommend not. I jumped into Hearts of Stone using the already levelled character option, and I got the shit well and truly kicked out of me for days with that. Like weirdcal says, go through the main game first, build up the sort of character you want with all the skills, upgrades and weapons, and then hit the DLC once you've finished the main quest. The difficulty really jumps up on both I found. Be prepared to spend a whole lot longer on it than that. I envy you getting to play it all fresh to be honest.
  11. Number of handsome b*****ds at the club, shouldn't really have a maneater around anyway.
  12. Just buy Auchenhowie off of them. I'm sure they need the money.
  13. Especially with Cole hot-footing it back to commentary and looking someone had just died. These are the sort of situations that really puzzle me with WWE. Surely they knew that if Strowman did that, he would get cheered due to it being Reigns. If they don't know that, and genuinely thought you'd get the standard face/heel reaction, then why? If they did know it, but did it anyway, and hope that they'll get that reaction anyway, then why? Or there's a third option and they're playing some kind of weird long-game. Unlikely though.
  14. That was the best brawl segment I've ever seen. The Lesnar Taker one a while back where they kept escaping was good, but this is on another level. More false finishes than most of Roman's matches. Would've loved to have been in the production meeting for that when someone suggested he flip the ambulance. Just a shame the end result will likely to be Reigns winning. Other than that, the show was pretty average. It raises a whole ton of questions about Smackdown though, particularly around the tag team and women's divisions. SD were light on the former, and now they've taken one away. Not sure if we're getting another call up to replace them, but at this stage who cares? SD don't. The women's division is more troubling though. Two good call-ups to RAW, but who does that really leave? Face Naomi and Becky and some jobbers? I assume that if you were on the show last night, you are definitely on RAW now, so it's hard to see who they're going to pull out of their arse tonight. Oh and as of now, SD technically have no male champions. Orton looks to be headed to RAW with Ambrose leaving only Naomi and the Usos. Only one of those actually appears on TV. If Brock (or more likely Heyman) appear tonight that would redress the balance slightly, especially if they set him up against Nakamura....oooooft.
  15. Didn't JBL go into the showers, grab Edge by his Little Edge as a "rib"? He didn't react, stared him out, and thus got respect. What an odd chap.
  16. I'd put the entire division on either show to be honest. It's how it should've been from the start, and I'm not convinced that just swapping over a few names like it's the start of a mid-season Apprentice episode will really do it. Sure we'll get some new feuds going, but we'll just hit the same problem in 6 months time, at which point they can't really do yet another draft to fix it. I'd give the entire division to Smackdown, then move all the tag teams over to RAW. The tag teams could probably stay separate, but neither show is particularly excelling in that regard. Smackdown are going to continue to struggle with their selection unless they bring up DIY or something. American Alpha could be brilliant given the chance (and a few other teams could be at least good) but there's not really much excitement there thanks to the writing. Outside of that, we'll likely just get a handful of names swapping. Champs will stay, and outside of a couple of big stars swapping there won't be much of note. If I was booking though, I'd do a complete redraft. Should be a yearly thing post-Wrestlemania. Have the first week after WM just tieing up those loose ends, maybe developing a few feuds that you know won't change, then have the draft in the second week each year. Completely clean the decks and create the paths to the stories you want to have all the way through the next year.
  17. Securing top 6 and anoher very successful and enjoyable Firhill Cup yesterday. What a club.
  18. That's brilliant. "Wisnae me, you cannae prove it, could've been aaaaanyone"
  19. He knocked f**k out of the Blue Meanie at ECW One Night Stand (the first one I believe), leaving him a bloody mess. Later on he was put in a match with the Meanie, during which Stevie Richards came in and gave him the mother of all chair shots, leaving him with a bad concussion. MAGGLE!
  20. I read that as Tam McManus making a joke about Ryan Edward's girlfriend having died. Much confusion.
  21. Oh aye, that was pretty clear by the video. Just more generally meaning that a competent presenter either wouldn't have made the mistake in the first place, or would use the charisma that you assume would be imperative for a role like that to dance his way around it. Guy fucking crumbled. He's hardly the best example, but can you imagine someone like Lineker reacting like that?
  22. I got a chance to watch the wee video from Tanner, and when he made his first mistake I was thinking "is that it?" especially after he corrected himself. Then it got a lot worse, when he got the 12 points wrong once, twice, three times, then just decided "f**k it" and gave up. I don't doubt that it was just one of those times where your brain freezes, and he's live on TV, but surely if you've been picked to go on live TV, you could be charismatic enough to correct your mistake and/or laugh it off without seeming like a complete moron.
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