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Frankie S

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Everything posted by Frankie S

  1. A slightly disappointing 8 for Friday, considering I knew 8. Got Aussie writer and distance between Aussie cities wrong.
  2. A fairly gentle set for Wed. Knew 8, scored 9. Wasn't sure of the astronomer, but could eliminate a couple. Got the tennis one wrong.
  3. Steely Dan at the Venetian, Las Vegas tonight. Will be the fifth time I've seen them live.
  4. A fortunate 10 for Friday, Knew 7 and at least some thought was involved in guesses on Thirty Three and a Third and Pancasila. Chinese calendar was a complete guess.
  5. 8/10 for Wed, knew 7, guessed the boxing one. Got Aussie politics and the Jasper Johns one wrong. 8/10 for Thurs, knew 6. Educated guess on pop of Ecuador and had a feeling about the autobiography. Got Aussie reality TV and yacht race questions wrong.
  6. Apologies, on holiday in States ATM, so haven't posted for a few days. Will catch up on the backlog when I get a spare moment.
  7. Both of these leagues work on a referral system, and I (or another member) would have to personally know (and vouch for) the person referred. Learned League is an American League and is very US-centric. 2020 is based in the U.K., but is international in outlook. Both of them attract the top ranked quizzers from across the world, so the competition is tough, to say the least. I tend to languish in the lower leagues (having suffered recent relegations in both leagues recently), down among the mere mortals of the quizzing fraternity, while the titans of the quizzing scene squabble over the honours in the upper echelons. There are monthly qualifying quizzes (proctored 100 question quizzes) in Edinburgh and Glasgow, which get you onto the ladder for both national (UK) and international rankings, and in due course can lead to referrals for these online leagues. If you are interested in getting involved, feel free to PM me and I'll supply details.
  8. 7/10 for Tuesday. Knew 6 and guessed the tennis. Got the book, the film and shamefully the President of Germany (albeit the occupants of this particular office are not generally all that well known) wrong.
  9. I'm already fielding an 'A team' in a league down south: 2020 league and a 'B team' in a transatlantic league: Learned league Quite happy to continue to give the young lads and squad players a run out in this competition though, it's good for their development.
  10. You've not updated my trophy cabinet again, Cardinal. I should be 5 x 2 now. Always the bridesmaid... EDIT: looks like you gave me one too many championship titles. I only have two, I think!
  11. 7/10 for Friday, good start with first 6 correct before stumbling on Aussie sports, Aussie islands and kitchen utensils.
  12. The most hit and miss show I've ever seen. I've watched six episodes. Two were absolutely terrible (Private Viewing and The Harrowing) - tonally uneven, mixing inane comedy with the kind of Psychoville / League of Gentlemen grotesquerie that clearly appeals to some, but not to me. Two were patchy, but good in places (A Quiet Night In and The Riddle of the Sphinx). A Quiet Night In was unbelievable from the start, the basic scenario was ridiculous (two incompetent thieves trying to burgle a house, without being noticed, when the residents were at home) and the plot added ever more ridiculous layers until it became a feedback loop of absurdity. There were a few deft moments of slapstick comedy, which elevated it above the other episodes mentioned so far, but very patchy overall. The Riddle of the Sphinx started quite well, I liked how they wove the cryptic crossword aspect into the plot, that was nicely done, but, like The Harrowing, it degenerated into unconvincing horror that seemed inconsistent with the high camp that preceded it. Trying too hard to be edgy. However, the other two episodes that I've watched (Sardines and The Twelve Days of Christine) were fantastic. Superbly written and brilliantly constructed; stuffed full of well-written, believable characters convincingly brought to life by excellent actors; full of pathos, humour and tragedy. I thought Sardines would be hard to beat. It reminded me of Alan Ayckbourn meets Samuel Beckett - part domestic farce, part existential horror story. However The Twelve Days of Christine was devastating. Tragic and profoundly moving. Looking forward to catching up with the rest. If there any other gems of the quality of Sardines and The Twelve Days of Christine, it will be well worth sifting through the rubbish to discover them.
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