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Everything posted by forameus

  1. He threw a massive strop when I said I broadly agreed with the 5/10 Jim Sterling gave it, said it would just be for clicks. That's pretty much exactly what I've done. I was exploring everything to a great degree, trying to 100% planets, but the last play I got of it was just jumping from system to system to try and get to the center. In fact, I'd agree with pretty much all your post. Exactly how I feel about it. Definitely potential there, and I hope that they take on board everything that's happened and maybe come back with the game they wanted to make. It's unlikely though, as it seems the default reaction is not to accept they tried, but to tell them to f**k off entirely for failing.
  2. They do talk some pish, but in this case they're absolutely right. That would be an incredibly stupid thing to do. It kind of helped Wales that the people coming through at that time were so good - what would we have to bring through? The U21s? The ones that got beat off Malta then pumped off of Ukraine? Haud me back...
  3. You're forgetting the internet these days when it comes to video games. If you're not violently on one side and threatening the other side with death, calling them an SJW or a fanboy, then you're not doing it right. As with a lot of arguments, it has some weight, but of course it isn't ruining the franchise. Some people who loved the original will hate it. Some will be the complete opposite and will now love the thing. The sense of entitlement some seem to have is baffling.
  4. Definitely. Obsidian wrote a far better story, but the world itself wasn't up to the polish of the other games. A Fallout game crafted by the usual team and written by Obsidian would clean up. Fallout 4's writing is pretty poor in comparison.
  5. I don't think Sony's blame can be in them over-hyping. They can be blamed for not reining in Sean Murray. Through all the wailing and gnashing of teeth, it just looks to me like they threw a guy out there who was immensely proud of his game, and promised things that he really, really wanted to deliver. A lot of them probably got left on the cutting room floor, so they shouldn't have let the guy go out and do that. I don't think any of it was malicious in any way, just inexperience and exuberance. It's a real shame, because there's several aspects to the game that are either good ideas, or have the nucleus of something great. All combined together, you've got a decent product, but one that could - and should - have been so much more. For example, I think the language stuff is pretty underrated. It's quite original in that you have these aliens that you have no chance in understanding, but there's a mechanism in the game that allows you to gain an understanding slowly. Unfortunately, like a lot of things in the game it feels like something that needed a few extra steps to really make it to brilliant. DLC wise too, I'm not really sure where they can go with it. They've burned a lot of the bridges they had with the player base, and by the sounds of it numbers have dropped off a cliff. Is there really any feature they could add in that would make people flock back? Multiplayer could be added, but by design you're extremely unlikely to ever meet anyone. Base building...what's really the point? The game isn't about that. They essentially need to build another game on top of it. Personally I'm now just about done with the game. I'm now making the largest warp hops I can just so I can make it to the center and feel like I've "completed" the game. I was really enjoying the discovery aspect and trying to 100% each one, but there just isn't enough there to hold your attention for as long as you require to do that. I've maxed out my exo suit and got the upgrades I feel I need. I managed to mine enough Gold, Emeril and Albumen Pearls to get enough credit to pick up a decent sized ship, and then spent a long time getting the upgrades to allow me to warp long distances. Now it's just like "what's the point?". I'll get to the center, and then I think that''ll be me. I've still got the Witcher to finish, and finally picked up the season pass for Fallout 4. I'd downgrade the score I originally gave it (6.5 I believe) to a generous 6. I don't want to place it at 5 as I think that's a little unfair. It's above average, and there's enough in there that makes me want to come back to it. But it's a massive missed opportunity, and that's the saddest thing.
  6. Aye he does. He has shite hair. Spot on, particularly the pressure part. That's why in the past couple of weeks I said how ridiculous it was to be hyping this guy up and saying he's going to be world class. Because when he has a game like yesterday - one where he wasn't bad but wasn't that great either - then those sky high expectations are only going to be dashed. He's now got a few weeks to get his head down at his new club before the next squad is announced. I don't doubt he'll be in it barring injury, but he has to prove he deserves his start just like everyone else.
  7. Of course they can, but the big difference is that they're sensible and don't want to give them that. They have no incentive to. I don't doubt that there's a reticence there on the player's part, but it's a massive part of it that average players can earn far larger amounts at home due to the way the PL is.
  8. I'd imagine the fact that an English player can earn many, many times more playing at home than they could be moving probably contributes more.
  9. Fishing only really works when you don't make it totally obvious you're havering absolute pish.
  10. Two things on him First, I'm quite glad he's gone. There always looked like there was a player in there, but he never quite got out. There were flashes of what he could do, but for a big imposing guy, he didn't impose himself very often. And he couldn't jump. Or more accurately, he seemed like he wouldn't jump. There were times he'd get a decent leap, so it was clear he could do it, but he didn't seem to want to. His best work seemed to be when he had little time to think about it. Quick touches off his feet into players looked good, but when you're getting one of them every few games, it just isn't good enough. Good luck to the guy, but he just didn't fit in. Second though, it does leave us short of a guy. For all that he was almost useless, he was still an option to have. Doolan is not going to be your always-on striker who scores you 30 a season. He's going to go through poor spells, and he could even get injured. We got Azeez in which was good, but what do we have beyond that? We don't even have Stevenson to impersonate a forward anymore. I'd be a lot happier if we brought someone else in to replace Pogba, but understand that we've probably left it a little late. A free agent could be a possibility if there's one out there that doesn''t want a fortune.
