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Frankie S

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Everything posted by Frankie S

  1. Disappointing 7, considering I knew all 7. Can't land a guess on Aussie sport. Aussie politics and sports are bad enough, but Aussie reality tv? It's not really a test of knowledge is it? It's just making random guesses and hoping for the best.
  2. 8/10 for Thursday. Knew 7 and landed a semi-educated guess on the population of Vietnam. Got Aussie politics and (presumably) Aussie sport wrong, as per...
  3. A bit too much random guessing involved in that set. 7/10. Knew 4 (Pauli, Caspian Sea, Skye, Bruno Mars) and had a hunch on platypus. Guessed Brazilian food and NZ PM. Will settle for that. Could have been worse.
  4. 8/10 in my perennial quest to secure yet another runners-up spot on the podium. Got Aussie politics and Aussie armed forces questions wrong, guessed the tennis.
  5. 8/10 to start the week. Knew 6, had a fairly good feeling on another, one complete guess. Aussie sport, inevitably, let me down...and the novel by the author I've never heard of.
  6. 9/10 for Friday. Was confident on 7, and a couple (Ashe and the treaty) were semi-educated guesses. Aussie sport wrong, no surprises there. Fairly happy with that to finish the week. Doubt it will be enough to overhaul the league leader on that set though.
  7. 9/10 for Wed. Pleased to have guessed the young people's music question, but disappointed to have gotten the Cuban population wrong. Amin I wasn't 100% on, but was confident on the others. Even knew the Antipodean sport question.
  8. Whenever I'm asked a question like this in a pub quiz - to give a recent example - how many chemical elements start with an 'N'?, I (or we) try to write them all down, then we invariably worry that we've missed one. Hence the frequent adoption of the '+ 1 Rule' (it's very often one more than you think, though with the proviso that on a small set this is less likely to apply). My 50/50 deliberation was down to whether to apply the rule or not. Luckily I went the right way.
  9. A fortuitous 10. Knew 6 for sure. Unusually had a fairly strong feeling about the Aussie sport question. Canadian Provinces/Territories was a 50/50; there was at least some logic attached to guessing the performer's stage name and the Aussie X Factor winner was a total guess. I'll take it.
  10. 8/10 for Friday. Knew 6. Country north of Oman was an educated guess. Guessed the autobiography. Got Aussie sport and politics wrong.
  11. I think the timer function is intrinsic to this particular website. The site is probably geared towards educational rather than recreational purposes. A bit like with flash cards, rapid repetition (in theory) consolidates knowledge. If I can find a free site that provides a user-friendly multiple choice quiz template with no time limit, I'll be happy to give that a shot too.
  12. Yeah, it's only meant to be a bit of fun, with a different format, complementary to the normal quiz league business, not intended as a possible replacement.
  13. Have had a quick bash a putting a online quiz together. There are 12 questions and points for speed can lift you up the leaderboard. You gain time for a correct answer and lose time for a wrong one, so getting to the end is quite tricky. I've test driven this one, to make sure it works, but will refrain from playing my own quizzes in future. It's free to register on the site and if you do so your scores are saved on the leaderboard, and you get given more time, but you don't have to register to play. You can play as many times as you want. I'd be happy to post one of these a week as a friendly distraction from the serious league and cup business if the demand is there. Friendly Quiz 1
  14. The two online leagues I take part in are subscription sites, and subject to copyright protection. I do regularly write (and accumulate quiz) questions though, so might be up for setting the occasional quiz, even if work commitments would conspire against me doing it regularly.
  15. I was going to take issue with the QM, but was talked out of it by my team mates, who to be honest were doubting my protestations that the wall was over 13k in length anyway, plus we needed to get away sharpish to get to the next pub quiz. The Great Wall question was part of a jackpot round, where you had to get all 8 right to scoop the jackpot, but we got the next question wrong anyway ('Who is taller, Tom Hanks or Brad Pitt?). I've since double checked it, and it is 13,170 miles long, according to a variety of sources including the Great Wall of China official website!
  16. A well-oiled 6/10 for Monday, following a pub quiz double header. Of the the three quizzes I've done tonight, the Aussie one was the worst by far, even taking into account a duff question from the QM in the first quiz of the night (more on that later). Who won the Victorian Open golf championship? I imagine there must be several people who care about that one, though none with northern hemisphere post codes. Triple whammy of Young people's music, Aussie sport and Aussie politics. Wonderful. Knew five, scored six. Guessometer as dysfunctional as usual, but Couldntgiveatossometer functioning nicely, despite the increased workload. Anyway, on the subject of quizzes that don't involve making random guesses concerning the minor accomplishments of antipodean sportspeople: Got asked in a pub quiz tonight: Which is longest - a) The Trans-Siberian railway b) The radius of the Moon c) The Great Wall of China. Result! Got asked the length of the Great Wall of China in a tiebreak on P&B recently. My guess then was 6.5k miles or so. I was out by more than the same distance again, but the fact that the Wall stretched for over 13,000 miles was now indelibly imprinted on my memory. So, I confidently convinced my skeptical team mates to reject the Trans-Siberian railway, which we were reasonably sure could only stretch for a party 6,000 miles or so. And the radius of the moon wasn't even an option worth considering. And then the results were read out. The 'longest' of the three options was ..... The Trans-Siberian Railway at just over 6,000 miles! I guess the QM was just jumping on the 'alternative facts' bandwagon. Fortunately we still won the quiz.
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