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Everything posted by forameus

  1. f**k sake Nigel - giving it "itami could get injured again", essentially "lovely house...would be a shame if it burnt down..."
  2. I wouldn't say he's been bad or anything, he's a good character, great entrance, plays the heel role very well. Just don't think the matches have been up to the standard of previous champions. Might just be that he didn't click with nakamura quite as well. Not sure he'd suit chasing the title quite as well so will probably retain here then maybe drop at summerslam weekend before moving up. Maybe.
  3. Anyone else find roode pretty boring as champ? Without just entrance I doubt he'd be anywhere near even that level.
  4. Good women's match, better than average triple threat Championship match on next though...are we getting something big in the tag match? DIY splitting up? Or are they just anticipating them putting on a much better show?
  5. Brave to put the ladder match right before the main - can see roode/itami being a let down after what will (hopefully) be an amazing match
  6. Yeah, cracking match here. Hopefully we see this defended more often if were getting matches like this
  7. They really fucked up with the episodic nature. I didn't get to play (although might still pick it up) but from watching let's plays and hearing about it, it looks like they made a pretty great hitman game. Then the publishers decided to f**k it up by forcing the episodes on it. Would've sold way better as just a normal game
  8. Viggo Mortensen, Niklolai Coster-Waldau and Mads Mikkelsen all rumoured for Gerald, all interesting choices. Can't help but feel it'll be nowhere near the game itself and will probably end up being pretty shit, but hopefully it's watchable and gives another window into the world.
  9. There isn't a real necessity to do side quests, particularly if you want to just get through the main story after getting a but bogged down. If you can level up to a good enough level without them, you'll still have a great time playing through the main. It can go either way with the side quests - you will miss out on a lot ot really interesting writing and fun quests but it's also really easy to spend hours and hours on side quests that don't really advance anything.
  10. [emoji1] Brilliant. More wrestlers should do that.
  11. Thursday at 8pm I believe. Not sure if that's our time or theirs though
  12. You'll enjoy it. A proper challenge at points and you have to really think about the battles you go into. I got caught in a group of about 8 Nekkers - you can take them out with about 3 hits, but when they're swarming around you it's hard to get hits off. Only just about survived.
  13. Finally managed to get past the frog Prince boss, but forgot that just a short while later you get another brutal fight with Olgierd. Not quite as bad as the first once you get the hang of the timing, but still, they really ramped up the difficulty a fair bit between the main game and the DLC. Still a fucking masterpiece though.
  14. I don't remember any other boss that is as unfair as that one...no spoilers but some of the end game ones I found tough but fair. You can see their pattern and Nick away at them no matter how you play. They really got it wrong with the road though, thing can brutalise you in seconds. I know dodging is a valid tactic but the way you have to do it here just seems like bad design in an otherwise brilliant game. Luckily hearts of stone is absolutely brilliant once you get past it.
  15. Feel really bad for the women who physically can't or at least don't feel like they can breastfeed. It might be getting a little more relaxed now, but when we were in there was definitely the air that they were trying to concentrate on breast-feeding. I know that if it's a choice between the two then breast milk is always going to win but it must put horrible pressure on a woman who is already in a weakened state to do something they might not be able to do. Especially when you can have totally bottle-fed babies suffering no ill-effects. Wee man is already a million times better than those awful first couple of days. After losing that 11% of his birth-weight he'd gained back about 6 in the day after that. Midwife back tomorrow afternoon so we'll see how he's done, but he's eating like a horse and sleeping quite well too. Still hard times to come obviously, but...well, fucking phew really
  16. After getting Horizon completed I'm back into this, and realised why it was I stopped. I'm pretty much right at the start of Hearts of Stone at that fucking Toad Prince boss fight. I hate it with the power of a thousand suns. Dropped the difficulty level to the bottom just to get past it and still can't. Seething rage quit.
  17. Cheers man We've been home a couple of days, it was the midwife visiting. That's when the hard bit starts! Now that we know the problem with feeding it's getting him (and us) into a routine, like you say. Then we can start getting back into the world.
  18. Day 3, and after another pretty awful night, things are getting a little better. Midwife came this morning to find him in the strop he's been in most of the night and 2 very stressed parents. After weighing him, turns out he's lost 11% of his birth weight in 2 days. Mum's been trying to breastfeed and it seemed to be going well but seems like he was getting pretty much nothing each time. So every time he cried were saying "can't be hungry" when he was just that. Got premade bottles this morning and he's wolfed several down today, sleeping at least an hour each time. Imagine I don't need to describe how much of a relief that is to you guys Murray Andrew, welcome to the world
  19. Guess I better join here - first child born into the world 4:51 on Thursday morning. His mum had to get an emergency section so not the most straightforward of births but he's doing ok now the wee chubber. Not a great first few days for him though, or more for me. Hes a wee star and i love him to bits, but feel so useless at the moment. I know it gets easier but seems a long way off at the moment
  20. Apart from the MITB wrinkle, that's a truly depressing few outcomes. Orton is fine, Mahal could be, Rusev is good and Corbin has potential as a heel. But none of them really scream main event outside of Orton. Hopefully Styles/Nakamura/Owens get involved soon.
  21. I usually just let the machines kill me to reset things.
  22. That's quite a good way of showing it, apart from how close the orange is to the green. Unless they're suggesting draws are some kind of protestant conspiracy, not sure why they choose that colour. Clearly they got their usual stats guy to knock that up, let him go for lunch, and told the work experience kid to do something similar. While it's at the mercy of the research behind it being good, it's nowhere near as bad as that graph. At least the stats from the game have some relative basis in reality.
  23. The Football Ramble shared it, and I'm not entirely sure they did so in jest. Most people took it at face value apart from a few questioning its validity, and the clearly done in microsoft paint-ness of it all.
  24. I'd imagine we're farther away from reaching major tournaments because we're not very good and haven't been for some time. That's absolutely nothing to do with where players are from. Some of your lauded Scots will care less about how they do with their country as the non-Scots you seem to hate. Equating success with this mythical "fire" is antiquated at best.
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