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Everything posted by forameus

  1. Yeah, maybe it makes me a consciousless monster, but this whole stuff isn't really going to change much about how I watch WWE. I'll watch the odd bit of old stuff on the Network, and then watch whatever they offer up every month. If they make the product better I'll get involved more, if it gets worse I'll probably watch even less than the limited amount now. If I was going to boycott every company that does shady shit, I'd probably not get a lot done. But if other people want to, fire in.
  2. Just so I've got it right, we've been confirmed as going down, but now they're talking about reconstruction, which could see us stay up? Looking at it objectively, I feel more sorry for those getting denied something positive. Falkirk have been rinsed over this. I'd already pretty much accepted we were going down, so although it's in shitty circumstances, it's just...meh. I'd have been far more furious had we been in Falkirk's position (Bairn pal I work with is having a head's gone, which is admittedly amusing)
  3. Revival too. They were brilliant, and something completely different to what they had elsewhere. No surprise they had great matches with teams that were a bit different to them, yet they just never got that chance. Still, I doubt any of them would be wanting people to feel too sorry for them. They've earned a lot of money, and it seems like what was happening, although not ideal, wasn't exactly the worst thing in the world for them. Good luck to them going forward, they're all too good for what they've been doing recently.
  4. Has Gallows gone too and just missed off that tweet or has he stayed? Seems a bit odd for him to stay and Anderson to go. Anyway, much needed. They went into full on "I'm buying all these toys so you can't" mode with AEW, and it's not going to lead to anything good. If WWE wanted to, they could cut the roster right down and still be just as good as any competition, so they may as well cut the fat. The people leaving will be fine (probably more than fine) and WWE will be fine.
  5. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Spent a miserable evening yesterday getting the UCL Swaps token, but finally managed it. Got to level 30, all Swaps tokens done, and nothing worth grinding for before the new season starts. Glad to get some time off from the game to be honest, which is sad in a way. I'll keep on top of SBCs but don't plan on playing more than a handful of games before a week on Friday.. In the meantime though, think I might do a big sell-off of the club. Cannae wait to have loads of coins to piss away fruitlessly.
  6. It's been weird with him. We all know the sort of lines he likes to say, but the past few months he's seemed like they've figuratively - and maybe literally - neutered him when he's been on TV. He just grins at the camera with a far off look in his eyes, offering up pretty much nothing, rather than something particularly offensive. Maybe the real Jerry's coming oot again.
  7. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Done the friendly objective...so who am I going to get? Bonucci 86. That's ok I guess. Not really worth the extra effort, but it's better than nothing. Also got Onana CL card (dupe) but the rest were 83 and below. EDIT: f**k, forgot it was untradeable. That Onana looks like it's going for Max BIN as well.
  8. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Good point actually. If you can get to the console every 15 minutes or so, that'd work too.
  9. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Yeah, my thinking too. If it was a Rare Players Pack or something, I'd probably sack it off. But it is a 100k pack, and I don't really have to do anything for it. It's a just about acceptable bit of shithousery from EA. That's the one set I still have left to go, and I'm fully expecting to lose my shit doing it. Not being first owner is a plus though - may set 100k or so aside to really kit out my team and use players I wouldn't usually
  10. forameus

    FIFA 20

    I missed it at first, it's not obvious (I shouldn't be surprised). When you're choosing what mode you're in - survival/king of the hill etc) press L2. Then change the difficulty in the menu that comes up. Why change the way you do difficulty on all other AI things in FUT? Who knows!
  11. forameus

    FIFA 20

    There's an app for PS4. It's a bit of a ballache to setup, and it's often a bit temperamental, and don't expect a brilliant connection, but it works for this kind of stuff, and for doing anything outside of actually playing a proper match. Think you need to setup the console, there's a menu in settings. You can then leave it in rest mode and the phone will wake it up.
  12. forameus

    FIFA 20

    You can do it on any of the friendly ways. Options seem to be Add someone who wants to scum the objectives as a friend, then trade wins back and forth. One person scores/assists then the other forfeits, then swap around for 42 games until you're all complete Play all 21 games online like a fucking masochist Play all 21 against the AI I'm doing option 3 currently. AI set to Beginner level. Start the game, score/assist, then park the ball with one of my players and the AI dance around doing nothing. Sitting using remote play on my phone while I work, 30 seconds of effort every 15 mins or so. It's tedious, but it's far better than option 2, and it hopefully won't lead to EA completely abandoning things like this if you use option 1 (like they did with Politano).
  13. forameus