  11. Can we not hope for some mad Chinese owner to decide that he's worth paying £20 million or something for?
  12. Was Rollins not the champ going into the Cena vs Authority SS match a couple of years back? I think a RAW vs Smackdown style SS match is a lock. Purely because if they go for a RAW only one - or, please no, a Smackdown one as well - then you're using up ten people from already thin rosters. I could see them doing a RAW vs SD one, taking up 5 from each roster, then giving enough left over to fill out the rest of the card.
  13. It was. Boy was quite pumped up to be involved.
  14. It's not necessarily a bad thing that HHH is involved - all depends how they go from here. I just read the result, but will need to watch the match later on. Out of this we could get Reigns getting more of an edge (he's failed a few times now in "getting back his title"), Rollins as a face possibly up against HHH, and a champion with charisma. All depends how they bring the authority in to it. If they over-egg it, then they could ruin RAW, KO, Rollins, the whole thing. Definitely interesting to see what happens.
  15. How often has he got his selection noticably wrong? There have certainly been occasions, I'm not saying that as a "he's never got it wrong" post, but from a lot of posts it seems like people think he gets it consistently wrong. Against Ireland away he got it wrong, and hindsight points to it being worse due to a decent draw not being as good when you look back. He got it wrong initially against Gibraltar, but deserves credit for noticing that, identifying the problem and then making sure it didn't turn into more of a nightmare than it was. You could argue he got it wrong against Georgia, but I think that was more a perfect storm of too little emphasis being put on the importance of the game (by everyone, not just Strachan) and the woeful performances of the players on the pitch. One thing I do agree with though, if we don't get two wins, he's under pressure. Selection doesn't really matter as long as you win. He could pick an absolutely terrible side, but if it gets us 6 points, then most aren't going to turn on him. Same as if he picks the side everyone wants him to and drops points, the knives will be out.
  16. I landed on a pretty much lifeless planet. One of the ones that says that Flora and Fauna are undetected. Floating islands over a mostly water-based planet. Lovely, so I set off and landed the ship on one of the islands so I could get to an undiscovered location under water. Found it, then realised that my jetpack didn't have the juice to make it back up to meet the ship. Now wondering an absolute wasteland of a planet to either find the materials to improve my jetpack (I need Omegon. What the f**k is Omegon?) or one of the ship call points.
  17. I finally got a chance to watch the promo, and the episode around it. Definitely a good idea to have something like this to further angles, although CarmellaBella attack was a bit cringey with all the "is she ok" stuff that went on after it in complete silence. Miz was absolutely brilliant, and they need to make more out of it. Dirtsheets seem to think that they're going to do more angles like this because they "haven't totally closed the door on Bryan returning". Absolute pish on that, but I'd be happy for them to do more stuff like this. I'd say let Miz continue, but what else is there that he really could say? It was a step short of a double turn, everything Miz said was 100% accurate and delivered absolutely perfectly. And agree with those talking about the work/shoot balance. When wrestling isn't so clearly scripted and fake and can make you really believe that it's a shoot, it's truly wonderful.
  18. Aye, right enough. No less-than-mobile striker has ever been successful in any team. Ever. It's all about how you use them and what else they offer.
  19. vs Northern Ireland - came on in 63rd minute vs Gibraltar - came on in 66th minute vs England - came on in 82nd minute vs Belgium - came on in 63rd minute vs Australia - started, subbed off 67th minute, scored 1 vs Serbia - came on in 81st minute vs Macedonia - came on in 66th minute vs Luxembourg - started, subbed off 89th minute, scored 2 vs Estonia - came on at half time vs Wales - came on 89th minute vs Serbia - started, off 80th minute vs Croatia - came on 64th minute vs Cyprus - came on 87th minute Very similar story to Chris Martin really, only Rhodes has been around a bit longer. Both are used in the same role, and neither has been particularly startling. Both have scored against diddies when given a chance, and both have flattered to deceive against diddies when given the chance.
  20. Ok, so it's not "the last few minutes", but I didn't think he was getting big chunks of games. As far as I can tell, he got... 9 minutes against Germany (81st minute sub) 76 minutes against Gibraltar (started, off at 76 minutes, 1 goal) 30 minutes against Denmark (60th minute sub) 1 minute against Georgia (89th minute sub) 19 minutes against Poland (71st minute sub) 34 minutes against Ireland (56th minute sub) 45 minutes against England (started, half time sub) 45 minutes against Nigeria (half time sub) So yeah, not the last few minutes, but there's a pattern here. Take out the friendlies, and he's thrown in as a last resort. Against Germany he gets 9 minutes to try and turn it around when we're chasing shadows. Against Georgia he gets 1 minute to try and turn it around). Against Poland he's thrown on I guess to be a more physical option to try and protect our lead. I just don't think he's going to be at his best in those situations, hence why he looks absolutely pish. He's clearly not as bad as he's sometimes made out when he plays for us. Not that that matters - he could score 40 for Derby, doesn't really matter if he doesn't do it for us.
  21. Chris Martin isn't helped in a Scotland shirt by being thrown on late in the day, usually when we're chasing a game. Agree he has looked pretty rank rotten whenever he's played for us, but you can't argue with him having a good record at Championship level.
  22. No. Basically I just totally disagreed with you on the point and thought it was worth a mention. You know, opinions and that. But you "bit", so...good for you I guess?
  23. I've been posting quite a bit - you not written all of them down in your wee tear-stained book? You didn't guarantee it, that was me being facetious. Most normal people would've gotten that from the tone. But what you did do is attack me when I had the temerity to suggest that he might not be World Class. Hence, I'd say you were suggesting he would be.
  24. He's guaranteed to be World Class don't you know. Kenny said so.
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