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Frankie S

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Everything posted by Frankie S

  1. 7/10. Knew 6 (US state, Einstein, sitcom, chart act, football and Babbage). Guessed author and, inevitably, got Aussie sport question wrong.
  2. Remarkable that he played over 40 first team games for Queens under a couple of different managers without ever remotely resembling a footballer. Naysmith appears to be clear-sighted and decisive, bordering on ruthless. Just what was needed.
  3. 8/10 for Friday. Was confident on 6 (king, film, kon-tiki, swimmer, biblical question and painter) and landed a couple of guesses for a change, though obviously not including the Aussie sport question.
  4. A disappointing 6. Knew 5 (Moldova, Attlee, Uber, Glass, Pluto). On the upside landed my first guess of the week (author). One correct answer landed from 11 guesses this week. Consistent.
  5. For the second day running, knew 7, scored 7. Got both Aussie sports questions and the US geography question wrong. Would be nice to land a guess sometime this week.
  6. 8/10. Knew 6, including the first Aussie PM. Was 50/50 on Dante, but went the right way, Waiheke Island was a guess. Almost inevitably, got the sport question wrong, and (shamefully) need to brush up on my metric to imperial conversions.
  7. 8/10 for Wed. Knew 6 (cricket, Belize, putanesca, Mary Travers, Italian (former) PM, and Friends). Educated guesses on population of Alaska and ancient ruler. Got Dalai Lama book and Aussie sport question wrong.
  8. Frankie S

    Twin Peaks

    Sky Atlantic just announced simulcast with Showtime in USA. The first two hours will be shown at 2.00am on Monday 22nd May (9.00pm Sun 21st Eastern Time) and repeated at 9.00pm on Tuesday 23rd. Can't wait! Twin Peaks simulcast
  9. Good start to the week with a fluky 9. Knew 5, was fairly confident on another and guessed three, including (remarkably) both Aussie sports questions. Got the shopping centre one wrong.
  10. A thoroughly average 6 to end a thoroughly average week. Knew 5 (large book, Daisy Buchanan, summum bonum, neon, Ibsen). If a monkey was hitting my iPad randomly, I'd expect him to land one guess in 4. By the judicious application of logic, reason and a modicum of background knowledge, I've refined that to around 1 in 5. Unless it's Aussie sport, when it's more like 1 in 10.
  11. Always watch Uni Challenge, celeb and student editions. Agree that Val was outstanding. Sad enough to take a note of the questions I got that the teams didn't. Got 8 unique answers in the final, which was a bit below par for me. Particularly fond memories of St Hilda's matches in this year's celeb edition as the utterly gorgeous Daisy Dunn was on their team.
  12. Knew 5, scored 6. Resigned to the fact that my guessometer will almost never produce the goods on Aussie sports questions, particularly Aussie female sports questions, of which we seem to have had a torrent of late. UFC, women's bowls and Aussie two dollar coins all firmly in the 'who cares?' category for me.
  13. 7/10. Guess-o-meter still not calibrated properly as was fairly confident on 7. Aussie women's sport, Temburong and Chagall - nul points.
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