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Everything posted by forameus

  1. 'member when Motorhead played in HHH? f**k it, 'member the fucking DX Band burning the place down? Good times. Luckily missed most of that, had rewound to see the Carmella botch. Ironically, she probably now wishes she had killed herself.
  2. i'm not sure what the point is in Goldberg now. There's only so much he can offer in a match. Struggled with the Jackhammer there, and was quite clearly telling Drew at the end some variation of "pure fucked, mate". He's got nowhere near a strong enough character to disguise it. As Ludo said, he's really got to have someone on top of their game opposite him, because if it's someone mid-range (Wyatt) or just old and fucked (Undertaker) the results can be wretched.
  3. WWE watching how everyone turned on the Rumble match when Bryan got punted around entrant 13 that year and deciding to get things started earlier this time around.
  4. Just catching up since didn't think there was much point in not spoiling stuff they're actually announcing, but that's...interesting. Guess this puts the Orton/Edge storyline to bed at least, treat this as their rubber match. But still, them now not announcing 30...have they worked us? Probably makes the 30 spot even more exciting given they've withdrawn the possibility of it being announced. See if they troll us with fucking Mysterio again...
  5. A pre-pre-show? Deary me. Trent Seven's looking fucking rough. I'm thinking we might get something special, so I'm planning on watching live for once. Can't do it watching with pals like I used to (last one was this time last year actually) but f**k it, let's see what they've got.
  6. I remember him looking really good against us when we first played Ayr, to the point where it seemed like another case of "look what we've given up". But it is nicely set up for him to come back and look woeful for us, as is tradition. Hope he does well though.
  7. I've honestly no idea what they're planning. There isn't really a clear winner, as if you think they're going to try and tell a story with the winner, there's so many ways they could go. I would like the winner to be Bryan, and have him go up against Reigns. I then want Reigns to go full-on heel and decimate him. Bryan deserves a Rumble win before he properly leaves, so give him it here. However, I don't think they'll do it, so I'm going to go with Big Brock. Him winning opens up two different stories, either revenge against Drew, or a Paul-Heyman-on-a-Pole match with Reigns. There's no way he misses out on a WM payday, and it's hard to imagine him just having a normal match. Women's match...probably the most potential for shenanigans. I think Bliss will win it, but if not then give it to Bayley. They might have shot their load and had the Banks/Bayley match too early, but they absolutely deserve to settle something in front of a crowd. Only wild card is whether they bring anyone back. Becky's surely not ready yet, but Rousey? She'd be a shot in the arm. I saw that mentioned. I can only assume that the 30 will not be anyone exciting. If it is, then they've lost the plot. It'll be some jobber like the Miz or something. But even if it is, it's still a massive waste to give away one of the key moments of the Rumble.
  8. A handful at most. Going back, we had... Drew/Charlotte Rollins/Becky Nakamura/Asuka Orton HHH Reigns Batista John Cena Sheamus Del Rio Edge Orton Cena Undertaker Out of those, I can only see two that would come under the stubborn category in Batista and Reigns. The other ones that were a bit of a surprise (that I remember anyway) were done to further a story. Bit harsh to complain about Orton or HHH winning when it was all part of the story they were trying to tell. Past three winners have been pretty popular and decent enough decisions, particularly last year (which was absolutely masterfully booked)
  9. There's a strange fascination with wrestling "journalists". I should hate them, but the industry they've built up around snake oil is fascinating to watch. Write whatever pish comes to mind, make sure it's not sourced in any way, then when it inevitably doesn't happen, write something obvious to keep your hit rate up and wave away the shite as "plans changed". That Rumble rumour is another well crafted one. "It's being seriously considered", but no details so that when we just get standard WWE fuckery, they can shrug and say that they must have changed their mind. And people pay for this shit. EDIT: But f**k it, fantasy booking's a right laugh. If this is real, wit's the finish daein, guys? Fiend to enter at 30, still fully ablaze, and he proceeds to win after throwing the final 6 or so out. He celebrates, still ablaze, at which point Lesnar enters, throws Fiend out (still on fire) and the commentators somehow proclaim him the winner, despite never entering. Then Hulk Hogan comes out, ala the Rock to raise his arm.
  10. I didn't play the previous two, and played the first level of 3 before going back to the previous two. The quality is pretty much constant throughout. If you like 1 and 2, you'll not go wrong with 3.
  11. I'd imagine on the original release, the people that were always going to scalp them picked them up. That got publicised, and everyone tells them what c***s they are, but people that don't really bother with that see that they can likely make a few hundred quid. So I expect every time they come available, there are more people wanting to buy them to sell them on. Add to that that there's probably less of them coming up each time, and it's just a big continuing f**k up. Retailers and Sony don't really care if people scalp them, no matter what they say. They've got their money.
  12. So Bliss winning then? WWE learning their lesson about not putting the title on the Fiend character by...transferring the character to another wrestler and putting the title on her instead. Think it's a more natural fit with Bliss, but would be a bit galling for Asuka and the other women. Not like there's loads of other titles for them to go for if one of them is tied up in the overarching Wyatt storyline. Unless it's shenanigans tonight and Bliss wins the Rumble.
  13. Didn't realise there was more on this in here, but as I said in the other thread, seems like a decent enough deal for customers in the US, and for WWE themselves. However, Peacock made an absolutely aching arse of taking The Office from Netflix, so who knows what'll happen.
  14. Given the absolute erse they've made of taking The Office, that seemed like bad news for the US, but looking at the article, seems like it might actually end up cheaper. That seems too good to be true though, so interesting to see how it progresses. Shouldn't affect anyone outside of the US.
  15. I saw that video, assuming it was some mad glitch but the way characters are positioned makes me think they did it kind of on purpose. Really clean way of doing it. My first successful runthrough of that level, however, 58 minutes. And that was with the pointers. The levels are really well designed with having the two distinct targets. Although part of me wishes they threw in a few more chaotic options, rather than the more cerebral planned out ones. Not really in the spirit of the game though I suppose. I'll setlle for Sparta kicking most of the targets off high ledges for now.
  16. Indeed it does. Along with the Mr Singh's Curry Pie which I think still existed when Firhill was open. More on tpic, we also branched out into pizza. I assumed because we had some links with Pizza Express that we'd be talking something approaching that. Noooooo. If you ever get the chance to partake, don't.
  17. I picked it up, along with the previous 2 so I could play through them all in a one-er. Played the first level of the 3rd before I went back and it's very impressive. Looks absolutely gorgeous and a million different ways to do things. My only slight gripe is that it's a bit hand-holdy. I remember the old Hitman games where you were just dropped into levels blind and often had to go through fiendishly difficult levels of trial and error before you worked it all out. At the start of each level in the new ones, you've got a list of starting points that can point you to where you need to go. Granted there's usually 10 of them, so a huge amount of replay value, and you can just ignore them if you want, but would be good if you could toggle them off completely (then slowly put them back on because I'm thick as mince).
  18. forameus