    FIFA 20

    I love getting penalties against me, and feel like I save the vast majority, but penalty shootouts are still awful. For single penalties, I can usually tell exactly what someone is going to do by the sort of player they are. If their head moves noticeably one way and stays there, they're very, very likely to be putting it in the opposite corner. If they immediately start their run-up, they're very likely going to be putting it straight at you. If they're a complete dick, same goes. It's probably going straight down the middle. Even outside of those, I seem to choose the right direction fairly often. Shootouts though....jeeeeeesus. Not sure if it's just them having 5 chances to whoosh me, or just that I also have to take them, but I'm very, very unsuccesfful from them.To the point that when it gets late in extra-time, I've often thought of just conceding and getting the time back.
  14. Fkn booooooooooooo. Annoying too, as I probably could've got NXT on the BT app and watch it blind. Forgot it had gone there.
  15. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Yeah, totally. They're shite value, obviously. But it's a game, who gives a shit at this stage? Sure I could keep high-rated players in the hope of some attractive SBC, but the way the game's gone this year they've been thin on the ground. Use them now, maybe I'll get lucky.
  16. forameus

    FIFA 20

    I'd like to say I won't do either the FUT20 SBC or the Party Bag, but I'd be a fucking liar.
  17. Do they only put NXT up a lot later on the network now it's on USA? I wanted to watch Gargano/Ciampa yesterday but it wasn't available.
  18. You've reminded me of that Roman match...and now I'm sad. It wasn't even an amusing car crash match, just awful.
  19. Hard not to agree with this. I can't really muster up too much indignation given how bad we've been. It's undoubtedly unfair given there's still 8 games, but...well, as I said in the other thread, we've been fucking shite. We were probably favourites to go down anyway. Get it decided either way, and prepare to pick ourselves up. Again.
  20. This. It's really only those either in a personal position of being able to get out of trouble with more games, or people wanting to get it right up someone who is in a good position. The rest either have a personal stake in agreeing, or don't give a shit and just want their money. It's shite for us, as we at least had the chance to get out of it, but no matter how unfair or out-of-the-blue it is, we're bottom because we've been fucking shite.
  21. forameus

    FIFA 20

    Yes, it's minor. But considering the stuff that people do complain about it, it's far further up the list. It's also a far bigger f**k-up than a lot of them. It's not just about the SBCs. It's random cards chucked onto the market, indistinct card types and visuals, lack of explanation as to what cards are what...a complete mess. And considering people on reddit seem to lose their absolute shit over spelling mistakes, it will always surprise me how little attention this one gets.
  22. forameus

    FIFA 20

    If by easy you mean cheap, then yeah, absolutely. They're a good proposition for churning through given there aren't any big expensive players you need. The rewards are also great - I'm using 3 of the 6 in my best 11. But completing it isn't "easy" thanks to how much of an arse they've made of the cards. Granted, it's a lot harder for me because I can't buy cards on the app anymore. When I don't already have the players, I'm forced to complete in-game, and it's soul-destroying.
  23. forameus

    FIFA 20

    People like to bitch about every little thing EA get wrong, but I see nowhere near enough abuse for the absolute shambles that these CONMEBOL cards are. There's very few ways they could have made more of an arse of them.
  24. I guess they can't just leave it until they know, but seems weird that we're able to buy season tickets for a season where we don't know where we'll be playing, how many games we'll actually be playing, or, worst case and not at all likely, whether there will be a next season at all.
  25. Oh aye...now you say it that's obvious. I've thought that for a while. It's a shame, because when he's good, he's really good. WWE put up his match with Bryan earlier in the week, and I think that was one of my favourite matches in recent memory. He clearly respects Bryan, and everything surrounding that just made the match brilliant, to the point where I didn't really mind we got the usual F5-pin-win combination we get every time. But when he can't be arsed, it really shows, and any part of him being a big attraction gets eroded further when he comes out and has a match like that. It would have been a rubbish match in front of a crowd, but at least it would have had the reaction, and the pop for Drew winning. In an empty arena, it was aaaaawful. Now that he's dropped the belt, I'd have him disappear for a while. Really have a think, and stop using him as this break-glass-for-champion character and build a feud that gets the best out of him. I've always been quite interested in seeing him do a more face role. Maybe lose badly to someone, doubt himself and then have a story of him going through heels to the top again. But really, anything other than what we've had for years would be a refreshing change, and might get more out of him.
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