    FIFA 21

    The thought of sitting on that meagre pile of packs and extending the misery was too much, and attackers are the most fun anyway, so ripped through them. Small pile of decent fodder and Neymar. Ordinarily that'd be brilliant, but....meh. last year I would have put together a fairly decent hybrid Ligue 1 team to play some games, but EA have made everything a fucking chore. Every method of playing involves scratching and clawing with one of the worst communities in gaming, often for the sort of numbers of hours I'd put into a job that actually pays me. For me -and this is no slight on people that actually enjoy the game, fire in guys - but it's little more than a part-to-full time job. EA have made it that way deliberately, and it's a massive waste of what used to be an enjoyable game.
  19. forameus

    FIFA 21

    And another standard move from EA. Because why put all your cards out at once when you can milk it over a longer period? I know they've done this before with TOTY, but still. Any idea on when everything is in? It used to be just a few days, but knowing EA's new penchant it'll be a week for each of them.
  20. forameus

    FIFA 21

    Every single c**t I come up against is pausing after they go 1 up. Every. Fucking. One.
  21. forameus

    FIFA 21

    Absolutely. But doing five tokens for that and the other pack option is more palatable than scratching and clawing my way to 7 for the worst icon card they offered. The game wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't for the people playing it ultimately. EA are the landlord that's completely given up on the property after they let the crackheads move in. Almost don't blame them. Almost.
  22. forameus

    FIFA 21

    2 nights of this is enough to show me why I left it behind in the first place. Completed the La Liga Swaps after meeting the usual gang of people doing their level best to be absolute shits in Friendlies, then found people that made them look like Saints trying to get the rest. I'm not going to quit after they score first, and will usually wait until I'm well down or half-time before doing so. Which seems to get their backs up. Cue the ball getting passed around the back (from around the 5th minute) or endless pauses, or just general anti-social stuff, presumably to try and get me to quit. I just want to play a game of FIFA for f**k sake. So switched to Squad Battles and chose tedium instead. 4 tokens secured, just need one more for the two pack option then will see what I get out of them on TOTY day. If it's f**k all, decent reason to jump back out again. The game is nowhere near enjoyable enough to put up with a lot of the people that play it.
  23. And Reigns retiring Bryan....oooooooooooft. He hasn't smiled really since turning heel, so can just imagine him pinning Bryan, standing in the middle of the ring, and then flashing that big beautiful smile as the boos rain down. I'm in. Actually, I'm just watching WM33 where he faced Taker, and it's weird to see the bits of his heel character coming through. Why the f**k they decided to keep him face after the white hot reaction he got the night after I don't know. He's been a tremendous heel so far, but I think he's really missing that proper defining heel move. Hell, he doesn't even need to take Bryan's career. If he wins the Rumble, you could easily lead everyone towards it clearly being a feel-good Bryan win. Then Reigns just fucking murders him. Proper going after his neck stuff, leave him utterly brutalised. Then give him a bit of time off ahead of what will likely be his final run. It'll be such a waste if they have Reigns drop it by WM.
  24. Bryan maybe? Could see him having a story with Reigns as the one to finally dethrone him (although is that far too early for that?). Lesnar? Could have a story with either Reigns or (preferably) McIntyre if that happens. But yeah, although there's plenty that could "deserve" it, if we're looking at it from anything vaguely resembling stories they're telling, the field is pretty thin. Bray Wyatt shouldn't come back yet, and certainly not to do anything other than specific non-title stories. Sheamus would be...meh. Big E I'd take, but thinking about it I don't think the time's right to have Reigns drop yet. I'd keep him with the title for a year to be honest, then have a proper story lead into the next WM.
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